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  1. #1
    asimov's Avatar
    asimov is offline Junior Member
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    Kick starting my cycle

    I'm 6'2" 207 lbs, looking to put on about 18-23 lbs over ten week cylce.

    Started this week with 600mg deca , but know it will take some time to take effect. I was considering stacking anyway with either sust, enanthate or both. If I did stack, beginning Monday, would either sust or eth "jump start" my mass/ strength gain? Would they give faster results, a solid base, if I did them for say two weeks and then cut back to solely deca? I've got my reasons for going solely w/ deca most of the way. Can't do tests through whole cycle, would put on too much mass too quickly for what my goals are. Must stay flexible, not build too quickly for sake of connective tissue.

  2. #2
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.

    Re: Kick starting my cycle

    Originally posted by asimov
    I'm 6'2" 207 lbs, looking to put on about 18-23 lbs over ten week cylce.

    Started this week with 600mg deca, but know it will take some time to take effect. I was considering stacking anyway with either sust, enanthate or both. If I did stack, beginning Monday, would either sust or eth "jump start" my mass/ strength gain? Would they give faster results, a solid base, if I did them for say two weeks and then cut back to solely deca? I've got my reasons for going solely w/ deca most of the way. Can't do tests through whole cycle, would put on too much mass too quickly for what my goals are. Must stay flexible, not build too quickly for sake of connective tissue.
    No sense in adding a test to only run it two weeks.

    However, the general thought is to always run a test with deca , but you have your reasons.

    Jumpstart? Try DBol .

  3. #3
    BUSTINOUT is offline New Member
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    Of the two you mentioned, enanthate will kick in quicker. If weight is a major concern, run just 200mg/wk of enanthate with the deca through the whole cycle. Just a little something to keep Mr. Happy...happy.

  4. #4
    juiceon's Avatar
    juiceon is offline Associate Member
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    Great job outlining your requirements. Yes, doing a test for two weeks will give you the jump start you are looking for. Use enanthate . Sust wouldn't be bad, but enanthate would be a lot better, especially in this cycle. Hit it hard though. A thought:

    1. 400 mgs
    2. 400 mgs
    4. 200 mgs
    6. 200 mgs
    8. 400 mgs
    10. 200 mgs
    12. 200 mgs
    14. 100 mgs

    See how your body is responding at day 17. That should be the peak of the jump start (weight gain, strength). See how you are starting to solidify. If you need to, do it for one week at about week 5, but no later. Make that one a bit lighter, maybe 300 mgs days 1 and 2, and 200 mgs days 5 and 6. By week 10, your gains should be "deca -esc".

  5. #5
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    enanthate or sust, both take about as long as deca to start producing results. dbol is by far the most popular aas for kickstarting your cycle, IMO , nothing is better. run the dbol for 4 weeks at 25- 30 mgs per day bro. i usually recommend 40 per day, but if i remember correctly, you are a pro baseball player(in the upper minors) and have already busted one drug test. so descretion is our goal. 25-30mgs per day will give a little less of a jump. dont pre load the test though. if you do test at all , just run 400mgs per week along with your deca. any sudden jumps in size or water retention will surelly put you under suspicion again.
    Last edited by bigkev; 11-25-2001 at 04:52 AM.

  6. #6
    BUSTINOUT is offline New Member
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    Nov 2001
    Consider arimidex if water gain is a concern. Better yet, see if you can get your hands on a fast acting test...prop or suspension. 23 pounds is going to be hard to hide, and it's not gonna come without some water weight. 23lbs of LBM does not happen over one cycle. Good luck to you.

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