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  1. #1
    Kazumz is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2013

    Starting cycle Friday, need confirmation.

    Hi everyone. I've recently decided to move from being natty to breaking some barriers.

    I'm heading for a Trenbolone Enanthate and Test400 Cycle.

    This is what I've been instructed to follow:

    0.5ml Test 400:
    - 50mg Test Isocaproate;
    - 70mg Test Cypionate ;
    - 80mg Test Decanoate.

    0.5ml Tren Enan:
    - 100mg Tren Enanthate

    Twice a week.

    For HCG I was given Ovigil 5000iu to take once a week (not sure on ml if someone can instruct)

    I was also given Letrozole to take every three days if I get side effects which I assume if I don't I only take it at the end of the cycle? For how long? How long do I also continue HCG for after cycle finishes?

    Advice would seriously be appreciated. Obviously I'm not going to start injecting these until I'm solid on what I'm doing.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well whoever you got this information from is defiantly not a friend. Sounds more like a street corner pusher because it's wrong on every level and sooner than later you will be trying to fix a multitude of problems for the next few years instead of training.

    This is a good place to start learning what is right and wrong.
    The young and Steroids

  3. #3
    Kazumz is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Well whoever you got this information from is defiantly not a friend. Sounds more like a street corner pusher because it's wrong on every level and sooner than later you will be trying to fix a multitude of problems for the next few years instead of training.

    This is a good place to start learning what is right and wrong.
    I'll check it out but can you tell me what is wrong with it?

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Honestly, everything. The amounts, what you are using, when you are using them. It's all wrong and thats not even counting there is no way you should be using any aas at 19 because you are going to fvck up your HPTA. Read the link I gave you and I hope it will make sense and you understand why it's a bad idea to even run a beginner cycle of test.

    What you are suggesting no one even with a lot of experience would run because it's just a bunch of stuff thrown together with no rhyme or reason and not in any proper order or dosage. Really forget all that it's so wrong.

    Did someone you know suggest this or just someone selling you the gear? I'm hoping it's not someone you know. If it is tell them to join here so we can set them straight because their suggestions are going to hurt someone if they listen.

  5. #5
    Kazumz is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Honestly, everything. The amounts, what you are using, when you are using them. It's all wrong and thats not even counting there is no way you should be using any aas at 19 because you are going to fvck up your HPTA. Read the link I gave you and I hope it will make sense and you understand why it's a bad idea to even run a beginner cycle of test.

    What you are suggesting no one even with a lot of experience would run because it's just a bunch of stuff thrown together with no rhyme or reason and not in any proper order or dosage. Really forget all that it's so wrong.

    Did someone you know suggest this or just someone selling you the gear? I'm hoping it's not someone you know. If it is tell them to join here so we can set them straight because their suggestions are going to hurt someone if they listen.
    I'll be 21 in 2 months. 19 was a while back I decided to wait. Could I just run the test 400 and if so how would I go about doing that as a first cycle?

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well you joined 11 months ago and your profile says you are 19, typically it changes with your age/birthday posted so I'm not sure how you went from 19 - 21 in 11 months???

    Really you should not be doing any cycle yet not even at 21 if you read the link you should understand why. You really dont want to sacrifice your HPTA, your future health for a short term gratification. You defiantly don't want to do any kind of stack for a 1st cycle either and need to read and understand what it's all about.

    Don not start just because you have the gear. I know it's tempting but it will keep and you will be 10x better off for waiting and learning how to do things right. It's not going to happen over night or in the next week or two. It takes a while to really understand how things should be done or shouldn't. Rushing into things will put you the same place it does many other guys posting most every day who did the same thing and now spending months or even years trying to get back to feeling normal and things working like they should such as their dick. You really dont want to be popping Viagra just to get it up in your 20s.

  7. #7
    Kazumz is offline Junior Member
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    Birthday is in December and I'm 20 now.

    So I should wait until I'm 25 and use the Test 400 then? Will it even keep for the next four years?

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    24 or 25 to make sure your HPTA is fully developed and your growth plates are all fussed or you will fuse them prematurely.
    It's not just about about your height but you are growing wider. You dont want to get stuck with narrow shoulders do you.

    I have some thats over 3 years old and it will keep a lot longer. Keep it in a dark, dry cool place. Not in the refrigerator.

  9. #9
    Kazumz is offline Junior Member
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    Okay thanks very much. I'm slightly balding now so when I start the test at 25 that's going to speed that up yes?

  10. #10
    PK18 is offline New Member
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    If you are prone to baldness, yes it is going to speed it up. Stay away from masteron as it probably won't be your hairlines friend, and you shouldn't be running tren , especially a long Ester of it. If you have side effects, even if you drop the tren, you will be stuck with them for weeks.

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