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Thread: Cardio question

  1. #1
    PumP~N~Swole's Avatar
    PumP~N~Swole is offline Associate Member
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    Cardio question

    As some of you probably know from previous thread I can't lift at the moment so I'm going to do cardio sessions and abs until my injury is better. I started today doing cardio first thing in morning on empty stomach. My question is would it be ok to do cardio in the evening as well. What I mean is by doing 2 cardio sessions is it going to eat away more muscle while I can't lift and would you all stick to just in the morning instead of at night. Also to keep muscle from losing by doing cardio and the catobolic break down is it better to do it at lower intensities for longer periods of time, also what supplements helps for anti-catabolic break down besides calcium and vitamin C. THanks as always

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Keep it low intensity and drink a whey protein isolate shake. If any other kind your body will use it instead of fat.


  3. #3
    sigrabbit's Avatar
    sigrabbit is offline Member
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    I would suggest low intensity cardio for 45-60mins first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. 30 mins prior to cardio take ECA, which I believe has some anticatabolic effect. Once fat loss stops, you could consider two sessions per day, but make sure you are tracking your lean body mass so you can prevent catabolism. I have also read that Clen has anticatabolic effects.

  4. #4
    PumP~N~Swole's Avatar
    PumP~N~Swole is offline Associate Member
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    Ok um when you guys refer to low intensity for 45-60 min is that keeping my heart rate around 128-135. Im not sure what the formula is to configuring low end heart rate for fat burn and high end for cardio I used to know but forgot maybe you all could help me. Another thing is I put the cardio thing on level 12 to get more calories but my heart rate is still around 128-135 this will be fine correct? If I put on level 1 and do it at the same heart rate I don't get near the calories. THx for the fast responses. Btw ephdra and caffine kills my stomach so I can't use it makes me cramp up and have the runs lol. Maybe once I start my first cycle after I heal up I'll try out oh clen until now its happy healing and trying to make peace with my mind-blah who am I kidding I want to freaking lift .

    ps. Oh is it bad on muscle break down to do cardio twice a day morning/evening?

  5. #5
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    take your age and subtract it from 220...that is your maximum target heart rate.

    then, take 70-85% of that number and then the number you get should be +/- 5 if you were 20, max would be 200. 70% would be 140. therefore you should work from 135-145 depending on the duration and intensity.

    as long as you are getting proper nutrition ratios with protein comprising the majority of your calories you shouldn't burn too much muscle even if you do it twice a day.

    just watch the scale for a week if you do it morning/evening to see if you are losing a dramatic amount of weight. also, the mirror is a good gauge for seeing if you are losing muscle or not.

  6. #6
    PumP~N~Swole's Avatar
    PumP~N~Swole is offline Associate Member
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    Thx bro, to me I have a thing about looking at myself I'm never where I want to be and I always am negative purhaps I c myself everyday where as my gf and others even now not lifting notice I'm cutting up and keeping size I just hope thats the case thx again.

  7. #7
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    sure thing bro, just let us know how it goes.

    you won't really need to restrict calories here because cardio twice a day will keep your metabolism high and burning fat around the clock.

    just eat clean and don't think that cardio twice a day will substitute for eating like shit you already knew this, however, i just had to say it.

  8. #8
    dangit's Avatar
    dangit is offline Member
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    Keep the cardio level to a low level. I usually aim for 120 beats per minute or lower. Just enough to give you a good sweat after 10-15 mins and do the cardio for 40 mins or more.

    Can you do leg workouts?

    I ask this because I injured myself last year and kept on doing legs twice a week while doing cardio also. This kept me from loosing too much weight and my legs actually grew from this. I needed people to help me load up the leg press machine though.

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