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  1. #1
    MrNasty81 is offline New Member
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    Question EQ or Deca, which one CUTS better?

    I want to take 400mg T-200 with 400mg Deca , then a couple months after that run 400mg EQ to cut and lean being told though to take the 400mg T-2 and 400mg EQ then save or get rid of deca.

    WHICH IS BETER AND WHY, what should i do?

  2. #2
    Jenseno9's Avatar
    Jenseno9 is offline Member
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    EQ is better for cutting. Deca converts more to estrogen causing you to gain more fat and retain more water.

  3. #3
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    Run the Deca for 10 weeks while bulking.
    Run the EQ for 12 or 13 weeks while cutting.
    My current and seems to be a good cutting cycle.
    wk1-13 eq 400mg/wk (with 800mg/frontload wk1)
    wk1-8 cyp 500mg/wk
    wk7-16 Tren 75mg/ed
    wk9-16 prop 50mg/ed
    wk11-16 winny 50mg/ed
    Clen wk 11-12 and again wk 15-16
    hydroxycut wk 9-10 and week 13-14
    Cytomel wk 9-15 (5%/45%/50% with a max of 100mcg)

    clomid 3 days after last tren/prop (300/100/50) ran for 1,10,10 days respectively.

  4. #4
    FKITLETSGO's Avatar
    FKITLETSGO is offline Senior Member
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    Equipoise is better for cutting by a long shot. Jenson is correct in that it has a higher conversion to estrogen in result causing higher water retention

  5. #5
    Chach's Avatar
    Chach is offline Associate Member
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    hey bro, for cuts ur best bet would be EQ very good stuff.....

  6. #6
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Diet is key over which gear to cut or bulk with.


  7. #7
    Magicz is offline Associate Member
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    i agree with OG deca would be good for cutting with a good diet.

  8. #8
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    I'll have to go with OG on is the key, not the gear.

  9. #9
    TripleA's Avatar
    TripleA is offline Junior Member
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    I've done both deca only and eq only cycles and do follow any particular diet. I found deca gave me more size and a bit of water retention. Eq on the other hand gave me some nice cuts and great vasularity.

  10. #10
    MrNasty81 is offline New Member
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    Question Choosing A Cycle?

    I appreciate everyone taking the time to read my Post. Thank you for all your input. But I still have a couple questions, questions regarding several cycles If drawn up. If possible, help me out on choosing which one will best suit me: Which would you recommend:

    I'm currently 21yr. of age standing at 5'9, and weighing 170lbs, with 17%BF - - - My goal is to reach 200lb at least with 10-12% BF, the lower the better. Here are two cycles Ive configured. I'm having a hard time choosing one over the other. During my 1st cycle (which was 2 to 2 1/2 years ago), I followed the guidelines Cycle #2 shows and achieved great results. I went from 150lbs, 20-23% BF to 185lbs with 10%BF. I would like to see results like this again. Is it possible? If so, which cycle should I turn too? And remember, I will be on a very strict high protein diet. I'm a Major in nutritional sciences, so I know what to eat and how to make it work to my advantage.

    Cycle #1:

    Week1 400mg Test - 400mg EQ
    Week2 400mg Test - 400mg EQ
    Week3 400mg Test - 400mg EQ
    Week4 400mg Test - 400mg EQ
    Week5 400mg Test - 400mg EQ
    Week6 400mg Test - 200mg EQ - 1pill Nolvadex per/day
    Week7 400mg Test - 200mg EQ - 1pill Proviron - 1pill nolvadex per/day
    Week8 400mg Test - 100mg EQ - 1pill Proviron - 1pill nolvadex per/day
    Week9 400mg Test - 1pill Proviron - 1pill nolvadex per/day
    Week10 400mg Test - 1pill Proviron - 1pill nolvadex per/day
    Week11 400mg Test - 1pill Proviron - 1pill nolvadex per/day
    Week12 400mg Test - 1pill Proviron - 1pill nolvadex per/day

    Week13 100mg clomid - 1pill Proviron - 1pill nolvadex per/day
    Week14 50mg clomid - 1pill Proviron - 1pill nolvadex per/day
    Week15 50mg clomid - 1pill Proviron - 2pill nolvadex per/day

    Cycle #2:

    Week1 400-600mg Test - 400mg Deca
    Week2 400-600mg Test - 400mg Deca
    Week3 400-600mg Test - 400mg Deca
    Week4 400-600mg Test - 400mg Deca
    Week5 400-600mg Test - 400mg Deca
    Week6 400-600mg Test - 400mg Deca -1pill Nolvadex
    Week7 400-600mg Test - 400mg Deca -1pill Proviron-1pill nolvadex
    Week8 200-400mg Test - 200mg Deca -1pill Proviron-1pill nolvadex
    Week9 200-400mg Test - 200mg Deca -1pill Proviron-1pill nolvadex
    Week10 200-400mg Test - 200mg Deca -1pill Proviron-1pill nolvadex
    Week11 100-200mg Test - 100mg Deca -1pill Proviron-1pill nolvadex
    Week12 100-200mg Test - 100mg Deca -1pill Proviron-1pill nolvadex

    Week13 100mg clomid - 1pill Proviron - 1pill nolvadex
    Week14 50mg clomid - 1pill Proviron - 1pill nolvadex
    Week15 50mg clomid - 1pill Proviron - 2pill nolvadex

    Then 1-2 months after this Cycle #2, I'll introduce/run a EQ/Winstrol cycle for 5-6 weeks in hope I will harden over and cut up.

    Now With that said: What do you think is the best way to go? Cycle #1 or Cycle #2 and if possible give me a brief run down why? I greatly appreciate all your help. Thank you.....

  11. #11
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey bro, well like i stated above. Ur diet will determine weather ur doing a cutting cycle or a bulking cycle more so then what gear ur running. U can bulk on EQ and u can cut on Deca depending on what and how much u eat. If ur running EQ and eating over 4000 + cals. ed then that would mean ur bulking. Watching cals and fat intake while on Deca eating less then 4000 + cals and ur cutting with Deca. So really either one will do the job ur looking for.

    Now to ur cycles. Why would u run the Deca for 12 weeks and EQ only 8? Doesnt make sense bro! EQ should be run no less then 10 weeks. And u shouldnt be tapering off either cycle. Run the same ammounts all the way threw. Also i wouldnt run the Proviron and Nolvadex together. While Proviron has other advantages they are both anti-e's. Running both will more then likely shut down ur estragen functions and u need some estragen to grow. Id recommend running 20mgs of Nolv throughout either cycle and from day 1. Hope this helps!


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