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Thread: soccer

  1. #1
    moirlad14 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014


    I've started to play soccer again so I'm doing a lot of running at fast and slow pace. but still want to train and build lean Muscle. which steroids should I use and which ones should I stay away from due to the amount of running I will be doing . I'm 5ft 10 89kg. 15% bf roughly

  2. #2
    uhit's Avatar
    uhit is offline Member
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    May 2014
    Eat back the calories you burn or think you burn and enter a 200-300 caloric surplus. (Could potentially look into a fitbit or something like so to help find the calories you burn)

    So eat at 3,000 week 1 see how weight changes, and adjust accordingly. Looking for about 0.2-0.5lb per week change.

    In terms of AAS supplementation, test alone would be fine. Could throw in an oral such as anavar /winny but you might get shin cramps/calf cramps/lower back cramps which is probably counter-productive.
    Comes down to calories in vs out at the end of the day as everything else when gaining/losing muscle/fat. The fact that you are playing soccer = cardio, thats all.

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