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  1. #1
    orazal is offline New Member
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    T-3 or ECA???????????????????

    Whats more effective???

    How and what are the sides on T-3?????
    I recently stumbled on a supplement comapny that still makes the stuff for $60 a bottle..


  2. #2
    demetri's Avatar
    demetri is offline Member
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    T3 is by far the most potent fat burner I've used. Be wary as too much will burn away muscle too.

    T3 is great to use as a catalyst when your diet stalls. I had cut my calories low, my body responded by making less T3 and making me feel really lethargic.

    I added a small amount of T3 and kept my calories the same and the lethargy went away Plus the fat kept coming off.

    You'll build up a tolerance to ECA so its effectiveness goes down the longer you take it. You don't build up a tolerance to T3 so it stays effective. You're body will begin to produce less when you supplement it so you'll end up having to "adjust" your dosage over time.

    Cycleon has posted numerous threads on how to use it. I suggest you do a search on T3 if you plan on taking it.

  3. #3
    Mike21 is offline Junior Member
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    Not trying to ruin your thread but I got one question. What exactly is T-3? How does it work?

  4. #4
    demetri's Avatar
    demetri is offline Member
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    May 2002
    You can check out Cytomel in the drug profiles.

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