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  1. #1
    chris6137 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2003

    Question Cycle b4 cruise???

    I am going on a cruise in 5 weeks and am getting together a cycle to start after the weekend. I am 20yrs old, 5'8", 164 lbs. I have done 1 cycle of Norandren 200, and another cycle of Sust. 250, Norandren 200, and 200 white (Russian) Dbols. When i started I was at 135. So now I am getting a cycle together to last about 8 weeks. I want to gain a decent amount of mass b4 i go on the cruise, but am going to continue the cycle when I get back(one week later). So far i have 2 carts of Fina(injecting) and I am thinking of getting 12-15 amps of sust. I was thinking 75 mg ED, and start at 750 or 500 mgs/week of sust and work my way down to 250 by the end. Does anyone have any input on this or a better idea. I would appreciate any advice on this.

  2. #2
    tolinka's Avatar
    tolinka is offline Senior Member
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    This is simple. Dont rush in. Do your cycle after the cruise. I know you want to walk around without a shirt with pride on a cruise, but you will only fuck up your cyckle that way.

  3. #3
    blakyr's Avatar
    blakyr is offline Associate Member
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    Why do it if you are not going to do it correctly. I know how exciting it is when it is readily available, but just wait so you can do it right. Plus it is a waste of money. Sorry bro, I've been in that situation too, good luck!

  4. #4
    chris6137 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2003
    I am going to do an 8 week cycle. I am just curious as to what people think will have a nice gain in 5 weeks. It not just a short cycle for the cruise alone.

  5. #5
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    London Baby!
    Bro, your stuff wont even kick in until week 4 or 5, you wont gain hardly any mass before that point! wait til you come back. I know its hard. I have had to stop a cycle completly due to a family emergency and i had to fly. Its a hard choice to make and it shows upmost maturity and ability to control the AAS, and not have the AAS control you

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