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  1. #1
    BluEyedClubr's Avatar
    BluEyedClubr is offline Associate Member
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    Started Winny Yesterday - Diet Question

    I just started my 8th week of 10 week Test/Decca cycle and started my Winny Shots yesterday - (6 weeks/50mg/ed)

    Do you guys go low carb when you start your winny?? I was adviced to go extremely low carb and when I asked if I'd loose my gains if I didn't eat carbs post workout I was told "No Way!" I'm a little sketchy about going low carb all the sudden...?!?!?

    I also went from 2 body parts a day down to one a day again because i thought I should give my rotator cuffs a break - what is your take on this? I didn't want to stop workin out today - ended up doing 25 sets for chest and still didn't want to stop!! Should I still be doin 2 body parts a day??

    What is your guys opinion on this? This is my first cycle too by the way! Thanks!

  2. #2
    BluEyedClubr's Avatar
    BluEyedClubr is offline Associate Member
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    Can't anyone answer this for me?

  3. #3
    BluEyedClubr's Avatar
    BluEyedClubr is offline Associate Member
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    No one has any own personal preference they can share??

  4. #4
    BluEyedClubr's Avatar
    BluEyedClubr is offline Associate Member
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    Day later... still trying to get some advice

  5. #5
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well it depends on what you are trying to achieve as far as the diet is concerned however no matter what diet I am on I always take carbs post workout. If you are doing 25 sets for chest it sounds like you are either overtraining or not doing enough weight.

  6. #6
    BluEyedClubr's Avatar
    BluEyedClubr is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by Rickson
    Well it depends on what you are trying to achieve as far as the diet is concerned however no matter what diet I am on I always take carbs post workout. If you are doing 25 sets for chest it sounds like you are either overtraining or not doing enough weight.
    Since I put on 20 lb since beginning of cycle I want to keep my gains.

    That's what I thought too - but I'm going to failure on each set b/w 6-10 reps and my chest feels like it's going to explode out of my tank top - but I just don't seem to want to stop - like an adrenaline rush! I thought it might be b/c my body is used to the 2 body parts a day routine I was on....

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