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Thread: How many grams do pros run

  1. #1
    ChestNBack's Avatar
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    I'm hearing from an insider that pros run about 8-10 grams of gear per week. Is this about right? Talking about Ifbb pros? If thats what it takes to be at the top or at least able to make a little noise then I think I'm going to leave it alone. That's a lot of gear to run per week health wise
    Last edited by ChestNBack; 01-14-2015 at 07:31 PM.

  2. #2
    chris_columbia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack View Post
    I'm hearing from an insider that pros run about 8-10 grams of gear per week. Is this about right? Talking about Ifbb pros? If thats what it takes to be at the top or at least able to make a little noise then I think I'm going to leave it alone. That's a lot of gear to run per week health wise
    Thats complete bullshit my friend, the pros don't run much more than us average joes, they just have great genetics combined with an amazing work ethic and they know their bodys better than they know how to add. No amount of gear will give you the physique phil heath has, or arnold, or kai greene, or any other big bodybuilder, those people are just blessed with great genes and are very responsive to the gear, running that much isn't safe at all and at 8-10 grams a week, I'd be surprised to see that person live to tell the tale.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
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    There's a current thread on it CnB. Not sure if it's in this forum or the lounge. It's good, search it up.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #4
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris_columbia View Post

    Thats complete bullshit my friend, the pros don't run much more than us average joes, they just have great genetics combined with an amazing work ethic and they know their bodys better than they know how to add. No amount of gear will give you the physique phil heath has, or arnold, or kai greene, or any other big bodybuilder, those people are just blessed with great genes and are very responsive to the gear, running that much isn't safe at all and at 8-10 grams a week, I'd be surprised to see that person live to tell the tale.
    if you truly think that they dont run crazy amount then you have serious issue...

    first off most of them train like complete shit. eat not as good as many here.
    they just have a crazy genetic and cazy amount of gear...

    their training sucks... it only works in presence of grams and grams of gear...

    and I agree several.grams arent healthy.
    but you easely. an run 10g weekly and be alive for long enough to tell the tale.

    AAS cant kill... sides can but aas in itself cant.

  5. #5
    chris_columbia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    if you truly think that they dont run crazy amount then you have serious issue...

    first off most of them train like complete shit. eat not as good as many here.
    they just have a crazy genetic and cazy amount of gear...

    their training sucks... it only works in presence of grams and grams of gear...

    and I agree several.grams arent healthy.
    but you easely. an run 10g weekly and be alive for long enough to tell the tale.

    AAS cant kill... sides can but aas in itself cant.
    I was under the impression that most didn't run "crazy amounts" 8-10 grams a week, I did say that they probably ran more than us average joes but not much, my guessing was maybe 2-3 grams per week, I agree some pros training isn't well structured but some of them do know a thing or two about lifting, you can't discredit them all for a few that just use gear to grow, after all its preached tbat AAS can't do all the work, and when I said that running 8-10 grams would surprise me if that person lived alot longer after that, I know AAS don't kill you, but I was speaking more for the sides associated with such high doses of certain gear, I guess next time I have to be more clear.

  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    AAS can't kill......that's sorta like saying like the argument about guns, drugs, etc. If you don't abuse steroids then you probably have a better chance at NOT having plaque deposits build up in your arteries.

  7. #7
    chris_columbia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    AAS can't kill......that's sorta like saying like the argument about guns, drugs, etc. If you don't abuse steroids then you probably have a better chance at NOT having plaque deposits build up in your arteries.
    Even at 8-10 grams the sides and other problems that will occur from that much gear won't kill you?

  8. #8
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris_columbia View Post
    Thats complete bullshit my friend, the pros don't run much more than us average joes, they just have great genetics combined with an amazing work ethic and they know their bodys better than they know how to add. No amount of gear will give you the physique phil heath has, or arnold, or kai greene, or any other big bodybuilder, those people are just blessed with great genes and are very responsive to the gear, running that much isn't safe at all and at 8-10 grams a week, I'd be surprised to see that person live to tell the tale.


    Oh gawd, I can't stop laughing - like for real

  9. #9
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris_columbia View Post

    Even at 8-10 grams the sides and other problems that will occur from that much gear won't kill you?
    I think you are missing my sarcastic statement. AAS abuse does lead to plaque deposits in your arteries soooooo the more you do chances are you will be on the operating table sooner then later.

  10. #10
    chris_columbia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post

    Oh gawd, I can't stop laughing - like for real
    Maybe I was wrong in saying "they don't run more than us average joes" but your all saying that I (chris_columbia) would be perfectly fine jumping on 8-10 grams of gear (per week) for a cycle? And everything would be dandy? And even if I trained like shit and ate like shit with shitty genetics I would blow up and look just like a pro?

  11. #11
    chris_columbia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I think you are missing my sarcastic statement. AAS abuse does lead to plaque deposits in your arteries soooooo the more you do chances are you will be on the operating table sooner then later.
    I did miss the sarcastic comment my bad, I just don't see why im getting so much negativity and flaming for something that I don't believe to be far off the mark, if it is and someone can Inform me further on the matter (in a non dickish way) I'm all ears.
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  12. #12
    Swoleroid is offline Junior Member
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    Why give Chris a hard time when it is true that most of the big time pros do have good genetic advantage over other average peoples genetics. Sure the work ethic, dieting, and cycling comes into play in certain aspects but like he said, its not far off the mark for some to say they dont need ridiculous CRAZY 8-10 g amounts to get to pro level, SOME not all and thats speaking in terms of 8-10 damn grams, thats a lot, 3-6 sounds more realistic. As far as his ending line "living to tell the tale" that was sarcasm, we all know the truth about AAS not directly killing. The responses here could be more constructive than bashful at times to increase the knowledge of others than laugh at them wanting to be wiser.

  13. #13
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Because these are redundant pointless question - Along the lines of Googling "are aliens real"

    No one knows what "pros" run

    But, no juice - no workout, no nothing will push a regular average Joe to their level

    The biggest thing that separates "them" from the rest is in their genetic line - then everything else goes with it

    I guaranteed and damn near know even the "pros" work into their doses - how fast?! Well, that's why they are "them" and not the Joe Schmo lifter at your gym

  14. #14
    Swoleroid is offline Junior Member
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    Chris responded to the post, even if it wasn't in the most clarified way, it still didn't need to be laughed at if you're saying the thread question is pointless, not his response so why bash him or even have said anything to begin with? We all post for constructive responses back, not to give unknowledgeable others a hard time. Good points stated though.

  15. #15
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    If you do your homework on just this site alone there are several posts of you tube videos of "not so popular" body builders that have a following and they detail their usage. Last one I watched said 10g test plus other assorted AAs on top of it. It was a black dude around 5'9ish doing the talking.

    Check out Dan Duchane...he outlined usage of pros so specifically he was chased and hunted by the US Gov up till the day he died. He is considered the most knowledgeable man on roids to have lived. He has several books published on the topic.

    The top members on here that have followings shed a lot of insight intot he subject based on how often they work a muscle group. Many only touch each group once a week and talk a lot about how muscles continue to grow while on AAs for 4-10 weeks after a workout while on AAs.

    I can only talk in detail on Chinese body builders...and they definately do not hold to the same ideas about diet and nutrition as western body builders do. Comparitively Chinese BBs eat much much more carbs than westerners and minimise fat as a whole in the diet. I see the same level of success in Beijing as I do in the USA using AAs so yeah...I am not going to ay a good diet is bad but it does not appear it is completely necessary to be successful.

    I still disagree on the genetics thing. Genetics are a limiting factor..not a blank check to be better
    Bo Jackson was the best athlete I ever saw in person in my life. He could vertical jump out of a pool more than most could just vertical jump. That being said back in the day there was a "genetic" portion to scouting reports for football players being recruited for college. It contained...legs same length..arms same length...torso symmetrical...things like this. But agan that is an athlete;..BBs are not athletes they are BBS...two different animals.

  16. #16
    Cody95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris_columbia View Post

    Maybe I was wrong in saying "they don't run more than us average joes" but your all saying that I (chris_columbia) would be perfectly fine jumping on 8-10 grams of gear (per week) for a cycle? And everything would be dandy? And even if I trained like shit and ate like shit with shitty genetics I would blow up and look just like a pro?
    No it would **** your shit up for life. Pros do not run near that much. I've only heard like 1-1.5g a wk.

  17. #17
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody95 View Post
    I've only heard like 1-1.5g a wk.

    I must be a pro

  18. #18
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    8-10 g would be on the low side.
    Hell, there are plenty of aspiring pros and such that admittedly run 5+ grams per week of test alone, along with like 5 other compounds.
    Most of the regulars on less responsible BBing sites run several grams of gear year-round, and that's just to be a big gym mofo.
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  19. #19
    likelifting is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I must be a pro
    lol. No kidding.

    2 grams here. Not now but have.

  20. #20
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Those pros are monitoring blood work constantly as we'll

  21. #21
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Those pros are monitoring blood work constantly as we'll


    Right, that's why most don't make it past 50

    There's nothing to reverse the negs of that much gear - The sides some of these guys go through have to be terrible. No human body is made for this shit - But, some just handle it better than others

  22. #22
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post


    Right, that's why most don't make it past 50

    There's nothing to reverse the negs of that much gear - The sides some of these guys go through have to be terrible. No human body is made for this shit - But, some just handle it better than others
    My point exactly......

  23. #23
    Gorgos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris_columbia View Post
    Thats complete bullshit my friend, the pros don't run much more than us average joes, they just have great genetics combined with an amazing work ethic and they know their bodys better than they know how to add. No amount of gear will give you the physique phil heath has, or arnold, or kai greene, or any other big bodybuilder, those people are just blessed with great genes and are very responsive to the gear, running that much isn't safe at all and at 8-10 grams a week, I'd be surprised to see that person live to tell the tale.

    Martin Kjellstrom runs(ran) more than 5g. Id say modern bodybuilding is more about gear than anything.

  24. #24
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Metalject has a thread right now in the body building Q & A section. The thread is called "extreme bodybuilding gear use". He outlines cycles that would be used by top level competitors.

  25. #25
    SOL!D5NAK3's Avatar
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    i was thinking the other day about this, and i know(one of the 212 pros is my friend's coach) they run more than 10 grams per week on a cycle for growth.

    anyway i think a couch potato dude would be massive with these amount that pros run, i think we never know. this sport is all about drugs.
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  26. #26
    Khazima's Avatar
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    Boston loyd did a video with rich piana recently about pre-contest drugs and he basically just started rattling off every name he could think of with insane doses in an absolutely absurd layout. He's not even close to the size of Olympians and probably mentioned 10g in his first 5 weeks of prep, then the next 7 weeks he just added to the list including multiple orals at a time, whatever injectable anything he could think of etc.

    I agree with the fact that it's all about drugs. Genetics, drugs, training and diet in that order.

  27. #27
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Drugs period. The 600mg/week over 20 weeks cycle in the endo journal resulted in 14lb increase in muscle mass...7 lb loss in fat..with NO weight lifting. ..average across the board . This was being off cycle for 2 those were retainable gains clean and simple.

    That should say a lot about what is doable with not lifting on cycle for bulking. Granted I did my first cycle for 20-weeks and did everything under the sun to do it right and added about 160% that number of mass gain....but it was still only 85 percentile of all people in that 20-week cycle study.

    I am still a young user but numbers do not lie.

  28. #28
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    0 Grams it's ALL Genetics.

  29. #29
    Baxter35's Avatar
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    There is no single answer to this. Doses are all across the board with pros just as they are with guys on here. I have no doubt that there are pros who run 5-10 grams a week, and I also have no doubt there are some who run far less. There are guys on here who aren't pros but have physiques that could be and they do it on very conservative doses. But there are also guys here with more average physiques running 1,2,3 or more grams per week. There are just to many factors at play to come up with an answer to why this is so. Genetics, training, diet, gear quality and uncertain doses (think a gram really a gram?) and I would even call into question the idea of diminishing returns at higher doses. Really, who knows and who cares. Each person needs to decide what their individual goals are and work into the dose that works for them to meet that goal, AAS use is definitely not a cookie cutter science.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    Drugs period. The 600mg/week over 20 weeks cycle in the endo journal resulted in 14lb increase in muscle mass...7 lb loss in fat..with NO weight lifting. ..average across the board . This was being off cycle for 2 those were retainable gains clean and simple.
    The measurements were taken at the end of the 20 week injection time, the peak of the cycle.
    Also, the 14lb weight increase was not all muscle but also included water.

    The study says nothing about the gains being retainable.

    Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men | Endocrinology and Metabolism

    look at table 3

  31. #31
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    All I have to say in this thread is people need to find what works for them rather than worrying about what the pros do. Imo thats why they are pros they couldn't give a flying fck what the others are up to they worry about themselves and themselves only.

    Look at the shaddow Yates he fcked off to the uk hid for a year and then blew all the competition outta the water for 6 years cos he concetrated on himself.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    LoL Right, that's why most don't make it past 50 There's nothing to reverse the negs of that much gear - The sides some of these guys go through have to be terrible. No human body is made for this shit - But, some just handle it better than others
    yes but they wouldn't make it to 50 without checking there bloodwork. Most those guys run labs weekly

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active
    yes but they wouldn't make it to 50 without checking there bloodwork. Most those guys run labs weekly
    Imagine your RBC on 2g's+ of just test, then everything else on top.

    Wonder if they get a free in home dialysis machine with such a large gear purchase. LoL

    That's why there are pros in every sport, the people who are willing to take insane to a whole new level.

    Shit, I feel sauced out of my mind pushing anything over 2.
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    Imagine your RBC on 2g's+ of just test, then everything else on top. Wonder if they get a free in home dialysis machine with such a large gear purchase. LoL That's why there are pros in every sport, the people who are willing to take insane to a whole new level. Shit, I feel sauced out of my king pushing anything over 2.
    I bet they have to discard blood almost daily. Probably have an endocrine dr in house

  35. #35
    -Horus-'s Avatar
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    are there pros that abuse it int he x grams amount? yes
    do you need to? no

    I know guys that run maybe a gram of test and half gram of something else as main cycles and are massive. there are alot of pros that take alot of gear,, there are also pros that I feel run 1-2g and do the work and eat right.. ofcourse genetics play a BIG role as well.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Horus- View Post
    are there pros that abuse it int he x grams amount? yes
    do you need to? no

    I know guys that run maybe a gram of test and half gram of something else as main cycles and are massive. there are alot of pros that take alot of gear,, there are also pros that I feel run 1-2g and do the work and eat right.. ofcourse genetics play a BIG role as well.
    Most all the pros are real tight lipped about there use

  37. #37
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post

    Imagine your RBC on 2g's+ of just test, then everything else on top.

    Wonder if they get a free in home dialysis machine with such a large gear purchase. LoL

    That's why there are pros in every sport, the people who are willing to take insane to a whole new level.

    Shit, I feel sauced out of my mind pushing anything over 2.
    wellnit highlyndepends on genetics XD

    ran over 1.5g/ weeks for a short period and over a year of use with alternating dosage and my hematocrite has never increased of even 1 point...

    some may increase fast but some seems to dont have this effect.

  38. #38
    marcus300's Avatar
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    I've done up to 5g's per week a few times and a friend of mine use to do 9g's but in all honesty it wasn't my sweet spot, the actually sweet spot for me in my peak was a lot less. I have two pro friends who are at completely different ends of the scale one uses large amounts and doesn't come off and the other uses small amounts and does pct. Both are huge so there is no set rule it depends on many circumstances
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  39. #39
    Cody95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post

    I must be a pro
    That's just what I've heard, I'm not saying it's right. Plus I've seen a couple of Arnolds cycle plans and he was only running 1.5g

  40. #40
    Cody95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Horus- View Post
    are there pros that abuse it int he x grams amount? yes
    do you need to? no

    I know guys that run maybe a gram of test and half gram of something else as main cycles and are massive. there are alot of pros that take alot of gear,, there are also pros that I feel run 1-2g and do the work and eat right.. ofcourse genetics play a BIG role as well.
    I agree with that, I've seen Arnolds cycle plans and he only ran 1.5g, I've only seen like 2 though so I can't say for sure. Also it was from years ago when he competed so I don't know how much things have changed.
    Last edited by Cody95; 01-15-2015 at 05:01 PM.

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