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  1. #1
    goldenFloyd's Avatar
    goldenFloyd is offline Member
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    Feb 2002

    how much hair loss is enough to worry?

    after the shower like I have noticed my hair seems to be falling out a bit more. I have a big head of hair and after the shower maybe 10-15 hairs on my body when drying off and pretty much everytime I shampoo I see hair on my hands that I don't remember having before. What do the hairloss bros on the board think? Psychological?

  2. #2
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Maybe, maybe not. You lose up to 100 hairs a day normally to the hair cycle. I can tell you that I first noticed my hair loss at age 20 and it was while in the shower. I would never notice hair on my hands while shampooing before but all of a sudden I would see large number or hairs each time I would clean my hair, maybe 20 to 25 hairs. I can tell you, I started losing my hairline fast, as well as a general thinning throughout the top. Your family will never say you have a problem and might even say, you are crazy, but you know when you are losing it. Try to be logical about it, sometimes it is hard to admit at first, but if you are losing it you have more opportiunities to do something about it to stop it before it is gone than I did 12 years ago. Research propecia/proscar and avodart.

    Good luck.

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