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  1. #1
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2002

    8 days in fina/winny

    This is my 8th day of fina/winny drinking the winny and doing 1 ml/day from rk 4g conversion (probably around 75mg).

    I also started t3/clen the first day of my cycle and right now I am tapered up to 75mcg of t3 and 120 mcg clen, tomarrow I will take the 100mcg t3/120mcg clen which is my optimal intake (fully tapered up).

    My diet has been clean, but the hunger is growing quickly. I have started taking dexatrim to help curve cravings, but it only helps slightly. Regardless, I have been sticking to a pretty clean diet, NO alcohol which is a big change for me. 3x/wk morning cardio 45 mins, as well as normal training regimen for cutting.

    Much to my surprise, my weight has increased 5lbs from the start of this cycle. This must be water, so I'm not giving it too much concern. My strength has also gone down a little, probably due to me starting the t3 when I started the cycle, not allowing the time for the androgen to really start working.

    FINA DICK == for me fina dick is trying to keep the guy down. It's similar to when I was using test in that I nut quicker, and my dick won't stay in my pants. I get aroused during class, in my sleep, in the morning, and pretty much all day long.

    Either way, I plan to increase my cardio intensity and clean the diet by trying to control the appetite even more.

    I can't wait for the strength to kick in, and I might end up extending this cycle another 20 days to 60 days instead of 40.

  2. #2
    dizzle's Avatar
    dizzle is offline Respected Member
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    Boise, Idaho
    What's your diet like now? How many calories? Cravings are okay, just make sure it's good food. I find that I lose more weight when I eat more then when eating less.

  3. #3
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2002
    I am aiming for around 2500-3000/day. I don't mind if I fall to about 2000, but trying my best to keep cals down. I have so much "no sugar added" or "fat free" stuff in my arsenal right now that I keep cals low even though I eat alot.

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