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  1. #1
    Welshtrainer is offline New Member
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    Prop and Anavar........what PCT?

    Hi, i'm 30 years old and have decided to run an new course

    I dabbled a little in my early 20's but I didn't really have a clue, so just took a load of sust, d-bol and tren , got bloated, didn't sleep much and made a really poor attempt at PCT then promptly lost my gains.

    Im 6'2" and about 200lbs, pretty lean, not real big but not in bad shape. I'm pretty strict with my diet and training

    Approx. 300g Carbs, 300g protein and about 80g good fats with plenty of veg thrown in.

    I'm never going to be a really huge bodybuilder or anything, but I would like to get some strength gain, perhaps a little size and a lot more definition.

    My plan is quite basic, 8 weeks

    100mg EOD of test prop
    50mg ED anavar

    (I would also like to use tren but it stops me sleeping)

    Apologies for such a simplistic question, but do you think this course will work and what PCT and Dosage would go with it? I'm a little confused by the whole PCT thing and whilst I have attempted to work it out, there is plenty of advice on what to use for various courses, but not exactly what I would need?

    Any advice would be appreciated


  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Welshtrainer View Post
    Hi, i'm 30 years old and have decided to run an new course

    I dabbled a little in my early 20's but I didn't really have a clue, so just took a load of sust, d-bol and tren , got bloated, didn't sleep much and made a really poor attempt at PCT then promptly lost my gains.

    Im 6'2" and about 200lbs, pretty lean, not real big but not in bad shape. I'm pretty strict with my diet and training- when making the commitment to introduce seroids as part of our routine you should have already made a full commitment to diet and training, pretty strict just doesn't cut it

    Approx. 300g Carbs, 300g protein and about 80g good fats with plenty of veg thrown in.- im 5'8" 192lbs 13% bf and lean bulking on more cals

    I'm never going to be a really huge bodybuilder or anything, but I would like to get some strength gain, perhaps a little size and a lot more definition.- you will be suprised how much strength and size can be gained through proper diet alone

    My plan is quite basic, 8 weeks

    100mg EOD of test prop
    50mg ED anavar

    (I would also like to use tren but it stops me sleeping)-good call, its a serious compound and should be used by serious determained bb's

    Apologies for such a simplistic question, but do you think this course will work and what PCT and Dosage would go with it? I'm a little confused by the whole PCT thing and whilst I have attempted to work it out, there is plenty of advice on what to use for various courses, but not exactly what I would need?- the pct stickies are full of solid pct plans just spend some time reading, you'll figure it out
    im not knocking you im just trying to make a point, but afterall you will make your own decision. i feel that a visit to the diet section to outline a solid diet would benifit you more than aas at this point.

    good luck

    Any advice would be appreciated

    Last edited by MBMETC; 05-03-2011 at 07:06 AM.

  3. #3
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    ^^^Solid advice as usual!!!
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  4. #4
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    I'd like to point out that at 6'2" 200lbs, it baffles me how you can grow on 3120 calories (80/300/300). I'm 5'11" and 170lbs and I need close to that to grow. Regardless, you're going to need to eat more to put on size while cycling and to KEEP IT.

  5. #5
    Welshtrainer is offline New Member
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    Ok Ok, point taken :-) Believe it or not, despite my low calorie intake, i'm not completely unread on diet etc. its just that I used to be quite a bit of a fatty and sometimes despite the science I struggle to make myself eat more. I do however train hard and well, and I am extremely committed and have been for a number of years.

    To be honest the only reason I thought about this is I've been inspired by a friend of mine, similar height etc as me, doesn't eat much different to me, trains the same often with me, who has won a couple of shows (ok, in the Classic Class!) and is in awesome shape. The only difference I can see between us is AAS so I thought that might be the way forward in making lean gains.

    Based on the info. i've had from a few pretty good bodybuilders, this seemed like a really conservative little course, but thinking about it without the right food utterly pointless.

    Thanks very much for your advice, I really appreciate it. I'll read on and sort my diet out before I go down that avenue.

    Take care fellas.

  6. #6
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Welshtrainer View Post
    Ok Ok, point taken :-) Believe it or not, despite my low calorie intake, i'm not completely unread on diet etc. its just that I used to be quite a bit of a fatty and sometimes despite the science I struggle to make myself eat more. I do however train hard and well, and I am extremely committed and have been for a number of years.

    To be honest the only reason I thought about this is I've been inspired by a friend of mine, similar height etc as me, doesn't eat much different to me, trains the same often with me, who has won a couple of shows (ok, in the Classic Class!) and is in awesome shape. The only difference I can see between us is AAS so I thought that might be the way forward in making lean gains.

    Based on the info. i've had from a few pretty good bodybuilders, this seemed like a really conservative little course, but thinking about it without the right food utterly pointless.

    Thanks very much for your advice, I really appreciate it. I'll read on and sort my diet out before I go down that avenue.

    Take care fellas.
    Please don't take my comments as dismissive we have a great community here and there is alot of great people who want to help. i only know you by what you tell us and make a judgement with that info. hang around its a great place to learn and when you take the plunge you'll be confident you will reap the full benifits.

  7. #7
    brad1986's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by funkymonk View Post
    I'd like to point out that at 6'2" 200lbs, it baffles me how you can grow on 3120 calories (80/300/300). I'm 5'11" and 170lbs and I need close to that to grow. Regardless, you're going to need to eat more to put on size while cycling and to KEEP IT.
    I know im jelous if that is actually true! Im 5'10 195 and have to eat 3500 just to maintain!

  8. #8
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    I know im jelous if that is actually true! Im 5'10 195 and have to eat 3500 just to maintain!
    I believe it, people have different metabolic rates. I bet he doesn't grow much at 3500 calories though. Some people have good physiques and eat very little. Look at the former NFL running back & MMA fighter Herschel Walker. I don't know how he can live, much less stay in the shape he is in on how little food he eats (and he's a vegetarian too).

    But also the OP probably is leaving out the calories in beverages and snacks that he consumes throughout the day.

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    I know im jelous if that is actually true! Im 5'10 195 and have to eat 3500 just to maintain!
    im your height and can maintain 205lbs on 2500 easily

  10. #10
    Welshtrainer is offline New Member
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    MBMETC- no offence taken, the opposite in fact.

    brad and funkymonk- I'm not growing but I don't lose weight either, thats how much I eat, I weigh it out every day and I have been the same weight for ages.!

    I'm basically looking to gain lean muscle, hit a bit of a plateau so I thought this might be the answer. I have seen people gain a small amount of quality weight and just look ripped and slightly bigger doing similar things (kinda Bruce Lee on roids and I thought this might do the trick.

    I've spent a good few hours reading up on a new diet and I realise that I was probably being a bit hasty. I'm sure you know how it is though guys.....dreaming about magic potions which will change your life, thats why theres around 23,000 diet questions on this forum and over 200,000 steroid ones ;-)
    Last edited by Welshtrainer; 05-03-2011 at 04:36 PM.

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