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  1. #1
    Bulldog5.0 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2002

    About to start a t. prop/EQ cycle- should I start shooting the EQ before the prop?

    Hey all-
    Just wanted to see what some folks with more experience would do about this. As prop is such a short ester and EQ takes a while to kick in, should I stagger the use of each? For example:
    1-12 EQ @ 400mg/wk
    3-15 Prop @ 125mg/eod

    Would the net effect be a steady twelve week cycle? I'd like get "the twins" going as soon as possible, so I thought this might be better than having the prop out of my system 3 weeks before the EQ. Also I'm thinking proviron throughout and the standard Clomid 3 weeks or so after the last EQ shot. How's this sound? Oh yeah- First cycle, I'm 23 yo, 230 pounds, 20% BF. Been training for 7 years and wanna put on about 20 solid pounds then get bf down to the low teens. Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dont stagger the prop, it will give the cycle a nice kick start.


  3. #3
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey bro, id run the prop from the start. By it haveing a short acting ester means it will kick in faster then enant or cyp. I use prop to kick start my cycles rather then dbol . So id run it like this...


    weeks 1 - 12 400mgs eq
    weeks 1 - 12 100mgs prop ed
    weeks 1 - 12 50mgs proviron ed

  4. #4
    Bulldog5.0 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2002
    Thanks for the replies guys. I'm glad two of the more prominent members of the board responded so quickly. I have one follow up question though. If I were to use both starting at the same time, doesn't that in effect make the cycle longer than 12 weeks since the EQ will be in my body longer, thereby making my transition back to normal hormone levels more drawn out? Or should I not be concerned about that. What about running EQ 1-10 and prop 1-12? Remember this would be the first cycle for me and I want to get my HPTA back to normal ASAP. Sorry if this seems like I'm repeating myself, but I want to be sure. Thanks in advance for your patience.

  5. #5
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    No worries bro, we'r hear to help... What u ask isnt a bad question. But i wouldnt be worried if u ran the eq 12 weeks. The prop will be out of ur system faster then the eq but not by that much to make a difference imho. Good luck bro!


  6. #6
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes it does mean your cycle is longer than 12 weeks, I would still go with the EQ for 12 weeks, it is a slow gainer and IMO with EQ/Deca the longer the better (well to a point). But if you would feel more comfortable for your first cycle only going 10 weeks then by all means do it, it is your body and you have many more cycles to grow/learn from. You will still get great gains off of that. But if you have the proper post cycle recovery plan set up, then getting back to normal shouldn't be much of a problem anyways.


  7. #7
    Bulldog5.0 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2002
    Thanks guys. I think I may end up running them both for twelve. Just wanted to see what some other folks thought.

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