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  1. #1
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    D-bol bridge with slin

    Okay, so i tried a primo bridge with slin for a few weeks at the end of my last cycle and it worked alright I suppose, except the slin did nothing at all. Now, the reason for this is that slin will interfere with the natural GH spike one experiences post-workout I believe and this off-sets the anabolism slin creates. I assume primo did not elevate my GH levels sufficiently. Now, I will try 15mg of d-bol in the am this time around for shits and giggles and cause i have it to spare, and may throw in some slin as well to see if that works this time, hoping that d-bol will elevate my GH levels enough to off-set the decrease caused by the slin. I am wondering what everyone else thinks. I know GH itself or just a full cycle would be ideal for growth with slin, but I'm more tempted to use slin while off so i figured I'd ask. Any expert opinions?

  2. #2
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Bump you bastards.

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  4. #4
    The Butcher's Avatar
    The Butcher is offline Member
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    Stuck under 135lbs. on th
    Impatient, crotchety old bastard aren't you?! j/k

    You bring up some interesting points, and I am currently in my first slin cycle, so I am no expert, but I like to think I am fairly smart (ignore this run-on sentence as an example of my intelligence), so I will give you my .02.

    Actually, first, I will ask you a couple of questions. 1) Where did you here that slin decreases natural gh production? Not saying it isn't true, I am truly curious as to whether it is true. If that is the case, then it wouldn't make much sense that you would be able to grow very well without hgh while using slin. However, I have had a couple of friends use slin without gh, and they blew up. So, it would seem that while it is deemed most effective to stack slin when using gh, it is not as necessary to use gh when only using slin. Does that make sense?
    2)I'm no biochemist, but I would think that a more anabolic aas like primo would indeed be fairly ineffective at raising natural gh secretion, as opposed to a more androgenic aas. Would you agree with that? That being the case, perhaps the dbol will be more effective for you this time.
    3)What exactly do you mean by the slin didn't really do anything for you? What were your expectations versus the actual results? Given you were doing a "bridge", I would think that maintaining would be considered a desirable or productive result. Did you lose during this bridge?

    As you said, a course of gh would be ideal to use with the slin or with a full cycle. In all honesty, I have been truly unimpressed with slin, so I will probably not use it in future cycles or bridges.

    I guess my final observation on the use of slin during a bridge (given your comment about it affecting natural gh secretion) would be to not use it. It would seem that using primo or the AM dbol bridge without the slin would be the best way to go. That way you can still maintain a small level of aas in your system, and not effect your natural gh production which I would think you would want to be in full effect when coming off.

  5. #5
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'm not sure what source to quote on the GH decrease with using slin but I'm pretty darn sure about that. Anyway, I was hoping for at least some water retention witht he slin so that I would feel pumped but I didn't even get that unfortunately. Anyway, I'll try the d-bol alone until end of clomid at least and then maybe decide if slin might be worth trying again. IOf it isn't going to work though then obviously I want no part of it since it may be messing with my health potentially. Anyone else?

  6. #6
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I love slin post cycle and have never had a problem experiencing some moderate gains as a bridge back in the day. I think your plan is very sound and as long as you are maximizing nutrient intake while the slin is active you will be fine.

  7. #7
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by Rickson
    I love slin post cycle and have never had a problem experiencing some moderate gains as a bridge back in the day. I think your plan is very sound and as long as you are maximizing nutrient intake while the slin is active you will be fine.
    Alright, mayhaps I'll give it a whirl again. I've talked to others who didn't like the effects off-cycle but there could be numerous reasons for this. Hopefully the d-bol will help some. Thakns bro. Anyone others?

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