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  1. #1
    ironwill2 is offline New Member
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    propionate question

    a friend is going to use prop a the begining of his cycle is prop used alone a painful injection.

  2. #2
    GetLarge40 is offline New Member
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    Using only prop may be a painful cycle due to the fact you have to inject it more often because of how quickly its life runs out, i would do it mwf but my suggestion to you would be to stack it with whinny to get your best results.

  3. #3
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Do not inject Prop M/W/F, you will greatly increase chances of estrogenic sides from dips in blood levels. EOD at the least, ED would be optimal. The pain is coming from BA in the compound, not from injection frequency and it usually reduces from injection to injection.

  4. #4
    BigLarry is offline Associate Member
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    Agreed dont shoot 3 times a week. After like 4 shots my body got adjusted to it and the pain is not that bad. If you also do some fina with it that cycle is amazing. I'm on my 6th shot and it is bad ass.

  5. #5
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    i agree with pheedno.......

    also, some of the brands out there are less painful than others. virormones, if you can still find them, are virtually painless. ive also used prop from brovel which was pretty painless too.

    that being said, most hurt pretty good for a while, but like posted above, you get used to it, and it gets better the more its used.

    peace I4L

  6. #6
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    its not that bad !

  7. #7
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    If it is Viromone it is supposedly painless. Anything else and yes it is very painful. Tell him to go deep or the prop will stay near the surface and cause inflamation, swelling and extreme discomfort. I did my first injection in my right quad, didn't go in deep enough and limped for 15 days. The prop spread out across my lower quad under the fascia and closer to the nerves. Glutes aren't as bad. tris were OK, delt got real inflamed and quads hurt. Now everyone is different> I believe some people are more sensitive to the BA than others. I am doing ed injections for 12 weeks. The half life is 36 hours and you should inject daily for the most constant blood levels. You could inject eod but it's a larger dose and would hurt even more.

  8. #8
    Bigrotto is offline New Member
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    for whatever its worth:

    My first prop only shot hurt like hell. Felt like someone bent me over and slammed me in the left cheek with a sledge hammer. But by the 6th injection, my ass wasn't even slightly sore. Your body gets used to it/

    But either way, try to cut it with sometihng.

    Happy injecting

  9. #9
    BigLarry is offline Associate Member
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    If your using the QV Prop 100 mg. I'm currently using it and the shit is bad ass. But is has a high BA content which your body will get used to. I also got the steriod flu bad for like 3 days. I just back down thee doasage. But when it went away I back it up again to 100 mg. a day and 75 mg of tren a day. This cycle so far has been unbelievable. But for the first couple days I was considering selling my shit and trying something else cause of the pain and shit.

  10. #10
    King Samson's Avatar
    King Samson is offline Associate Member
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    6ft. away...but you can't
    Originally posted by markas214
    Tell him to go deep or the prop will stay near the surface and cause inflamation, swelling and extreme discomfort. I did my first injection in my right quad, didn't go in deep enough and limped for 15 days. The prop spread out across my lower quad under the fascia and closer to the nerves.
    Sounds more like you had an infection bro. Was it red and warm to the touch?

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