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  1. #1
    HazyA is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2003

    Help with dosage timing

    This will be my first cycle, I wanted to start when I was 19, but after searching the web, I realized I had no business starting something so young and without any knowledge. I am now 23 and I think I am ready. I will be placing my order by the end of the week and I just want to make sure everything is right. Current stats are 6'2 186lbs 8%bf, my goal is 10lbs of quality mass. Here is what I am planning on:

    1-8 deca @200mg/wk(Every monday)
    1-8 test enan. @200mg/wk(Every monday)
    4-8 winny 50mg tab ed
    after last shot start 20mg nolva for next 30days
    3weeks after last shot start clomid 300mg first day, then 100mg for next 10, then 50mg for next ten.

    I know my dosages are alittle low, I didn't even want to add the test, but afraid of deca dick. I'm trying to limit side effects and I want to see how my body reacts to these low dosages. Is the winny, nolva, and clomid timing correct?

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    I'd leave out the winny on this one, you don't need to use the clomid if your going with nolva, but run the nolva add 5 days or wait 2 weeks and run it as you were with the clomid. Nolve 20mg = 50mg clomid


  3. #3
    blakyr's Avatar
    blakyr is offline Associate Member
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    if you want a solid 10lbs you really should up both of em to 300mg/wk.... even at those dosages you most likely will not get any bad sides especailly if you have the nolva; unless you are really prone to sides, but you will learn fast and could always stop. Seriously think about upping those otherwise you might be sad....

  4. #4
    HazyA is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2003
    I had read alot lately about people using both nolva and clomid after cycle. Do you not recommend that johnnyb? And whats wrong with the winny at the end, I'm not doring this cycle for alot of bulking, so I added it to help at the end of the cycle to tone some.

  5. #5
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by JohnnyB
    I'd leave out the winny on this one, you don't need to use the clomid if your going with nolva, but run the nolva add 5 days or wait 2 weeks and run it as you were with the clomid. Nolve 20mg = 50mg clomid

    Am I understanding this correctly?

    Why not use Clomid to get the testicles going again? Just b/c of the low doses? I'm trying to understand your recommendation as I plan on using both.

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