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  1. #1
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    None of us can ever donate blood!

    I signed up for a blood drive that was yesterday and they told me I was put on the banned donors list. One of the questions on their survey asks if you have ever injected an illegal or non-prescription drug. I didnt want to lie, even though I know I am safe. They have like 35 questions and if you answer yes to even one of them you are not allowed to donate, ever. Or maybe it was that I accepted drugs from a man in exchange for sexual intercourse since 1977. (That was my favorite question) Either way none of us can donate. Anybody else tried to donate blood and been turned down?

  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    You should have known that bro

  3. #3
    Rhino58's Avatar
    Rhino58 is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah, bro- giving blood is a no go. Make sure you dont lie about it either cause the people getting the blood have enough trouble.

  4. #4
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    NO shit, The last thing you'd want to do is lie. It's a good deed to donate blood but if you lie and donate, your doing more harm than good.

  5. #5
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Androgens are very short lived in the blood stream. Its not going to harm anyone. When a female gets blood, its not concerned whether or not it is male of female blood she is getting.

    The questionaire is concered of disease, common of drug users who are not aseptic with their injections.

    I have a prescription for AAS. So I could donate it by their guidlines. IF having very high test was a concern, they would state that.

    ITs just like the deal with a tatoo. Its not the ink, its the chance you got infected.

  6. #6
    wood's Avatar
    wood is offline Associate Member
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    I agree BB. I work at a hospital and asked around about giving blood if you hae used AS. Alot of Nurses said that they are not concerned with AS as mush as they are infection and disease. I gave blood about six months ago and it was accepted. Anyway when the blood goes back to the lab they do a more extensive test on the donated blood.

  7. #7
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    They are trying to screen out dope fiends who share needles and are high risk for HIV, Hepatitis B & C. If you used sterile needles and didn't share them you are safe and can donate. You are more of a risk if you had unprotected sex with a stranger. If you are off your cycle for a couple of months you will do no harm. I would have answered no. I have been tested at for HIV, Hep and other diseases at least 4 times and as recently as last year due to my proffession and the fact we were concieving my son who is now 10 months old. I donate blood with a clear conscience.

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