View Poll Results: Do you want to add a person to person chat option?

37. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yeah, add it!

    25 67.57%
  • No, I hate the idea.

    6 16.22%
  • It doesn't matter either way to me

    6 16.22%
Results 1 to 27 of 27
  1. #1
    ptbyjason Guest

    New ideas for Discussion Board Improvements

    Ok, I have some new ideas, and again I want everyone's feedback on what you think.

    First off, new smilies are coming. I had planned on working on them this weekend until SouthWestern Bell screwed up my internet service once again. DON'T USE SWB DSL!!!! They suck.

    Anyway, back to the issue. Smilies are coming. What I want to know is does anyone want a chat option? I am thinking about have a button that tells everyone if someone is on ICQ or possible AOL Instant Messenger. Also yahoo, and msn are options I believe.

    So, will you like this option, and if so, what kind? I don't want it to take away from the board contributions, but instead of having to PM someone back and forth you could chat for a while about whatever topic you choose.

    There will probably be another poll to decide which chat program everyone wants to use if we vote to choose adding chat.

  2. #2
    4plates's Avatar
    4plates is offline Banned
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    i really dont think its a good idea because alot of people might get som really bad advise on a chat rather then asking a ? on the board where there are alot of diffrent experiences and options.i learned alot from this board and feel that if i listened to the advise of just 1 person i would have waisted my money or even worse be dead. but then again im just one voice in a crowd.
    ill never go on it i like it just the way it is thanks to EVERYONE!

  3. #3
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'm sure that would work well. I'm just not exactly into instant messaging or chat rooms. However, I think it would work well for the board's image.

  4. #4
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Exclamation Ya!

    I think it would be a great idea. Maybe the board could set up a time on some days, where most would TRY to get on the chat board and it would lead to quicker responses for questions. but it's up to the majority, I voted yes, but either way, I love this board.

  5. #5
    The Iron Game Guest
    something like msn messenger or something? or a whole chat board? I like the one on one messenger. How about a moderator board where mods can discuss certain issues that no one else has view to. I.E sources gone bad, hearing bad things about sources and a place to chill at. Just some ideas i throwing out.

  6. #6
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    More smilies are great. I don't really like the idea of the chat though. Not worth your hard efforts really. But it's up to you on if you want to put in the time and everything. I'm sure everyone will appreciate it.

  7. #7
    CYCLEON Guest
    I never use chat, what the heck do i spend my time posting on the board for then? - Im with 4plates, its better posted on the board for all to see, unless it needs ot be PM IMO. I do like IG idea on the mod board tho.

  8. #8
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by CYCLEON
    I never use chat, what the heck do i spend my time posting on the board for then? - Im with 4plates, its better posted on the board for all to see, unless it needs ot be PM IMO. I do like IG idea on the mod board tho.
    Why have a mod board? So you can exclude me even more than you already do? NO! Don't even bother trying to cover your asses. I already get it thank you very much. Who the hell needs this kind of blatant disrespect? Certainly not I! Good day sirs.

  9. #9
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    I like reading all the responses that a thread can generate. Thats how us newbies get educated.

    If they get into an IM mode. We new folks "May" lose out.


  10. #10
    Full Intensity's Avatar
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    I'd say forget about it. Thats what the PM's are for.

  11. #11
    Full Intensity's Avatar
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    I returned that PM with the link, sorry about the delay.

  12. #12
    Mike Guest
    Ok I know the chat room we had set up before sucked - it never worked for me - but someone here brought up a VERY good point - when people ask questions on the board it's posted and people can catch it if a bad answer is given chat rooms can be dangerous in that respect so i will have to agree with him and advise against it - and yes I like IGs idea - there are many good reasons for having a mod only board - and one more request - is it possible to have an ALL members but Nathan board??

  13. #13
    CYCLEON Guest
    is it possible to have an ALL members but Nathan board??
    you wouldnt want that mike, then i would have to dessicate someone else. hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......................... wonder who that would be

  14. #14
    Mike Guest
    bring it on baby (like you have been holding back on me!)

  15. #15
    CYCLEON Guest
    while we are at this, do i hafta make something an announcement to make it a "sticky"?

  16. #16
    Mike Guest
    No - make the post or go into the post then at the bottom you have a drop down menu for 'admin options' - it's in there

    This is why we should have a mod forum - seriously I keep thinking of good reasons - we really should do this to talk bout current members behind their backs and laugh at them etc (just kidding but honestly - it would help to chat bout scammers/rules etc etc etc)

  17. #17
    ptbyjason Guest
    First off, you guys are confusing. I only have 2 votes against the idea, and everyone that writes says they don't want it (for the most part).
    I can understand the reasoning behind not doing it. I don't want anyone to get hurt. Sometimes PMing back and forth is a pain in the ass, but I guess it is a safer way (physically and legally).
    As far as the mods board. That might work. It will at least give me something new to play with. I enjoying adding things to the board if you haven't realized yet.
    As far as a Nathan only board, hmmmm. Maybe we should just ban him or something. That would make things easier. Oh sorry Nathan, are you reading this? There is no way I would ban Nathan. We wouldn't have anyone to pick on if I did. See Nathan, I got your back.
    Cycleon, in order to make things Stick to the top. Go to admin options at the bottom right of the post and choose stick/unstick.

  18. #18
    Mike Guest
    I mean if ya'll thought a chat room would be used go for it - but personally I dont think we have enough members (spanning many time zones mind you) to make it a room ever filled with more than 2 people - I havent seen any of the chat rooms used much ever - its a great idea in theory but I dont know.....if you did it just make it clear to people to check the advice they receive with a credible source of information i guess

  19. #19
    CYCLEON Guest
    ahhhh yesssssssss. it does help to actually look around on the page before saying something

  20. #20
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    yah thatd be kinda sweet, but once again with every pro there is usually a con, easier for feds to locate ips, chat directly with users/dealers, etc...

  21. #21
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    dj's got a could be a little more risky. I like the idea overall though, as it would serve the same purpose as the PMs but would definitely be quicker than waiting on a reply for a simple question you might want to ask someone.


  22. #22
    Ozzy's Avatar
    Ozzy is offline Senior Member
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    I hate chat rooms.....if it's something more personal... than yea , I'm all for it.

  23. #23
    youg'un's Avatar
    youg'un is offline Associate Member
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    sounds like a good idea too me i hate going back and forth trying to check all the replys to posts. it would be much easyer to just have instant messages.

  24. #24
    Lift Chief's Avatar
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    Originally posted by motoxxxguy
    dj's got a could be a little more risky. I like the idea overall though, as it would serve the same purpose as the PMs but would definitely be quicker than waiting on a reply for a simple question you might want to ask someone.

    Did you notice this post was from last september?

  25. #25
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    No, actually I didn't! But it's not from last September, it's really from Sept, 2001!


  26. #26
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    There is no place like ho
    Personally I dont' like chatting I dont' want people wanting to chat with me if I don't know who they are. I know there is a way to control that sort of thing, but I have a ton of IM's services, and I get flooded with from porners to girls asking how big my C*ck is. I think it would be great if some how you can incorportate a chat within the board. But as far as giving my chat name/screen name out on my profile for just anyone to come to me to chat no way.. not for me.. but different strokes for different folks I guess..

  27. #27
    BIG-G's Avatar
    BIG-G is offline Banned
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    why not create anabolicreview's own personal instant messenger using our already given names so we know ur identity when chatting and easier to weild out a potential narc.

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