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  1. #1
    schering's Avatar
    schering is offline Junior Member
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    Is liquid letro gonna reverse this?

    Ok I have been supressing my gyno with nolvadex now for about 4 weeks at 20mg a day first two and now 40mg, my pain and lump has gone down a lot but the puffiness remains and a little bloat on the left nipple outside the nipple on the side of my pec, which is very bothersome to me although others can't notice it I do even with a tank top on. So my question. Is should I get some liquid letro from AR and drop the nolva once I start the letro and save it for pct and let the letro do the work as an anti-estrogen not just a temp solution like nolva??? Need to know now, I'm on my deload and once I reload I'll be running d-bol again and do not want to worsen the problem, once again its the puffy look. And its dominant in the left side and only certain times of the day. ALL HELP IS APPRECIATED!!!

  2. #2
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    yes you should get the letro, but no one can tell you if it will work or not my man, its different for everyone. chances are, if you caught it soon enough, the letro will help a lot.

  3. #3
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Definitly give letro a try, what gear are you running?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    liquid letro is very strong, definitely your best bet for preventing gyno problems. Good luck and tell us how it goes.

  5. #5
    schering's Avatar
    schering is offline Junior Member
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    Right now nothing I'm on deload as stated, I was on this 8 week reload:
    1-6 danabol 30mg ED
    1-4 250mg test E
    4-6 500mg test E
    6-8 750mg test E
    1-8 200 deca
    6-present nolva 30mgED. (Between 20-40 a day)
    Next reload:
    1-8. Test E. 500
    1-6. Danabol 30ED
    1-8. Deca 100 (for joint pain)
    3-8. Proviron 50mg ED
    1-8. Nolvadex 20mg ED

    After the doubts I've heard on letro and the harshness I would rather get pharm grade or armidex, why take the gamble of it not working with this already semi-sloppy S.S. training cycle??? But is very effective so far huge transformation already I'll post before and afters once completed goals.

  6. #6
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    letro may be harsh but it works, if letro/tamox doesn't work for you then you might just have to see a doc. Have you ran deca before? Might wanna get some bloodwork done and check your prolactin levels, possibly get some caber

  7. #7
    schering's Avatar
    schering is offline Junior Member
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    Ok got my letro and tamox now how long do I dose? Im starting at .5eod increasing by .5 intervals weekly and once the lump and puff goes away I will taper down. So does that sound right? Just start low build up and once the start to subside taper off and start tamox?

  8. #8
    schering's Avatar
    schering is offline Junior Member
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  9. #9
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by schering View Post
    Ok got my letro and tamox now how long do I dose? Im starting at .5eod increasing by .5 intervals weekly and once the lump and puff goes away I will taper down. So does that sound right? Just start low build up and once the start to subside taper off and start tamox?
    Check this thread out about gyno reversal...

  10. #10
    billy_bronx is offline New Member
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    Sep 2011
    letro works - well its working for me at the min --

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