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  1. #1
    titan16 is offline New Member
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    HGH/Test Stack Question

    I'm a 29 year old male, 6'1, 174lbs. My first steriod experience was 6-8 months ago doing a cycle of clen on a friend's recommendation. I did not like it and would not do it again after learning more about it. I then did some research and and decided to do a test prop and anadrol stack. It worked awesome, my lifts went up 10%-20% and my weight went from 172-187 within a month. I started having chest pains and stopped taking anadrol and continued on test prop for another 2 weeks. I have been off everything for just over 2 months now. My diet and training has not changed and my weight and strength has almost returned to where it was intitially. I know this is typical but to me not acceptable.

    I have been thinking of doing an HGH/TEST stack because my understanding is that you keep your gains from HGH and the Test kick starts your cycle. My question is based on my age/weight/height/etc, what amounts should I be taking and on what schedule? And how long can you be on test for? I know it is suggested to be on HGH for an extended period of time.

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    S123 is offline New Member
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    You know clen is not a steroid , right? and judging by your writing you don't have a lot of AAS knowledge. I suggest you read the stickies provided on the website to get a better understanding of how a proper cycle should be run.

  3. #3
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    You need to do some more research. You didn't mention anything about an AI, HCG , or PCT. maybe you had proper all of those. But from the sound of it.... You didn't. Hgh is very expensive and should be run for several months MINIMUM. you could go year round on it. Hgh is usually run around 4iu a day if I'm not mistaken
    Test depends on the ester your using. Prop could be an 8 wk cycle. E or C could be 12wks.... Please post up a proposed cycle or we can't really help.

  4. #4
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    What was your pct after that last fiasco ?
    You need to eat. That simple. Eat.

  5. #5
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    There's a sick compound out there called foodabol. Lots of guys stack it with liftstrol

  6. #6
    titan16 is offline New Member
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    S123- Yes I know Clen is not a steriod . I just lumped it in with my experience to date. You are correct that I dont have much aas knowledge and at that time I had next to zero knowledge.
    Capebuffalo- I eat a clean diet (meat/veg and try to avoid processed foods) and quite a bit of it. The only thing I really changed is that I stopped eating steak and eggs in the mornings and switched to eggs and other meats as the steak was getting costly.
    ChiveOn- As I told S123, my knowledge is really limited and the person that i got my product from did not have much to say about ai/hcg /pct so when I stopped taking it, i just stopped and continued eating as i was and lifting like i was. From what i am starting to understand is that was not the right thing to do. I am going to see a different person this week and am trying to sort out what i should get, how to take it properly and what to do afterwards. I'm not sold on HGH because of the high cost. The only reason I am considering it is because i was to keep the strength and gains i get after i come off my cycle.
    Any suggestions again are greatly appreciated.

  7. #7
    titan16 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013

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