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Thread: lost 1 insh

  1. #1
    MilitiaGuy's Avatar
    MilitiaGuy is offline Banned
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    lost 1 insh

    hi iam 6.1' 245 lbs 18-19% bf well i lost 1 insh from my waist using clen dieting and cardio but i dont feel that my muscle is becoming harder especialy my triceps it still soft?

  2. #2
    Rhino58's Avatar
    Rhino58 is offline Senior Member
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    What is going on. I am sorry but this post is a little unclear to me.

  3. #3
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Do you think the clen is going to make your muscles feel like a rock or something??? I dont know what the question is either

  4. #4
    longhornDr's Avatar
    longhornDr is offline Member
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    The fat on the back of the triceps is usually some of the last to go, very stubborn.

    Keep up what you've been doing. The fat loss becomes much more noticable the lower your bodyfat % goes. The first couple inches off your waist are hardest then it goes much faster.

  5. #5
    King Samson's Avatar
    King Samson is offline Associate Member
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    Bro, at 18% bf you are not going to feel hard. If you stick to your diet and exercise then it shouldn't be long before you look and feel much better. You don't have that much fat that you could not make it to a decent level in one good strict cutting cycle. How much weight have you dropped and how long have you been cutting?

  6. #6
    MilitiaGuy's Avatar
    MilitiaGuy is offline Banned
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    Originally posted by King Samson
    Bro, at 18% bf you are not going to feel hard. If you stick to your diet and exercise then it shouldn't be long before you look and feel much better. You don't have that much fat that you could not make it to a decent level in one good strict cutting cycle. How much weight have you dropped and how long have you been cutting?
    i droped 8 lbs and i have been cutting for 13 days only

  7. #7
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Clen does not induce muscle growth so you will only get harder by weight training and dieting. You have only been at it for 13 days so you should wait a little longer before being disappointed.

  8. #8
    MilitiaGuy's Avatar
    MilitiaGuy is offline Banned
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    Originally posted by Rickson
    Clen does not induce muscle growth so you will only get harder by weight training and dieting. You have only been at it for 13 days so you should wait a little longer before being disappointed.
    my workout is low rep/heavy sets workout should i switch to high rep/medium weight workout??

  9. #9
    FedSki's Avatar
    FedSki is offline Creator of Cycle Planner
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    Originally posted by Rickson
    Clen does not induce muscle growth so you will only get harder by weight training and dieting. You have only been at it for 13 days so you should wait a little longer before being disappointed.
    Clen doesn't induce muscle growth but it has an anti-catabolic effect and therefore it inhibits the breakdown of muscle tissue. It's also a thermogenic stimulant so it speeds up your metabolism and burns off fat as heat.

    In theory you should be able to train harder and improve muscle mass and definition while burning off fat.

    I suggest you stick to a regular high weight/low rep (3 sets of 8) routine to improve your muscle definition and size but make sure you do (at least) a couple of cardio sessions each week. Eat plenty of protein and reduce the intake of fatty and processed foods.

  10. #10
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    any time that you are cutting, you will be losing water along with the "pounds"

    Dont get caught up in numbers, I still weigh alot, but im leaner and im starting to show muscle definition where there never has been any.

    I went from a 3x to a large in shirts but the scale doesnt move much. Just get used to it if this happens to you.

    Im not sure why it does but i could care less what i weigh, its how i look hehe

    im doing a slow cutting lifestyle. I always eat clean and work hard.

    hit that cardio x 5, water only and tons of chicken heh

    It just doesnt make sense for me to not do that. Cycles are great but without the daily work, the fat stays there.

    I have plenty to go, but stick with it! PM me if i can help.

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