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  1. #1
    RGSOUNDF is offline New Member
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    Apr 2002

    Exclamation Need Advice Plz!!!

    Hey, fellas, I haven't been posting in quite a while (over a year now), was busy with school and whatnot, and now I am back to taking care of ma body, so please gimme some advice as for the most effective cycle.

    Xactly one year ago I did ma first cycle, which consisted of 1 2 mg deca in 2 days, up to 6 Thai D-ball pillz (pink) a day and 1 ritabolin vial in 2 days. To make a long story short, the cycle did shit fer me , though I been lifting, doing a hell of a cardio etc. Even worse, the signs of gyno came afterwards, and since I didn't have an access to Nolva or Chlom back in the days, these negative effects are still here.

    I came to a conclusion that the deca dosage was way too insufficient fer me...

    Anywayz, there are too many products on da market right now, so my question is "WHAT'S THE BEST 12 WEEKS CYCLE?" if 2 main goals are: 1) reduce fat incl. gyno shit 2) get lean muscles

    (I am not interested in gaining bulk since I am 225 Lbs anywayz, measuring 5"9)

    I have 2 big Boldenon jars (left from last year). I am planning to get something like 30 vials of deca.

    Should I get Winstrol Depot - I was told it's the best shit for weight losing and getting shredded?

    Should I get Nolva or Chlom better to fight the gyno? How many? What's the daily or weekly dosage?

    Should I get Sustanon and what's the dosage?

    Thanks in advance. Appreciate your help...

  2. #2
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Get liquidex to reduce the gyno. Personally, I would just start running liquidex at 1mg ED for about a month with some cardio and clean diet to tighten up the chest before starting the cycle. It should alleviate the gyno somewhat and reduce it.

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