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  1. #1
    mr.manson is offline New Member
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    Angry help me so i dont get screwed and kill myself

    i am 20 and i know my way around lifting pretty well i am healthy in everyway except i smoke butts trying to kick that now. I weigh in at about 150 and i am 5 10 i am cut and solid muscle so i bought steriods and now i am looking to build mass i want to make sure i am doing it right and that i got the right, and real stuff is there someone i can talk to to find out thats why i am here

  2. #2
    SR15 is offline New Member
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    Talk to this guy, he knows everything:

  3. #3
    mr.manson is offline New Member
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    is there someone online now that i can please chat with for like five minutes just to see if the stack i designed for myself is going to be to much and to ask if the pills i got are the real thing

  4. #4
    mr.manson is offline New Member
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    anadrol75 dball and test

    heres my deal i am stacking these three

    does a 75mg anadrol even exist if so what does it look like
    i have dball what the hell is that really called and what does that look like
    and i am shooting test i think, is there one better than the other

    and are the three of these together going to kill me
    i tried searching and reading random things i cant get a picture of a pill to save my life or i dont know the right thing to be typing

  5. #5
    SR15 is offline New Member
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    I'm new too, but IMO you've got A LOT of reading to do. Do NOT take anything yet. You will not find the answers you're looking for overnight. It takes months of research. I've been reading for months and still haven't done my first cycle yet. Your life is more valuable than blindly trying to gain a few pounds with drugs you know nothing about.
    Last edited by SR15; 04-13-2003 at 03:00 AM.

  6. #6
    sd11's Avatar
    sd11 is offline Banned
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    Your a little young, your pretty light and can gain a ton more naturally, and you seem to have zero knowledge in regards to aas.......I would say your safest bet would be to put the gear away and focus on your diet and training!

  7. #7
    mr.manson is offline New Member
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    i am not taking anything yet but the product has been shown to me the anadrol 75mg are oval light yellow pills with an indent in the middle that looks like someone just chipped it with a small flathead screwdriver and the a like this long === the dball i would still like to know that the real name for that is is a tiny pink pill with what looks like a cobra on it and it has five sides like you could draw a star in the middle of it does this sound like it should

  8. #8
    mr.manson is offline New Member
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    ohh and yes the reason i am looking at steriods i work 5-6 days a week automatic 10 hour shifts if i am lucky and my entire job is a cardio workout i have used all sorts of alternatives eaten like a horse and over the last 6 months i have only gained 15 pounds i keep getting stronger and harder and more cut but i cant put on any size

  9. #9
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    why complain dude?? If your putting on 15lbs of solid muscle, your doing good at your age or anybodys age for all that matters!! just keep doing what your doing and size will come. when you get a bit older and your natural test levels are not so high then think about doing AS. For now I would do some research and keep eating and training like you are.

  10. #10
    razor67's Avatar
    razor67 is offline Banned
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    stick around awhile and do some research before you start anything.this isnt something you jump into half-assed.
    lately there have been alot of young guys joining the board with 0 knowledge and a grand in gear wanting to know what to do now.. i researched and read threads on boards for years before i was ready.

  11. #11
    ripsid's Avatar
    ripsid is offline Senior Member
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    1st bro, you need to get a good diet! not just a ton of food, it needs to be good food. And if you do a cycle and don't eat you might as well just shove in the toilet! cause it's not gonna work!
    2nd, you gotta hit the gym! Flat out! don't rely on work for a workout, get your ass in there and hit it for atleast an hour of serious body destruction!
    3rd, 20????? Damn man wait at least 2 years! not just because of your age I know your gonna do what you want to do, but you need to put on a base! You want to maximize your cycle and you want everything to work right well get a solid base and then try it! Hell, I'm 33 and I'm waiting for my 1st one because I want it to work right!
    TOO MANY ORALS! Test/deca /dbol for your 1st, K-I-S-S! keep it simple!
    Quit smoking! eat soybeans or drink water instead of killing your lungs!
    Just alittle advice...Good luck and don't be afraid to milk the knowledge of some knowledgable Bro's!

  12. #12
    Big_BoneZ's Avatar
    Big_BoneZ is offline Associate Member
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    you gained 15 pounds in 6 months naturally?? if yes, them quit complaining.. theres guys who've been working out for years befire they even consider the dark [or enlightened lol] side

    so you ate like a horse... could you put down your meals for us, so we tell you what you did wrong...
    and you cant give up after 6 months

    for what you have in hand and consider taking, we can Definitely put a cycle for you, but what do you expect to gain?
    THE most you can gain will be similar ... another 15 to 20 pounds and that too with eating like a "horse"

    Well said Ripsid.. just follow what he said and if you are smoking ANYTHING you shouldnt be weight lifting at all
    Smoking is for incompetent people, how have no self confidence, and if you say you do it to releive stress.. BULLSHIT.. if you want to releive stress GO HARD

  13. #13
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by mr.manson
    ohh and yes the reason i am looking at steriods i work 5-6 days a week automatic 10 hour shifts if i am lucky and my entire job is a cardio workout i have used all sorts of alternatives eaten like a horse and over the last 6 months i have only gained 15 pounds i keep getting stronger and harder and more cut but i cant put on any size
    1.) you smoke cigarettes -> aerobic capacity might as well not exist regardless of who you are

    2.) you say your entire job is a cardio workout -> why would you need to gain size if all you do burns fat?

    3.) you just said you can't put on any size but you have only gained a paltry 15 pounds
    -> 15 pounds to get you up to 150 is very noticable for someone of your small build

    4.) for future reference, it isn't dball -> dianabol (dbol )

    5.) you are nowhere near your genetic potential my friend, you need a stronger base to really see results you want

    6.) a novice considering 75mg a-bombs?

  14. #14
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    listen to everyone on here man, really consider waiting a few years before jumping into AS. please read the educational threads on the board as well as the drug profiles.

  15. #15
    Lift Chief's Avatar
    Lift Chief is offline Member
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    Ok hit the SEARCH button. Search for dbol and test- after you do this THEN go ahead and post any more specific questions you have. No one is going to type out 50 pages about all these steroids when the information has been covered a million times before.

  16. #16
    mr.manson is offline New Member
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    thanks guys

    thanks guys i guess my biggest downfall would have to be impatience i have been reading more and more and i am getting some of the answers that i wanted i guess i took steriods a little more lightly than i should have. I have not taken anything yet and i do feel really bad for the people pushing the stuff around me for they are all even younger than me. Everyone is trying to make a buck and thats why it all seemed to easy and simple my health is important to me and once again i am trying to quit smoking butts right now. the replies i got werent what i expected and i am happy for that because now i have a whole lot less motivation to do the stuff so fast.

    One: i was talking about my work schedule, I do also go to the gym for about 1to2 hours 3days on 1 day off

    Two:eating like a horse, 4eggs scrambled english muffin with peanut butter and butter and milk juice and protien shake for breakfast.Lunch i eat 2 banannas or some fruit grilled chicken or some red meat large portions always with salad or bread hawiian sweet rolls and protien shake and dinner i eat what i can get because i usually dont have time so i also use a gnc mega mrp shake in there as well with the food i thought i was eating pretty good you tell me

  17. #17
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Sounds like you are only eating three times a day and doesn't look like enough calories to me. Give us a break down of your total caloric intake and your macros by grams.

  18. #18
    mr.manson is offline New Member
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    my designed cycle

    the cycle that was supposedly desinged for me goes like this using 75mg anadrol and 5mg dbol going 40 days

    1 anadrol per day for 5 days
    2 anadrol and 3 dbol per day 10 days
    1 anadrol and 6 dbol per day 5 days
    4 dbol per day 5 days
    2 dbol per day 10 days

    i dont know what macros are but i am taking in about 350grams of protien and about 4000 to 5000 calories per day i eat fruit and cheese between almost all of my meals but my life is so fast paced that i dont have time to sit down and eat more than three times a day if that

  19. #19
    bones93 is offline Junior Member
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    Heres my input....I made a mistake of jumping into a cycle that my friend helped me with a few years ago. I gained 25 lbs and took no post cycle treatment. Guess what.....lost all the weight and size and was depresed. You need to be eating more often and more cals (6-7 meals,4000 cals) Train hard, rest and do it right. You are young and have naturally high test levels right now. Do not jump into this blinded because you will be sorry. Glad to see you are realizing that these are powerful drugs that can be disastorous if done improper. I would also advise AGAINST the Anadrol ..bad choice for a beginner (not to mention 75mg)..This is not a flame bro just trying to help you out. You will learn a ton of info on these boards. I cant even begin to say the amount I have learned..

  20. #20
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    Are you considering stacking D-bol with Anadrol ? Did I read that correctly? If you are, DO NOT! That would be the worst combo. to stack some more research bro

  21. #21
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    the reason everybody is telling you not to stack dbol and anadrol is for several reasons:

    1)both are 17aa - all orals are - this means that they are more toxic to your liver. If you ran both of those your liver would be hollier than swiss cheese. At your age having a perforated liver is definately not a good thing.

    2) oral only cycles are a mistake. If you really want to gain mass and KEEP it. Then you should look into injectables. If your afraid of needles then you have no business with AAS.

    3)Dbol and Anadrol will pump your muscles full of water. This will make you bigger and stronger while your on the drug. Once your off, the water goes and your back to where you started.

    read up on Anti -E's and clomid.


  22. #22
    mr.manson is offline New Member
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    thanks everyone so much i am not going to take anything and i am going to keep researching i will stick around for a while and see whats going on thanks again for everything and for not letting me be a dumb dead jackass

  23. #23
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    your welcome bro. sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. stick around and youll go far!

  24. #24
    Lift Chief's Avatar
    Lift Chief is offline Member
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    You made the right choice bro. Again- use the search function and read all you can. You'll be glad you did.

  25. #25
    Jackt23's Avatar
    Jackt23 is offline Member
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    Definately a good call puttin it 20 as well but ive been researching this stuff for the past 4 years....and to this day, everytime i log in i like like 5 new things....not to flame..but when i read "dBALL" first thing that poped into my head was for this guy to research....for a first cycle i definately wouldnt use the Abomb either...horrible for you, id go dbol if anything but even with that you willnot keep alot....just my 2 cents...goodluck with eveything my man


  26. #26
    Wezul's Avatar
    Wezul is offline Junior Member
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    15 lbs naturally! Damn, I have a hard time gaining 15 lbs with the sauce!
    But I did two years of research before starting and I still dont know half the is to know on AAS... do your homework bro. Eat right,train hard, and wait a while before taking the plunge. It will save you money and more importantly keep you healthier... your gains will be better and last longer!

  27. #27
    mr.manson is offline New Member
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    i just got one more quick question are the muscles you get from steriods really so fake that you could gain 25lbs on the cycle and when you stop just piss it all out it just does not make sense to me i mean dont your muscles grow at all if you lifiting ability is going up and your getting stronger doesnt that mean your muscles are getting bigger how could you piss out 25lbs of muscle(or water).

  28. #28
    mr.manson is offline New Member
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    oh yeah one more thing i looked at the meal plans you guys have on the site. I am not into lifting hardcore(yet) but i want to be able to go to the beach and turn some heads you know what i am saying. At 20 years old does my diet really have to be that strict or can i make sure i get the right amount of protien and calories and just make sure i dont eat shitty foods do you think that would be alright

  29. #29
    The Butcher's Avatar
    The Butcher is offline Member
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    Bro, given the diet you say you are currently on, I doubt you are taking in as many calories as you say you are. I probably eat twice what you do, and I only get about 5500 to 6000 calories from that. Glad to see you have looked at the diet info on the board. I'm sure by now you have noticed that everyone advocates eating every 2 to 3 hours, which is a definite must for you since your work is alot like a cardio workout.
    To answer your last question, I would try my best (if I were you) to eat fairly clean. You still need fat, but I wouldn't over do it. One of the things about eating clean is that you can actually consume more food than if you eat shitty foods. A burger and fries usually makes you full for longer than eating something like a lean cut of steak and veggies with brown rice. So, eating shitty makes it more difficult to get in the macros (macronutrients) that you need to be taking in. Sure, you can get 5000 calories a day from eating shitty foods, but getting enough protein and good carbs in is more difficult.

    Also, as you have noticed, 15 pounds of muscle in 6 months is very good. Even if you are on AAS. If you continue to lift, your body will hold onto those 15lbs without having to worry about losing anything. Sure, you might have been able to get 4 or 5 more pounds in the same amount of time by taking aas, but you've done almost that naturally, and you don't have to worry about any side effects, or spend any $ on any aas. Sounds like a pretty good trade off to me. If I could still put 15 pounds on naturally in 6 months, I'd be all over it!!!! Good luck.

  30. #30
    mr.manson is offline New Member
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    thanks thanks thanks thanks to all the people who put up with my stupidity and gave me the crash course that i needed to knock some sense in my head i laughed at 15lbs but i guess thats no small gain this is all going to be alot harder than i ever thought so see you guys around and well see how it goes,

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