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  1. #1
    rockstarz_g's Avatar
    rockstarz_g is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2003

    Clen starts Monday, Deca or Winny?

    Hey everyone, seems like it's time to cut from what everyone's been posting. Well, I am starting my Clen (Novagam) for the first time Monday. I did the research and am going to "tapper" up to 5/day for the 2 weeks, and then go to the ECA Stack for the next 2 weeks. Here's the question for all the pros out there.
    1 - Should I take Winstrol and Deca with the Stack - and is Clomid safe to take with it all?
    2 - I have only 6cc of Deca left, and a 20ml/200mg Bottle of Winstol (QV) how should I do this, and what cardio is the best.

    My Stats : 6"2 - 210 - 22yrs / Just off a Test/Andriol stack

    Thanks Alot for the help!

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Either get more gear or don't waste your time w/ only 6 shots of deca and 20 shots of winny.
    I would op for Eq over deca. Run it for 10 weeks @ 400mgs a week and the winny for the last 6 weeks @ 50mgs ed.
    Clomid post cycle.
    Clen throughout, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, and use Ripped fuel etc on the off time.

  3. #3
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    im with M ,we never seen to disagree much ,,,lol,get more winny and scrap teh deca bro ,u should know deca cayses watre gain causein u to bloat ,so ew and winny (get more winny again ) would ab awesome combo ,keeping apositive nitrogen balance ,while dieting ,will help keep and put on muscle ,

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