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  1. #1
    Poseidon5.0's Avatar
    Poseidon5.0 is offline New Member
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    May 2016

    Blast and cruise or cycle+pct

    can someone tell me a little more on blast/cruise. I understand that blast means high dosages and cruise means normal trt dose. My question is what would be better a 6month blast and cruise or a 4month cycle plus pct. of course hcg would be used during either cycle. Will blast/cruise cause for a person to be on trt for the rest of their life?

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    IMOP at 22 I dont recommend cycling.BUT if you were set on it.There is no reason for you to blast n cruise.

  3. #3
    Tearracodo is offline Junior Member
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    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by Poseidon5.0 View Post
    can someone tell me a little more on blast/cruise. I understand that blast means high dosages and cruise means normal trt dose. My question is what would be better a 6month blast and cruise or a 4month cycle plus pct. of course hcg would be used during either cycle. Will blast/cruise cause for a person to be on trt for the rest of their life?
    As songdog says at 22 blast and cruise probably isn't a viable option. Remember when your shutdown, fertility is gone, even on HRT hormones are a mess.

    Cycling is an option but you are young. Take a read: The young and Steroids

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