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Thread: A 16 year old using pro hormones

  1. #1
    X97s is offline New Member
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    A 16 year old using pro hormones

    My friend and I are in college for football and he is around 6'1 230 lbs of lean muscle as a linebacker. I play corner back and im 6'2 180 lbs. Seeing pictures of him in highschool i asked how he got so big out of curiosity. (Junior year he was 6'1 170 lbs) he did two cycles of a prohormone called msten. He said its not dangerous if you know what your doing. Now this is really tempting for me to do a cycle he said he would help me out. He said as long as I do what he tells me ill end up alright. His last cycle was 2 years ago he said and he has nothing wrong with him now? SHould i do it? How did he end up okay? What are the chances of me ending up okay? Is it true as long as you know what your doing you will end up fine?

  2. #2
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    First I'd get your story straight bc it's all over the place, second, I don't think the advice has changed from your other 3 or 4 threads on the same topic

    Quote Originally Posted by X97s View Post
    Now I'm 19 and I have not lost any gains or anything like people said could happen. Is anything ever going to happen to me. I took proper OCT PCT and Liver treatment. Do people just tell 16 year olds not to do it because they most likely wont do it right? Because I'm perfectly fine and wrestling in college. Normal test levels and everything.
    Quote Originally Posted by X97s View Post
    People say taking pro hormones is dangerous at my age but my dad did it and he is fine today? Do some people just react differently?

    Anyway I am 16 and I want to run my first
    cycle. Been lifting seriously for a year now.
    6 foot 182 lbs
    Don't talk me out of it I understand the risks, how can I go about this the safest way possible (not saying its safe just as safe as possible) I am looking to cycle with MSten rx, with a liver support and pct, is there anything I can take on cycle to be safe rather than the liver support because I'm looking to be as safe as possible. Is there any chance of me coming out of this perfect back to normal? *CHANCE*?

    If you are wondering why I am stuck on the choice of pro hormones it is due to the fact of me having the chance to go D1 in either football or wrestling, thanks for your help.

    PS: rather than insulting, show guidance. I came for assistance not to be criticized.

    Quote Originally Posted by X97s View Post
    My friends dad did pro hormones at the age of 17 and he is shredded, he is 16 just done with a 1 Monty cycle an he is shredded. He told me "age doesn't matter as long as you do everything right you'll be okay" I questioned him and he said " just look at my dad, nothing's wrong with him. This honestly is convincing me to take some pro hormones. The question is if I do everything perfect( oct pct an liver care.) what is the worst that could happen. I'm only taking one month by the way, of Msten rx. Please don't say I'm to young or anything like that because most d1 college athletes juiced at a young age (my dream is d1 college football)
    If my 1 month cycle is perfect using proper pct oct and liver care, what is the worst that could happen?
    Quote Originally Posted by X97s View Post
    First off I'm 16 (sophomore) I play football and I wrestle an plenty of colleges are looking at me already ( mainly for wrestling) anyway my strength trainer told me that he took ROIDS at age 17 and says I should take them. He claims he knows how to cycle properly and at my age as long as you do it right you should be fine. Btw he is completely ripped now and his BP is at 475 right now. It's so tempting idk what to do. What I'm thinking is he ended up okay why wouldn't I if I do exactly what he did. Anyway please don't criticize me I came here for help. He also claims other college athletes he trained took some sort of drug. Is there a possibility that I could end up okay and not screw up my endocrine system like he did? Is it possible I could end up like him? If there is a chance I'm willing to risk that chance. What are the odds?

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You need to be 18yrs old to post on this site, please feel free to read as much as you like but I am sorry you cant post.

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