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Thread: Long cycle advice 18-20 weeks!?

  1. #1
    BigSwol's Avatar
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    Long cycle advice 18-20 weeks!?

    What's people's takes on something like an 18-20 week cycle, switching compounds around 9-10 week mark? Been hearing some buzz and it seems to make sense? For example
    Weeks 1-10 sus and deca
    Weeks 11-20 cyp and eq

    Obviously nolva or ai and most likely hcg during...then followed by pct

    Side topic...mid way through adding in proviron (sp) or mast...due to up charging receptors and estro blocking properties ? Kinda again new buzz just bro science?

    That's why I'm asking u guys?? Thanks in advance...hope I'm not overstepping here been off boards for a while!?


  2. #2
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    I've heard of 1 or 2 ppl doing this but not very often personally I don't think it would work EQ it sh:t and you will have the cyp in your sus 10 wks deca may be a little short but every body responds diff I would like to see if anybody has done something similar here

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Up charging receptors?

  4. #4
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Bad cycle IMO!

    Only compound I would run 20+weeks would be primo.

  5. #5
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    You got it my friend, Buzzzzz, buzzzzz, buzzzz, but you will fail to get what your buzzzz with this mess. You have to figure that some of the new compound introduced with have their own holding time as they begin to take action within themselves.

    Now your receptors Lunk alludes to will be agitated to speak of but it's a variable science and with each person a different. Remember your gains and the action (chemical) in your body will not be linear as your thinking in regard to stopping and plugging in new and different. A more of a rocket science approach and one not needed. Maybe for the pro's getting ready for a big show a year out, but risky if the waters were not tested. Ha!! that's my dollar. ....crazy mike

  6. #6
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    id probably go with a slingshot cycle if i were to do a 18+ weeker..

    anyway, hows this look to you?

    week 1-8 test e 500mg/week
    week 1-8 npp 150mg EOD
    week 9-18 test e 200mg/week
    week 11-18 tren a 100mg EOD

    +AI +prami +HCG +PCT

    this way half way through your body gets a break.. thoughts?
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  7. #7
    pawn master's Avatar
    pawn master is offline Junior Member
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    Read Ronnie Rowlands " you will want to read this" sticky in the Q&A. A lot of this is coming from this thread with his reload/deload 20 week cycle. I am going to try it myself.
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  8. #8
    BigSwol's Avatar
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    Very cool guys I appreciate all of your responses! Pawn I'm on it...thanks for pointing me there! I actually heard Piana discuss switching compounds after 8 weeks? I'll see if I can find the link??

  9. #9
    BigSwol's Avatar
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  10. #10
    BigSwol's Avatar
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    Tried reading Ronnie's stickey and it changed my frame of mind! This look any better?
    Weeks 1-8 sus 600mg eq 500mg var 50mg Ed
    Weeks 9&10 sus 300mg
    Weeks 11-18 sus 750-800ish eq 600-650 mast p 300ew
    Weeks 19-20 sus 400-450

    Thoughts? This any better than the original garbage??

  11. #11
    JSumma is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigSwol View Post
    Tried reading Ronnie's stickey and it changed my frame of mind! This look any better?
    Weeks 1-8 sus 600mg eq 500mg var 50mg Ed
    Weeks 9&10 sus 300mg
    Weeks 11-18 sus 750-800ish eq 600-650 mast p 300ew
    Weeks 19-20 sus 400-450

    Thoughts? This any better than the original garbage??
    If you are looking to maximize size then you need to give your receptors a "break" and re-prime for longer in the middle of the cycle. Basically, the body responds with quick muscle acquisition when its fed a sudden increase of food, rest, and hormones after being in a fasted/"cut"/catabolic state. This is one of the reason why the vets here advise a person to cycle at a low body fat. In addition to it being healthier and seeing more of your results, a body at a low body fat is "primed" for growth. So weeks 9,10,11,12, maybe 13, should be a "re-prime" for the second half of this cycle and as such a dose of only sust 250 week maybe warranted for those 4 or 5 weeks

    If you are looking for athletic benefits (football season, mma, basketball season) then run a low dose of test throughout the 20 (sust 250mg/week and maybe EQ 400-600mg) and run the anavar and mast during your non-prime blocks of time.

  12. #12
    spiralkut is offline Associate Member
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    i honestly dont see the point in running the EQ for the first 8 then taking a break then running the same compound i think it would only work if you were to run a shorter compound that only needed the 8 weeks or so to work to its full, such as tren A for the first 8 weeks then Mast for the next 8 etc

  13. #13
    BigSwol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSumma View Post
    If you are looking to maximize size then you need to give your receptors a "break" and re-prime for longer in the middle of the cycle. Basically, the body responds with quick muscle acquisition when its fed a sudden increase of food, rest, and hormones after being in a fasted/"cut"/catabolic state. This is one of the reason why the vets here advise a person to cycle at a low body fat. In addition to it being healthier and seeing more of your results, a body at a low body fat is "primed" for growth. So weeks 9,10,11,12, maybe 13, should be a "re-prime" for the second half of this cycle and as such a dose of only sust 250 week maybe warranted for those 4 or 5 weeks

    If you are looking for athletic benefits (football season, mma, basketball season) then run a low dose of test throughout the 20 (sust 250mg/week and maybe EQ 400-600mg) and run the anavar and mast during your non-prime blocks of time.
    Isn't the prime at the beginning or end of several loading de loading phases?

  14. #14
    BigSwol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spiralkut View Post
    i honestly dont see the point in running the EQ for the first 8 then taking a break then running the same compound i think it would only work if you were to run a shorter compound that only needed the 8 weeks or so to work to its full, such as tren A for the first 8 weeks then Mast for the next 8 etc
    Read that stickey that says "you will want to read this", it talks about loading phases which I'm taking as 8 week cycles followed by a deload of 2 weeks minimizing anabolics and giving receptors a break...then loading again with a higher dose of the basic compounds...for another 8, to keeps gains going? Seems to make a lot of sense...unless I'm taking Ronnie's post wrong?

  15. #15
    555mjolnir's Avatar
    555mjolnir is offline Associate Member
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    This is just my experience from my last cycle.....

    750 test cyp wk 1-18
    400 eq wk 1-4 wk 5-18 600 eq
    350 dbol wk 1-6
    500 deca wk 5-17
    500 iu ew hcg
    arimidex .5 3xw (sounds high but I teetered it up and down to find right dose)
    pct= trt 200 t-cyp
    I have been off for 8 weeks had bw done today comes in tuesday will post result if you would like.

    I like EQ contrary to many of the guys here that being said it needs to be run at @least 600ew for any anabolic effect to be seen for @least 12wk and 16wk is better, in the 1st post you plan to run it for 9wks and in the second post for 7wks i dont think it is worth it if you are taking for building size, that is why your using it?

    Here's my experience with EQ and Deca the EQ made me so freaking hungry even eating every 2 hrs religiously it was crazy, I would wake up in the middle of the night and camp by the refrigerator and eat , that is why I added the Deca in @ wk 5 19-nor's make some people loose their appetite thats why many people dont grow as much as they could on Deca and even tren sometimes. So I added 500 ew of deca to help balance the Eq it worked amazingly I went from 241 lbs 18% bf (a little high a lot of guys will say to start a cycle) to 265 lbs 13% bf at the end of my cycle I have been off 8wks and i am @ 251 lbs 10% bf now. That is 28 lbs of lean mass increase after being off 8 weeks. I you goota still eat after coming off even if your not hungry, not as much as you were but still gotta eat often and clean is even more important.

    So i think running either EQ or Deca for the time frames you mentioned is counter productive and a waste, I say run them together for 12-16 weeks remember to discontinue Deca 2wks before test so it can begin to clear your system and you dont get deca-dick.

    Can I ask another question? Why sustanon ? I mean with it having prop ester in it you need to pin ed or eod why not just keep it simple with cyp or enth? I mean the other compounds (EQ/Deca) are long esters too they really only need pined ew or 2xw if your a stickler about super even levels but Deca doesn't even see a substantial drop until day 5 even then not giant... Just curious.

    Good luck and like I said this was what worked for me and it worked really well I feel.

  16. #16
    BigSwol's Avatar
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    ^thanks bro...I had that thought originally the deca and eq idea...ppl said no? It's a waste etc?? I recently ran eq for 15-16 weeks lost was insane...along w cyp. As far as sus...never tried it, ppl I know really like it? As far as pinning it u can find just as many Ed/eod threads as 1 per week injs as 2 times per?? My boy just ran it twice s week w var and looks like he could walk on stage?! I guess it's diff for everyone? I like this "slingshot" idea...that's what the stickey is referring to...your cycle in general is 20 weeks, but u go 8...then deload, then increase doses for another 8...then deload, etc. idea being u can rock out cycles into one big long ass cycle

  17. #17
    BigSwol's Avatar
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    Each deload ur still on test...that eq is prob still in system...then ur upping the eq to make more progress and keep ball rolling so to say?

  18. #18
    BG's Avatar
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    I used to do this before Ronnie claimed it as his own. Cycling dht's in and out works well also.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  19. #19
    BigSwol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I used to do this before Ronnie claimed it as his own. Cycling dht's in and out works well also.
    So I on point with my cycle idea as it pertains to the slingshot method?

    I appreciate all the input I have gotten so far, thanks again to bros who took time to answer

  20. #20
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Honestly never read Ronnies thread. Read it , lots of people like, just be safe with your dosages....

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  21. #21
    BigSwol's Avatar
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    Ok good deal...sust at 500-750? Should be pretty par...I've ran enathate at 750 b4 no problems. And eq in the 4-700 range doesn't seem to insane? Thanks again guys

  22. #22
    Granovich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    id probably go with a slingshot cycle if i were to do a 18+ weeker..

    anyway, hows this look to you?

    week 1-8 test e 500mg/week
    week 1-8 npp 150mg EOD
    week 9-18 test e 200mg/week
    week 11-18 tren a 100mg EOD

    +AI +prami +HCG +PCT

    this way half way through your body gets a break.. thoughts?
    u mean deload Test E at weeks 9-10 @ 200mg/wk
    then for 11-18 u go back up to 500-750mg/WK

  23. #23
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    u mean deload Test E at weeks 9-10 @ 200mg/wk
    then for 11-18 u go back up to 500-750mg/WK
    no.. keep test low, let the tren do the work..

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