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  1. #1
    John7777 is offline New Member
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    Beginner Looking for Advise - Low BF

    I'll apologize ahead of time if I'm recreating a thread, but I didn't see anything that applied to me. I'm considering a cycle, have little to no experience, but clearly defined goals. When I was much younger and dumber (ie teenager), I ran a cycle of Dbol alone, and later a cycle of test PCTs on either. Obviously, I had no idea what i was doing, and if I give it another go, I want to do it right.

    Here's my question: What should I run if I want to stay lean, but pack on a little more muscle...maybe 10 lbs? I compete in Physique (even though I squat deep and heavy lol), so I need to keep my BF low and am not looking for bloat. I've got the nutrition thing down and my workout routine is solid. I'm just stalled out and notice the difference between how my body responds now compared to say 5 or 6 years ago.

    Any advise is greatly appreciated.

    32 yo
    158 lbs
    about 7% BF

  2. #2
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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