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  1. #1
    Austex's Avatar
    Austex is offline Member
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    Blood Vessel Injection

    It is my understanding that when one injects an anabolic steroid , the steroid is "picked up" by surrounding blood vessels and thus transferred throughout the body. Now, if this is correct, my question is : Why would a person not want to inject an anabolic steroid directly into a blood vessel?

  2. #2
    POSH's Avatar
    POSH is offline Member
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    I have heard of people injecting water based steroids like suspension, I have also heard of people dying that way. I don't know how much of any of that is true. To my knowledge, most steroids are oil based and I don't think oil mixs too well with blood. Plus, unless you get you shit straight from the pharmacy for iv injection, I would not trust anything going in my veins. Save that for the smack. Using juice is dangerous enough. I would not even THINK about veins. If it were worth the risk, I think more people would do it. You don't want any steroid hitting your system that fast anyway. IMO iv steroids = death....period. But that is just my 2 cents.


  3. #3
    Austex's Avatar
    Austex is offline Member
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    Ok, just in case someone views this thread...After some thinking I think I answered my own question. AS are merely suspended in oil (or water). The AS, when injected properly into muscle tissue, is "suspended" by the oil in the muscle, where veins pick up the AS (I'm not sure what this process is called). Now, if one were to inject an AS suspended in oil directly into a major blood vessel, sure your body is still getting the AS...but you are also sending the oil directly through your blood stream (i.e. your heart) which in turn can clog or thin arteries. This can and will cause high blood pressure and possibly death.

  4. #4
    nevaenuf's Avatar
    nevaenuf is offline Senior Member
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    thanks for wasting my time reading this long ass thread. j/k

  5. #5
    CanadianTemple is offline Junior Member
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    If you inject something into a vein or artery it only take a matter of seconds before it is spread throught your entire body including your BRAIN!! NEVER NEVER inject anything in a blood vessel!! (unless you are a doctor!!)

  6. #6
    Anxietykilla's Avatar
    Anxietykilla is offline New Member
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    In the mind
    or unless your a

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