View Poll Results: How many of you have your doctor monitor when you are on a cycle?

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  • Yes, my doc looks after me

    4 23.53%
  • No, I know my own body well enough

    13 76.47%
  • sometimes, like when I am on heavy orals

    0 0%
Results 1 to 12 of 12
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    How many of you are monitored by your doctor during your cycle

    How people out there have their doc keep a constant eye on them when they are on their cycle?

  2. #2
    nyteen27 is offline Junior Member
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    Truthfully I still never told my doctor about all my cycles but I know I am in good health.

  3. #3
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    have a great docter, if you have good or at least decent medical coverage and can afford it, its a great deal on interest in yourself, your doing some very dangerous things most of the time, why not have a trained med. look after you? at least make sure things are going well/ok...its just hard to find a knowledgable one, most physicians dont know a fucking thing except what they've read about lyle alzedo and ben johnson in their medical texts and journals...nonetheless you do have a docter/patient or client privledge in where they are restrained by law to not tell anyone what you've disclosed, but they can put this in their records and insurance companies do have access to this, so indirectly your info can get out to the wrong people and you can be denied certain things like health insurance later in life, so make sure you mention the sensitivity of the situation to your physician before diving into further details...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Honestly, with the socialist-communist medecine system in this province it's hard enough to see a doctor when you are really sick. Having a doctor "follow you" thru gear cycles would be a lunatic dream.


  5. #5
    westcoastbadboy's Avatar
    westcoastbadboy is offline Associate Member
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    lol i feel ya bro, same here in Bc

  6. #6
    Solrock's Avatar
    Solrock is offline Member
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    I would love to see a doc and be straight up about everything, but for the very reason djdjdjddjon stated (that insurance companies have access to this information) there is no fucking way I am going to disclose anything. Consider the following:

    If you have a family (or even if you don't) AND you have a life insurance policy, and if you were to die and the insurance companies had information that you used steroids , there is a chance that your family could be DENIED the insurance claim when you die. Even if you die in an unrelated auto accident. ESPECIALLY if it is an unrelated auto-accident. I can hear it now "He got into the car wreck because he was in a roid rage and was driving recklessly. Therefor you [my wife] and your children [my children] are not entitled to the insurance claim."

    Fuck that shit all the way to the bank.

  7. #7
    Diesel's Avatar
    Diesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    My doc is well aware of my usage and has been for some time now.
    There is a direct understanding between us that nothing goes in my file and I have access in order to check the file myself to make sure there is no AS info in it.
    I get blood work done:
    1) Before I start
    2) Once during
    3) 4-6 weeks post cycle

    As for the insurance payment to your family. You could be right in certain cases, however, you would be wrong most of the time.
    If you died in a car accident, 99% no autopsy is needed, therefore, your gear useage would not even come up.

    Here is some info for you:
    A while back I increased my life insurance policy which made the Insurance campany require blood tests, etc, etc...
    I had been 6-8 weeks off Deca , EQ, Test Enanthate . They took blood, piss test, the whole gauntlet of blood work was done.
    Everything came back perfect. No problem.
    My point? Gear is not even something they think about.


  8. #8
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    2 times a year for check ups

    Every three weeks during cycle lasting untill 3wks post clomid.

    Me and my doc have the perfect relationship. As long as I come in every three weeks, she won't chart my use. That was the deal we made.
    I've been using her since my adolescent years. I had to answer some questions for her to let her know I wasn't jumping itno anything without research but after that it was gravy.

  9. #9
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    and as a side note. If anyone chooses choice 2 on that poll, their ignorance really shines through.

  10. #10
    billyg68 is offline Junior Member
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    I have not done a cycle yet, but what are the things that should be checked up before and after a cycle?

    Also, wouldn't getting a check up in a foreign country get you around the insurance thing and in some cases cheaper. That was my experience with my wife, she has done a couple of cycles.

  11. #11
    Solrock's Avatar
    Solrock is offline Member
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    Okay... I would love to know how you approached your doc about this. How did you feel the doc out, what did you ask, etc, etc. ANY info here would be greatly appreciated.

    (I get regular check ups, I have just never disclosed my AAS use. I want to, but am concerned about my records.)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Dude, I just told the doc straight up.
    Tell him you are thinking of doing AS and see what he says.
    Dont tell him straight up that you are using them right now cuase then you wont be able to guage his response. See what he does when you tell him you are thinking of it.

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