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  1. #1
    Got Gear?'s Avatar
    Got Gear? is offline Member
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    Article on Post Injection Pain

    Hi guys!

    Here's a quick article I wrote up on Post Injection Pain. Should be good for the newbies. Please have a read and feel free to offer suggestions. Thanks!

    Post Injection Pain?

    Here's an quick overview of why it hurts, and some suggestions for how to make your next
    injections less painfull.

    Every juicer has experienced this at some point.. the Sustanon strut.. the Propinate peg leg...
    and the list goes on. Often the soreness will last up to a week and end up effecting your
    workout and often your whole lifestyle. So what's up? Why does it hurt and what can I do
    to lessen the pain? Below is a quick explination.

    Why it hurts:
    It's simple.... you're causing muscle trama. This often causes swelling of the muscle which will make matters worse. You cause muscle trama from an injection in a few different ways. Let's look at how
    we're causing this trama.
    1) Big ole hole in your muscle! Obviously a needle is going to damage your muscle as it cuts a
    hole often a inch or deeper into your muscle. Usually this is the least of your worries/pain.
    2) Forceing a bunch of oil into your muscle. Believe it or not, mother nature didn't design our
    muscles with the consideration that we'd be forcing a bunch of oil into them. The oil spreads the muscle fibers apart which causes muscle trama.
    3) Benzyl Alcohol. This is what's used to disolve the steroid into the oil suspension. Your muscles don't particularly like this stuff.

    So what can we do to lessen the pain?
    1) Massage the muscle/injection site well after your injection. This helps to spread the oil out evenly throughout your muscle causing less trama to any 1 particular part of the muscle.
    2) Warm up your gear! Run your syringe under hot water for a couple of minutes. Heating the oil makes it thinner which again will help to allow it to spread out evenly throughout your muscle.
    3) Cut your steroid with a less painful steroid, STERILE oil, or even Sterile Vitamin B12 oil. This will help dilute the concenration of Benzyl Alcohol. MAKE SURE IT'S A STERILE OIL!!!!
    4) More injections of less steroid. It's not the needle that causes post injection pain, it's the steroid. Often splitting up your 3cc dose into 2 x 1.5cc injections will make life much less painfull.
    5) Inject SLOWLY! The slower the better. This helps to allow some of the oil to move away from the injection site on it's own. The more you force the oil into the muscle, the more the muscle fibers near the injection site are going to be forced apart (causing muscle trama) to accomadate the oil.
    6) Try to keep a steady hand. The tip of the needle is like a razor blade inside your muscle, the more you move it around, the more it's going to cut up your muscle.


    -Your muscles will often get "used" to injections. Most juicers report that each injection gets a little easier and less painful (up to a point)
    -A "stronger steroid" will have more Benzyl Alcohol in it than a weaker steroid. Ie) 200mg/ml Propinate will have twice as much Benzyl Alcohol in it than 100mg/ml propinate. Hence, the stronger steroids will ofter cause more post injection pain.
    -Every juicer's body responds differently to gear. Something that was painful to you may cause no pain for someone else or vice versa.

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Good post. This should go in the educational forums

  3. #3
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    good post bro... i woulda liked to have known all that a few years ago!

    great for new members. this should definately be put in the educational threads for new guys.

  4. #4
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    dammit MBaraso! now i look like a moron.

  5. #5
    Lift Chief's Avatar
    Lift Chief is offline Member
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    Seen it before- nice.

  6. #6
    JasonNew-b's Avatar
    JasonNew-b is offline Associate Member
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    In my house, with my wife and my kids...and my dog
    Good info, thanks.

  7. #7
    Got Gear?'s Avatar
    Got Gear? is offline Member
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    Thanks Guys!

    Nobody has any suggestions for the article?

    Any other hints for lessening the pain?

  8. #8
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Good read bro. All newbies should read it.

  9. #9
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    I don't run the syringe under hot H2O. I heat 4 ounces of H2O in a coffee cup then place the vial in it for a minute. Then I dry the vial and wipe the top with alcohol. I also am trying to place a heating pad 15 minutes pre and another 15 post to to try to spread the oil out.

  10. #10
    Got Gear?'s Avatar
    Got Gear? is offline Member
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    Originally posted by markas214
    I don't run the syringe under hot H2O. I heat 4 ounces of H2O in a coffee cup then place the vial in it for a minute. Then I dry the vial and wipe the top with alcohol. I also am trying to place a heating pad 15 minutes pre and another 15 post to to try to spread the oil out.
    Wow! Brought this one up from the land of the lost!

    Heating pad is a good idea. I've also heard jumping into a hot-tub helps as well. From a hot-tub you get both the heat and you can use a jet to help massage.

  11. #11
    steven1642 is offline New Member
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    Dont jump off a waterfall...

    i have just started my first cycle and my right ass cheek is very sore...

    well i thought i could go to pickwick yesterday with my girl and jump off the waterfall (aout 35-40feet) well the first jump stung a little and the second jump i tried to perform a gainer and i landed ass first in the water and did not go under... i could not even get out of bed this morning...i couldnt even use my legs to swim back to the jet ski..

    so if you are on a cycle dont jump off a waterfall..

    However,, glad to know that it is supposed to be this sore...
    i was beginning to think i did the injection wrong...

  12. #12
    Sadasius's Avatar
    Sadasius is offline New Member
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    Thanx for the post. I mentioned something earlier about injection pain with Nile Sus. Its been better since I'm taking anti-inflammatories.

  13. #13
    Anhydro78's Avatar
    Anhydro78 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Very good post and I also agree that it should go in the educational forums.

    Markas idea would be good to add to the post. Also if you want to add another reason an injection could case soreness you could explain how a high concentratated steroids mixes like T400 makes soreness by crashing inside the muscle do to the oil and solvent being absorbed much faster than the hormone is. Im sure you can come up with a more technical description.

    Good post!!!!!!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Good info on the post. I would think that the spa idea wouldn't work so well just because of the jet forcing the oil around. I'm sure the hot water would help though. Personally, I prefer to use motor oil, I run it in my truck first then, mix it up with the gear. works like charm. Just kidding. I crack myself up.

    The waterfall story is funny shit by the way.


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