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  1. #1
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Winstrol Only cycles & what you can expect

    It's that time of year again, and I'm sure all of you have noticed the 50 threads asking "What will Winny only do for me?".
    Well here's my thoughts and a story to go along with it:
    Let me first start by saying I'm NOT a source, neither internet nor local, but my friend at the gym that I've known for awhile has been busting my balls about getting him some Winny. Soooo I had an extra 50 ** winnys that I wanted to get rid of, mainly cuz I needed the extra cash.
    Now this guy is about 6'0 220lbs roughly, and about 18% bf. I told the guy time and time again that Winny only isn't going to really do anything for him, but he insisted that he wanted to try. So I warned and educated him about the various things associated w/ Winny (sore joints,hard on your liver, need for clomid etc...) and I told him that he should diet down first before thinking about taking anything and that he should look to stack Winny w/ something else. So he told me if I sold him the pills that he would get something else to stack it with, and also he would get some clomid etc..So I went ahead and sold him the pills.
    Do you think he listened to me? lol NO, he didn't. He went ahead and started taking them. Probably w/ the expectations that he was going to look like Arnold when all was said and done
    Well now he's finished 6 weeks of Winny and he doesn't look even the slightest bit different. If anything he's fatter then he was before because it's obvious that he wasn't dieting and doing very little cardio if any at all. Now some of you might be saying "Well MB you shouldn't have sold them to him to begin with." Maybe I shouldn't have, but some people have to learn things the hard way.
    So I'll say this about Winny only cycles: If your bodyfat is 10% or below then yes, you probably can do a winny only cycle and see decent results, that's IF your dieting and doing cardio 4-5 days a week. If your bodyfat is over 11% then I would suggest stacking Winny w/ something like Eq. There's a big misconception about Winny: People seem to think that Winstrol burns fat. It DOESN'T. It does aid in dieting by preserving muscle and it will make u look leaner (thats if your already lean), but it doesn't "Strip the fat off you" like I've heard so many times from ppl in the gyms, boards, etc....
    Anyone else care to add anything feel free....

  2. #2
    latasaurus's Avatar
    latasaurus is offline Junior Member
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    i agree winstrol is my favorite drug of all the ones i have done.everyone wants a quick fix and thats why overweight people want to take winstrol.IT DOESN'T STRIP FAT .but i will disagree on its muscle building works ! especially if you don't have but 1 or 2 cycles under you belt .i took it four weeks and added 10 lbs first time i did v.

  3. #3
    chinups Guest
    I don't disagree one bit but I would like to add that my buddy did winny only, he has eperience with AS and said that he had some real good gains. 50 mg eod winny zambons. Hardened up and good strength gains. If you don't diet right and work hard then u are simply in the wrong sport. I mean lets be honest if you diet hard and train right in six weeks you should notice changed to your body regardless if you are using AS or not. I think this sounds like a personal issue with this dood.

    MB- I do agree with you 100%, you should have all things in check before you start.

  4. #4
    toddy is offline Junior Member
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    Most people that don't like the results they get from winny are not the
    right kind of people to take it. If you are one of those lazy fat asses that simply likes to lift and pays minimal attention to diet and cardio winny won't do much. If you have dieted yourself down to a low bodyfat, winny
    works better than any drug in my opinion. I have used it before, but only
    when I was dieting hardcore and doing moring cardio 5 days a week. It
    makes me so freakin hard and ripped, but I am convinced it would not do
    much w/out the cardio and dieting. I have used it by itself and have also
    used it with deca . I didn't notice much difference the time I took it with deca. I think it does a good job protecting from muscle wasting on its own. So if you are going to use winny you need to realize to get the best
    out of it you must incorporate crdio and diet into your regime. If not you
    might as well take test.

  5. #5
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    My friend has done 2 winstrol only cycles this year, he is 240lbs 12%. He usally gains 5lbs pounds each cycle and he gets more vascular and vines show more. I think there is nothing wrong with winstrol only cycles if its for maintence or some small vascular gains.

  6. #6
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    I totally agree w/ all of you. And I should have made my point more clear which I didn't but it just seems to me that alot of people that don't work out much and don't diet seem to think that Winny is the "Magic Pill" that's gonna make them look like a Muscle Mag model...

  7. #7
    Speedy1 is offline New Member
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    I did a 6 week winny only cycle for my first time. I went from 200 - 217 then down to 214 where I'm still at 7 weeks after with almost all the strength gains remaining. Diet, training and rest have all been strict throughout.

  8. #8
    Epic's Avatar
    Epic is offline Junior Member
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    I think winny is alright, but I like using test with it, it's good to tighen up at the end and to hold onto the gains.

  9. #9
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    The problem isn't winny or any other AAS as you all well know. People don't see that the hard work in the gym and dedication to diet are what sets us apart. It makes them feel good to think if I just did the same drugs he does then I would be as big. When they are eating there chili cheese slaw dogs and you are eating a family size tuna out of the can with a tbls of flax seed oil for desert they think it is the steroids . When they're going out to party and you decline to head to the gym they think it is the steroids. No one wants to admit they are just to damn lazy and not willing to sacrifice to look the way they want to. Lets face it even without AAS 90% of the people could have a good body with diet and nutrition but they will never get it. I am so tired of seeing these people who only work out when they are on and then they do it half ass. Guess thats my rant for the day.

  10. #10
    RealJazz is offline New Member
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    What kind of clomid therapy should one need after a win-only cycle?

    I plan on doing this for the month of may. I just want a bit of strength and increased vascularity.

    My diet is quite strict and I usually get in excess of 200 grams of <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> a day. I lift six days a week and play an hour of squash six mornings a week, so there's definitely no lacking in my cardio routine!

    I'm 6'2", 198 lb, ~12% body fat and my goal is just to increase vascularity so that my all of my abdominal and obliques area (as well as the rest of my body!) can see more definition.

    I'll do 30 days of 10X5mg/day v tabs. Should I begin taking clomid three days after my last pill?

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by RealJazz; 04-18-2003 at 08:23 AM.

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