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  1. #1
    OneMo is offline New Member
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    Low libido, blood results

    I am 24, 6'1 and weigh ~217. I'm finishing up week 6 of my 500mg test e cycle and my libido seems to be fairly low. Around weeks 3 and 4 it went up like crazy but at week 5 i noticed a significant drop. This is my first cycle and i have had some thinning of the hair and mild acne but not very much bloat. Around week 4-5 i noticed some aggression but that seems to have subsided along with the increase in libido.

    I recentley had a physical and just picked up my blood results today but i am not sure what i should be looking at. Is the low libido something i should be worried about? I also have noticed i am drained after my workouts lately.
    Last edited by OneMo; 05-03-2012 at 05:39 PM.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Are you running an AI? Sounds like high estrogen. Post your BW with ranges so we can take a look and give you a better opinion. Also, is this BW during your cycle or after? If after, did you run a PCT? If so, what?

  3. #3
    OneMo is offline New Member
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    Not running AI but do have some on hand. BW was collected on the 24th and i got it back today which was during my cycle. I do plan to at least go 10 weeks, 12 depending on how things go.
    Test Name In Range
    WBC 8
    RBC 5.37
    hemoglobin 14.8
    hematocrit 45.8
    mcv 85
    mch 27.6
    mchc 32.3
    rdw(cv) 14.1
    rdw(sd) 43.9
    platelet count 245
    mpv 11.9
    segmented neuthrophils 77
    lymphocytes 13
    monocytes 8
    eosinophils 2
    basophils 0
    absolute neutrophil 6.1
    absolute lymphocyte 1
    absolute monocyte 0.6
    absolute eosinophil 0.2
    absolute basophil 0

    phosphorus (inorganic) 3.4

    uric acid 4.9

    Liver Profile
    protein, total 6.8
    albumin 3.5
    globulin 3.3
    alb/glob ratio 1.1
    alkaline phosphatase 68
    ggt 8
    alt 29
    ast 40
    lactic dehydrogenase 167
    bilirubin, total 0.4

    Lipid panel w/rflx ldl direct
    cholesterol 115
    Triglyceride 41
    HDL cholesterol 36 L(out of range)
    non-HDL 79
    LDL cholesterol, calc. 71
    VLDL cholesterol 7
    chol/HDL ratio 3.2

    Magnesium 2.1

    Glucose 88
    urea nitrogen 18
    creatinine 1.03
    GFR estimated 103
    bun/creat ratio 17.5
    sodium 140
    potassium 4.2
    chloride 102
    carbon dioxide 31
    anion gap 7
    calcium 8.8

    TSH, high sensitivity
    TSH 1.63

    T4 free non-dialysis 1.1
    CRP, high sensitivity 11.9 H(out of range)

    T3 free non-dialysis 4.2

    vitamin d, 25-OH, total 45
    vitamin d, 25-OH, D3 45
    vitamin d, 25-OH, D2 <4
    Last edited by OneMo; 05-03-2012 at 07:08 PM.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Really need to see your E2 sensitive assay if you got it done. High and/or low E will cause libido issues. I'm betting on high E. Get it tested asap. You don't always have nipple issues to indicate high E and problems from it. You don't need to fast for an estrogen test. Just make sure it is a sensitive assay. If you use labcorp I can give you the codes so they don't screw it up.

    I don't see serum/free/bio-available test. Nothing else is really jumping out at me as off the charts but ranges are not there on everything. CRP is high but could just be that snapshot in time. It's just an inflamation marker in the body. Infection, illness or arthritis or maybe a rough day. Vit D is low. Start supplementing as there are receptors for it in every cell in the body and it will also lower shbg levels which will allow more free T to be available for use.

  5. #5
    OneMo is offline New Member
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    It wasn't done through labcorp so i assume they didn't do the E2 sensitive assay, i'll call and check tomorrow. I do have crohns so that explains the inflamation. I'll start some AI tomorrow and if they don't have the blood results i need i will get those done asap. I'm sure you are right that it is high estro i just wanted to see if i could get specifics with the blood results. thanks for the help kelkel, I will keep this updated.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Start low with your AI if you go that route, especially if it's pre-BW. Far too easy to crash your E. Go slow and adjust with BW. Read this:

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