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  1. #1
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Price Check, Por Favor

    The info I have is somewhat vague, but I'd appreciate some generalized feeback nonetheless.

    Test Enan - run for 12 weeks, 500mg/week, total price: 200$
    Deca - run for 12 weeks, 400mg/week, total price: 200$
    Winny - run for five weeks, 50mg/day, total price: 250$

    This is a "gym" source, greater Boston area, a good friend of one of the few people I trust entirely, so I know he is not turning a profit off of it, and is getting it for me at his cost. I'm unsure of brands and specifics, which I know makes this slightly difficult, but the prices for the deca and enan would seem to indicate that they are not individual amps. The winny I'm not so sure on, but it seems fair given that it is likely not in amp format either. Like I said, I know the info is vague indeed, but would any of you care to comment on the general price range. Unless it turns out to be extraordinarily high (and it does not appear to be the case to me, but that is what this board is for....gathering knowledge from the "smarter" bros....not to mention i've heard a good deal about boston area prices being up) I'll be going this route, as global events seem to nullify my other avenues which are all international. Thanks in advance for any insights.


  2. #2
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    enth price could be better...get mine for 60 for a 10ml 250 qv product

    deca price is a better, but still around 40 too much imo

    same with winny...usually run it for 5 weeks 50mg/day for around 200

    for 'gym' prices i have definitely seen worse, but you can definitely do better all the way across the board...with a domestic supplier you could do this proposed cycle for around 150 less than what you are going to pay. not a rip off, but not a great hookup.

  3. #3
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    That's sorta what I expected to hear...but I'm beginning to wonder if the luxury of not going through the mail (as international would probably be the route I'd go...but even domestic would pose some concern) might be worth wait, no worries, just drive to my friend's apartment and pick it up.

  4. #4
    Clipse's Avatar
    Clipse is offline Junior Member
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    way too much brother........mail is not as bad as you think,my guy overnights it to me. 100%success rate, takes very good care of me.

  5. #5
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Clipse
    way too much brother........mail is not as bad as you think,my guy overnights it to me. 100%success rate, takes very good care of me.
    Supposing, for a moment, that you didn't have the luxury of such a hookup, would you still consider the prices outlandish? I definitely don't have the option of even debating going with another guy, is this is my only domestic is another story. But, like I said, i'm not too keen on ordering that route. I plan on heading to law school and have had family members undergo character fitness review for the bar in which one was actually asked about a (brief) history of unpaid cable bills back when he first go out of undergrad! I don't want to go through 100,000 in debt only to find out that a controlled delivery or even customs snag could even pose a SMALL chance of undoing all that hard work. I know it's somewhat paranoid, but if 150 bucks or so surplus is what that peace of mind costs, is it so bad?

  6. #6
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    i'm gonna say

    $400 w/ double the amount of winny and almost twice the amountof deca .hey, you(and i don'tmean you personally) can't bitch about prices if it's the only source you couls spend your $$ on worse things

  7. #7
    Clipse's Avatar
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    Originally posted by BigGreen

    Supposing, for a moment, that you didn't have the luxury of such a hookup, would you still consider the prices outlandish? I definitely don't have the option of even debating going with another guy, is this is my only domestic is another story. But, like I said, i'm not too keen on ordering that route. I plan on heading to law school and have had family members undergo character fitness review for the bar in which one was actually asked about a (brief) history of unpaid cable bills back when he first go out of undergrad! I don't want to go through 100,000 in debt only to find out that a controlled delivery or even customs snag could even pose a SMALL chance of undoing all that hard work. I know it's somewhat paranoid, but if 150 bucks or so surplus is what that peace of mind costs, is it so bad?
    be smart about it brother. Gotta know all the tricks before you get into the game. Don't wanna brag but he's domestic to bat No middlemen either, get's it straigh from down south......gym sources suck and are more dangerous than mail sources.

    anybody can send you anything in the mail.
    Last edited by Rickson; 03-26-2003 at 02:26 PM.

  8. #8
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Thanks all for the replies...i'm likely going to go this route. Admittedly, I don't know all the tricks, which is exactly why I'm going to go with the one individual I KNOW is safe....i'll chalk up the loss to inexperience in that dpartment but come away knowing it isn't that bad of a partyboy says, there are plenty of worse things that cash could be going to.

    Incidentally, to those reading this thread and one day wanting to check on prices, either do it through PM's or find a better way to word it than I obviously inboxes have never been so inundated as they are now with pleasant little "offers". Sadly it took that to bring me to the height of my AR popularity....

  9. #9
    Clipse's Avatar
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    lol, tell the scammers to fuck off!!!!! report them to the mods. The way to get around it is really easy, btw PM's are not secure......btw for those prices they better Quality Vet and nothing else if its mex gear.
    Last edited by Rickson; 03-26-2003 at 02:25 PM.

  10. #10
    BigC's Avatar
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    Hey bro the test enan should be about $100, but the deca and winny are within $25-$50............. so for gym prices thats not too bad. Your paying for convience and he should make something for his time and risk.

  11. #11
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    i get enth for $60 a bottle 250mg 10cc, and $170 for 20cc 50mg winstrol . From Local source not online.

  12. #12
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Clipse, I think scammers know better than to PM...this was in my email account (except for one), which normally, as it is reserved for illicit activities, only gets an email or two a week - last night I had about five.

    BigC, the enan, I would say, is high unless it is in amps, then it doesn't seem to deviate too far from the norm.

    Decoder, are you in need of an adopted brother? I work hard, eat very little and don't know the difference between good and evil, so I'm sure you could find a use for me.

  13. #13
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Well, all the prices on this thread are a little pricey, but you can't put a price on safety and assurance so money to a trusted source is money well ever much it is.

  14. #14
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Offering to help someone out in a thread is paramount to sourcing and will not be tolerated. Please read the rules.

  15. #15
    Clipse's Avatar
    Clipse is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by Rickson
    Offering to help someone out in a thread is paramount to sourcing and will not be tolerated. Please read the rules.
    are you refering to me, if so you my deepest apologies. I was mearly implying the safety steps when getting stuff in mail. sorry i'm a newbie....

    please let me know if i need to check myself.....

  16. #16
    GandolfReturns is offline Junior Member
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    Gee Wiz,

    I guess us canucks have it pretty good, those prices mentioned earlier are almost dollar for dollar here in the great North!!

  17. #17
    Clipse's Avatar
    Clipse is offline Junior Member
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    you in canada?

  18. #18
    David B.'s Avatar
    David B. is offline Member
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    Originally posted by BigGreen

    That's sorta what I expected to hear...but I'm beginning to wonder if the luxury of not going through the mail (as international would probably be the route I'd go...but even domestic would pose some concern) might be worth wait, no worries, just drive to my friend's apartment and pick it up.
    You have to decide for yourself if a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


  19. #19
    Clipse's Avatar
    Clipse is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by David B.

    You have to decide for yourself if a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

    well put

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