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  1. #1
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2002

    Middle of conversion - have a question.

    I got a 6g kit form

    I crushed all 3 carts and mixed with magic and heated.

    I am left with a browish red liquid.

    My problem is this.

    Vial with oil is filled almost to the top - only a few cc's of space. Vial with tren is about 15-20cc used. Now I am suppose to mix them - but won't that overflow.

    Do I need to dump out some oil? Do they give you extra?
    Also - this will yeild 100mg/ml if all included is used - correct?

    There where no instructions - just using some from senior members which are great - but everything I have talks about 2g or 4g kits and the pictures are of a 4g kit - and there is some space left. I just don't think it will all fit - any help would be great? Also If I could messure how much oil I have - then I could say 60ml of oil and 6g of tren - would equal 100mg/ml - correct?

    But I think they are 50ml bottles - not sure.
    Thanks bros.

  2. #2
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    You should have around 55ml of oil in the kit. You are right in that 60ml of oil and 6g of tren would be 100mg/ml, but you also have some BA in there (most likely about 5ml). The brownish red liquid you have is your tren, the BA, and the fillers.

    The next step for you would be to measure out about 25ml of oil and add this to your tren (you probably won't be able to fit anymore than this in the vial). Shake very well for at least a minute, then go one of two ways. Some guys like to use the coffee filter at this point to filter out the binders and junk. I myself prefer to let them settle overnight (or at least a few hours) in the bottom of the vial. The mixture you have now should be around 200mg/ml. Draw this off the top of the junk at the bottom of the vial and filter it using the Whatman into the sterile vial. Afterward purge the filter with the extra oil (don't use more than 55ml of total oil if you want 100mg/ml) and enjoy.

    To sum it up...add 25ml oil to the dissolved tren, shake well, let settle, draw off liquid and filter, add the remaining 30ml of oil. This will net you a mixture of ~5ml BA, 6g tren, and 55ml oil for a final product with 100mg/ml.

    I sure hope this helps. Either way, it's late and I'm going out now!


  3. #3
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2002
    so I can mix the oil in two steps. Cool.

    if I calculate how much oil I put in - say 40ml up to 55ml or whatever inbetween - i can divide it out and get the mixture amount. Understand.

    Now - when I mix the tren mixture with the oil - if I have 10cc of mix and 50cc of oil will that net 60cc or will the tren and oil disolve at all or evaporate - i guess what I am saying - is if you add 10 parts of water to 10 parts what you get 20 parts. The tren once disolved in the "ba" seems to accupy less space - i guess it disolved - just wondering if that happens with the oil. Anyways - I will count the amount of oil I use and all should be good - I hope - thanks alot!

  4. #4
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    the 10cc of "mix" you have is the 6g of tren dissolved in, let's say, 5cc BA. I believe that I've read somewhere that each gram of tren, when dissolved, displaces about 1cc, but that's not relevant here. The amount of tren should not be included in your solution calculations. By this I mean that you still need 55ml of oil and the 5ml of BA. This would actually give you around 65-66ml of final product because of the dissolved tren. Of course keep in mind that there will be some loss of product in the conversion, so don't be disappointed if you only end up with 50-60ml. Also, because this is not an exact process, your final product will be somewhere between 90 and 100mg/ml. The only way to know for sure would be to have it lab tested. If you want to err on the higher concentration side, use a little less oil.

    As always, feel free to PM me or post here any other questions you have.


  5. #5
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    sense we are in agreement that the kit if done perfect with 0 loss would yeild 6g of tren spread in 60ml of solution for a total of 100mg/ml. Now we will have less then that. So If i want to run around 70-80mg ed. I would draw around .75cc and should be fine. If it comes out to 82mg at .75cc or 69mg at .75cc (just throwing out high or low numbers) the end results should be about the same - correct. I mean 10~15mg/ed difference isn't going to make that much difference I guess. Since I am also running 50mg of prop/ed and in a few weeks 50mg of winny/ed and for the next 5 weeks I will still be on 400mg of EQ/wk. I just dropped the cyp at 550mg/wk replacing it with the prop.

    Cliffnotes. If the solution is 90-110mg/ml really won't make that much difference. So just try and get as much oil as possible in there. Around 55ml of oil with 5ml of BA is perfect. Any less will just make the total concentration increase slightly above 100mg/ml. Is this correct?

  6. #6
    ECFATCAT's Avatar
    ECFATCAT is offline Associate Member
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    good info

  7. #7
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by redrumkev
    Cliffnotes. If the solution is 90-110mg/ml really won't make that much difference. So just try and get as much oil as possible in there. Around 55ml of oil with 5ml of BA is perfect. Any less will just make the total concentration increase slightly above 100mg/ml. Is this correct?
    Exactly. And a few milligrams a day won't matter at all.

    FYI...You might not need to start the prop right away, as the cyp will still be active in your system for at least a week at the same level. Adding the prop to it will just raise your test levels during this time. I'd probably wait a week to 10 days to start the prop, don't waste it or risk extra sides from a spike in your test levels! JMO. What does everyone else think?


  8. #8
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    I have about 7 weeks left. I have enough cyp for about 2 more weeks and I have enough prop for about 4.5 weeks. So I figured 2 more weeks of cyp then 7-8 days off of test then start the prop 50mg/ed adding it to the tren that I will already be running. Then end the tren/prop on a sunday, winny on wed morning and start clomid thursday morning.

    Sound good? Thanks for your help motoxxxguy -

  9. #9
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jan 2003
    Sounds like you're on top of your game and that looks like a nice cycle. Happy growing!


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