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  1. #1
    big swoll's Avatar
    big swoll is offline Member
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    ? for people outside of US and Canada

    why doesn't everybody juice in countries where it is legal...or do they....and were you all brought up thinking that steroids are just like any other otc drug...i can't imagine going to the pharmacy, picking up some advil and winstrol ...and do people think any different of you for doing in the US some people are sketchy about it, just because it is illegal though...some of my friends think im a crack head just cuz im on gear

  2. #2
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    Good question...I've been to Mexico 6 times and I've never seen a jacked Mexican.

  3. #3
    kiro is offline Junior Member
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    down there

    otc roids

    it's the same situation in countries where u can buy juice in the pharmacies.
    poeple think you are doing drugs allthough it's not ilegal
    i'm from eastern europe

  4. #4
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well since I work for NATO, I constantly go to Turkey...Not many "Monsters" there...the Balkans region is the same! In Macedonia, and Bosnia gear is all over the place...but I never see many "Big" guys. The same in Cairo you can buy Sus and Deca at pharms..those cats just seem to ignore medicines (as well as hygine products) and are more interested in Marlboros!! I once had a pharmasist ask me "You get American cigarettes...I will trade you what you want, Oraganon Sustenon 250...for you my friend."
    Well I do not smoke and we are searched like a mad man when coming I had to decline (DAMN!!!!)

  5. #5
    superjew's Avatar
    superjew is offline Associate Member
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    Damn, how great would it be to drive down to Eckerds and pick up some Sustanon , Deca , and a gallon of milk?!!!!!

  6. #6
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    You gotto understand that not everyone wants to be a monster or understands what it takes to become one.
    In most cases having a 6pack and decent arms is enough. Or they dont even care about how they look.

    We all have different goals in our lives.

  7. #7
    big swoll's Avatar
    big swoll is offline Member
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    good info guys...something i was kind of wondering about was the norms associated with if you were 21 years old and you wanted to borrow some money from your mom or dad to get some juice would they let you do it...would parents care about using gear???and do people think any different of people who use it

  8. #8
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    I think everyone is missing the obvious...they don't make much money in those countries. It's more important to make money so they can feed their families versus going out and buying crank.

    Geez talk about a mix up in priorities!

  9. #9
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    European parents are always willing to help there kids out. But i would never borrow money from someone to buy gear, ill make my own for that.

    As for AAS use, i dont know any parent thats said it´s ok. Mostly because their knowledge is from the media and they think you´ll beacome a lunatic thats going to kill someone if you take 1 dbol pill.

    AAS = Bad for you

  10. #10
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    in those countries, ppl dont have money, lol. any money they make, goes rite into family life i imagine ! isnt it amazing 1 side of the world suffers from hunger and the other from obesity. like look at me, i get 7 meals a day, while my dads family and friends in africa are lucky to get 1 meal every 3 days !

  11. #11
    bigpapa is offline New Member
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    I live in a country where you need a script to buy steroids , but a lot of pharmacies are willing to sell it otc cause they need money to survive, but i dont see anybody who looks like he is juicing. I went to a supplement store the other day and i see these two guys looking at some prohormones and talking about buying it and i was like what the hell! You can buy 4 amps of Sustanon for the same amount of money in pharmacy few blocks away! These guys read Muscle&Fitness and belive every single word in those advertisment adds. I guess it's misiformation and media bs. And most people just have different priority in life.

  12. #12
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    MOST of the contries I have been to, have enough money to have a decent standard of living...hell, the rate most Euro-folks smoke cigarettes, or Russians buy booze...Turks buy Cott...AAS should be easliy affordable!

  13. #13
    kiro is offline Junior Member
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    down there

    roids otc

    yes, roids are available in pharmacies but you can't find everything there so you have do find a source. Which is not hard at all cause juice is not ilegal it's just a matter of good connections in order to have good supplies.
    Roids have bad reputation everywhere though. I believe this is because they're misunderstood. In here, if you say anabolics, it sounds like a dirty word. It's a matter of education.

  14. #14
    alevok Guest
    I am living in a country where the minimum wage is around $200 per month, and the majority of the population considered poor, we barely have middle class. You are either poor or rich or super rich. Even in Turkey a cycle would cost you at least $200-300 and plus you need to eat every 2-3 hours, not everyone can afford that. The other day those two trainers (first time users) at my gym asked me if they can subtitute chicken breast with something else cause it is costly to them. (they are running a bulkin cycle) And chicken breast cost only $3 per 2.2lb that is cheap. So I believe it is also a matter of money. Cycles, food, supplements cost money and not everyone can afford that.

  15. #15
    dizzle's Avatar
    dizzle is offline Respected Member
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    Alevok, you must be super rich being able to afford GH over there. I sometimes supp tuna for chicken breast because I'm broke all the time.

  16. #16
    alevok Guest
    no dude I am not but I am doin ok, my girl friend and I put our all money together to buy 80 day worth of GH. Here chicken is less expensive than tuna so I usually go for chicken or turkey breast. My point is cycles cost a lot not only the AS but also the food

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