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Thread: Help asap please .

  1. #1
    jpike220 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2015

    Exclamation Help asap please .

    Started a cycle about 16 weeks back, after a serious operation left me 30lbs lighter from 195 to about 170 wet. The regimen consisted of
    Test E 300mg x EOD coupled with 100 mg anavar ED and tren E 250mg EOD. For the first 8 weeks everything was great.. My weight jumped back into the 190's had managed to bring my BF % into the 11's , and the sex drive libido etc was working beautifully. Here's where the problems started, and before I go any further I want to reiterate I suffered no side effects whatsoever till this day except for what I will be going Into detail shortly. After the 8th week I began experiencing a serious drop in my libido. I felt as if my mind couldn't even comprehend the thought of sex. Tried tribulus / V / c-lis etc which helps for the most part with the erection side of things but now the problem lies in maintaining an adequate erection and being able to orgasm (ejaculate) . This is when I visited a medical wellness center renowned for their treatment of such cases. The Dr. Was appalled at the amount of test I was running and proceeded to explain in more detail how this problem could have a simple fix. He suggested I taper off the test and begin with arimidex EOD along with clmid and Nova .. This in order to combat any excessive estrogen and jump start my endogenous testosterone production. Hopefully this will help with the ejaculation part of the issue. Anyone have this happen before ? And if so any suggestions on anything else that might be able to help. Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    You were 170lbs and you were taking over a gram of test a week and over 800mg of tren a week??
    Where you taking an AI or a DA?
    Where you taking hCG ?
    Have you cycled before?

  3. #3
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Is this for real ?? all that test and tren with no AI or DA. so you are still using this ?? Your e2 and prolactin will be through the roof no wonder you dick does not work. You need to stop this and get blood work asap.

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sounds normal, its what happens when ppl inject things without a clue of what they are doing.

    Hope your doctor not writing it on your medical history.
    Razvan likes this.

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well all I can really say is.AAS isn't a play toy it can and will mess you up.So you really need to know wat you are doing.Before you start a cycle.

  6. #6
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    This happens all the time... Just b/c your Dealer sells the juice does NOT mean he knows anything about hormones/or the potential side effects, and he gave you some wreckless advice, however it is wise that your here now, though it may be too late! I hope not for your sake... But you now know how and what to run(AI/HCG /DA) and know what to get b4 hand! I w

    Get BW taken to see where your E2 and prolactin kevels are as well as a full mske hormone panel(private md labs .com)w/LH & FSH

    Clarky laid it out out... And research research and research it's all at your fingertips!

    GL OP!
    Last edited by NACH3; 04-17-2015 at 05:55 PM.

  7. #7
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Educate before you medicate.......

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