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Thread: cycle help

  1. #1
    Harp is offline Junior Member
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    Vancouve BC Canada

    Question cycle help

    I want to start by saying that this is an awesome site. I've had the
    Anabolic review on my fav. list for about 2 yrs but just recently joined the message board and I wish I'd done it sooner!!
    My first cycle was testoviron 250or200 can't remember. 10 weeks @
    1 shot p/w. I was about 18 or 19 yrs old then. Since than I've experienced stacking and various types of gear. Last week I started my current cycle.
    Deca 200mg/w 1-12
    primo 200mg/w 1-12
    winny 50mg eod 6-12

    I also have some D-bol 5 sustanon 250 and 3 parabolans sitting around. Money is not and issue and I can get more gear If I need. Now the thing is thatI don't want any test this time around. I want some lean muscle and 10-15 pds weight put on. I figure the Deca will help with size and primo and winny will harden me up. I also have a hair loss problem and I'm currently using propecia/proscar and 5% minoxidil. I also have lots of Arimedex laying around but I probabbly won't need it.
    My last cycle I got some weird rash on my face and it kind of looked like acne but a little different. I still get it, more noticeable after a hot shower. I could add more Deca to my cycle but I am unsure of the acne problem and I want minnimal amount of oil injected into my body. My last cycle consisted of sust/ tkkoyko deca. I'm using Hydrocortisone for my face because the doctor said it was an allergic reaction. I must note that the rash is minnimal and some people only notice it if I bring their attention to it. It's been 2 mos since my cycle ended.
    Someone told me my liver might not be in optimal working order and that's why I get light acne "I DOUBT IT" but Ijust started taking Liv 52 pills to maintain my liver. I allso have milk thistle but Liv52 is much better so I use it instead.
    I want to keep this cycle as light as possible with my goals in mind.
    I am 28 yrs old 200 pds. 6.0 ft
    I consider my self to be fairly knowledgeable on this subject but no one knows everything. so can the pros please help me out and let me know if I need to tweak my current cycle. I've only done 200mg deca and 100mg primo so far
    Thanks to all

  2. #2
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    that is very small doseages --of deca especialy
    on last cycle of test and deca did you get any progestrone sides--sore nips,deca dick,ect...if so without test those sides can be worse.

    i always tell people if small amounts work than do them but that small of dose i am not sure will gain results

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Re: cycle help

    Originally posted by Harp
    I want to start by saying that this is an awesome site. I've had the
    Anabolic review on my fav. list for about 2 yrs but just recently joined the message board and I wish I'd done it sooner!!
    My first cycle was testoviron 250or200 can't remember. 10 weeks @
    1 shot p/w. I was about 18 or 19 yrs old then. Since than I've experienced stacking and various types of gear. Last week I started my current cycle.
    Deca 200mg/w 1-12
    primo 200mg/w 1-12
    winny 50mg eod 6-12
    IMO I'd bump the doses of the deca and the primo up to 400mg/wk. Primo should be ran at a minimum of 400mg/wk for it to effective and to see results. Run the primo for 13wks, 1wk past the deca. Start your winny wk9 and run it 50mg/ED through wk14. Winny needs to be ran ED because of its short half-life and your gonna be much happier with your results. Blood levels need to be constant. Also, by running it wks9-14 you'll be cycling right up till your post cycle clomid. Also don't forget your liver protectants as winny is slightly heptoxic.

  4. #4
    Harp is offline Junior Member
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    Vancouve BC Canada
    I knew the pros would be advising me to up the dosages on primo and
    deca . In the past when I did primo I noticed acne on my upper back
    so I wanted to keep the primo at low dosages. I know I have to increase the Deca. but I 'm afraid of acne on my face. It is summer and we only get 3 or 4 mos of sun up here in Vancouver BC. I don't want to chase the girls away. Anyhow I will increase the doses of both Primo and Deca and I will see how I feal with the winny before I up it to ed instead of eod. I probabbly will end up doing it ed since I have about 50 vials and I don't plan on doing any winny in the winter.
    oh yeah ...... to answer Tapout's question I did not get Deca dick last cycle, I had lots of sus 250 in the cycle and allso I had 3 weeks of D-bol
    in the beginning of cycle. Actually I don't ever recall having Deca dick, but a few of my buddies have complained about it. My nipples didn't hurt either,that only happened once when I was younger, I did a test cycle and ran it for 12-13 weeks and didn't use any ant-e in my cycle.
    Thanks for the response guys. Do I need arimedex with higher doses.?

    PS i never had acne in my life , even when I was a teenager. I've done
    many cycles over the past several yrs and the acne only happened the last cycle. could it be some reaction to the dog deca It's not real acne it's some sort of allergic reaction. Little red circles on left cheek mostly.seem to be under the skin not on top.
    any ideas what it could be?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by Harp Do I need arimedex with higher doses.?
    Deca aromatizes at a lower rate than most other anabolics, but I would include the armidex at any rate. Primo and winny don't aromatize so no worries there. There are ways to decrease/prevent acne side effects. Try running a search on 'acne'. You should return alot of threads.

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