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  1. #1
    catch42 is offline New Member
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    May 2003

    cycle advice...test esters?

    my last two posts on d bols showed how much i know about what im doing. as u guys can tell im a novice, my question is after getting some advice im thinking about staking deca and test enthate(spelling) but dont know how much mg's a week or for what duration. if anyone can get back to me with some comments it would be appricated greatly...heres my profile i forgot to put on last post...

    19 yrs old
    Been lifting heavey for about 2 and a half years thanks again guys as you can tell i need alot of help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Well, bro at 19 most here will agree that you are still a little on the young side to be using. My suggestion (which I know you do not want to hear) is to wait until you are at least 21.

    Now a standard "first time" cycle of test+deca would look like this:

    Test E, 500mg/wk for 10 weeks
    Deca, 400mg/wk for 10 weeks
    Dbol , 25-35mg/ed for 3-4 weeks (this is where your dbol comes in)
    plus of course anti-e's and clomid post cycle therapy .

    Now what I just told you is fine and dandy, BUT before you even consider a cycle you need to get the following done:

    1 - make sure your training routine is tweaked
    2 - make sure you've achieved everything you can clean (which I would have a hard time believing of a 19 year old)
    3 - Have your diet down to an art. At 210 lbs that means around 400g of protein per day! No protein = no muscle.
    4 - Research those drugs you are considering putting into yourself until you know enough about them that you would feel comfortable prescribing them to your best friend, or your little brother... because "prescribing" them to yourself is what you are doing. It's a LOT more important to know how those drugs work, what their effects AND side effects are, and how to use them properly than to just know how many mg's per week to use.

    If I may, I suggest that you go into the drug profiles section and read it until you can recite it by heart in you sleep. Then use the search button and read read read the fine posts many of the good bros here wrote times and times again. Then check out the cycles the other bros are doing and study them. Ask questions, most of the bros here will be glad to explain why they are doing their cycle this or that way.

    All that is what we mean when we say "do your homework". if you are to "self medicate" with any product, you have to be as knowledgable as a doctor or pharmacist about those products.


  3. #3
    catch42 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2003

    thanks alot red....question just on sus

    my source now says he only can get me Sus 250 or test enthate and i already have some clomid for after the cycle. I did some more research and im leading towards taking just the sus at about 500 mg's a week but i would love some input and commentsim looking to put on about 10-15 pounds of decent doin as much research as my brain can handle haha thanks alot guys i appricate the info

  4. #4
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Very good post, Red. Sums it up nicely.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: thanks alot red....question just on sus

    Originally posted by catch42
    my source now says he only can get me Sus 250 or test enthate and i already have some clomid for after the cycle.
    Hope you also got your anti-E's in order bro...

    Personally I would lean towards test-e over Sust any day.

    With test-e, you get 500 mg of test a week and it can be split into 2 250mg shot.

    With sust, well, since it's a blend of short, medium and long acting esters, you have to use it eod or e3d to take advantage of the short and medium esters. So used 1 or 2 times a week it's a bit of a waste and of course you get less long acting esters to make room for the other ones..

    Most people want to use sust as if it were test-e, but it is not.


  6. #6
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2003
    hahaha, yeah 19 is young, but i did mine at 19, so.....

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