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  1. #1
    Cupid is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2016

    NPP vs. Test Only


    I need your thoughts on this. 2 cycle options

    1. 100mg Test P + 400mg NPP (weekly) or 150mg test p + 350mg NPP

    2. 500mg Test P (weekly)

    Please for a second assume all stats, routine, diet, AI, PCT, HCG etc are correctly in place.

    I'm on either I go test-only and stay on it, or I drop it temporarily and go low dose test + NPP.

    Will 100mg test p be enough to offset shutdown?
    Which cycle will yield greater lean mass gains?
    Which cycle will yield greater strength gains?
    Which cycle would have less water retention (again, assume AI and/or caber are being used) ?

  2. #2
    Cupid is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2016
    Oh...forgot to add, this will obviously be an 8 week cycle...and no, I'm not interested in longer esters at the moment.

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    What is your cycle history and stats?

  4. #4
    Cupid is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2016
    1 previous cycle.....12 week sustanon 500mg weekly with dex and HCG ....results were so-so due to not being as experienced with workout/diet as I am now.
    PCT went fine, everything bounced back to normal.

    I am about to turn 25.
    5'6, 172, 12% BF

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would run another test only cycle now that your training and diet are better. The nandaralone can be used for another cycle down the road

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Finasteride at 25? Seems you like to gamble with your dick ability.

    Would choose nr. 2, cause nandrolone is harsh compound to recover, it will shut you down from 1st shot.

    As for the questions about gains is very difficult to answer, everybody is different, if you are able to gain with test only it is a much safer option. Maybe add an oral if you unhappy with results.

    Have you done bloodwork after 1st cycle?

  7. #7
    Cupid is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2016
    I've been shedding since as soon as I turned 21, i went on finasteride. It slowed down the shedding....and fortunately the big man still works pre-cycle test was 484 which I know was kind of low to begin with. Post-cycle 470.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Cupid View Post

    I need your thoughts on this. 2 cycle options

    1. 100mg Test P + 400mg NPP (weekly) or 150mg test p + 350mg NPP

    2. 500mg Test P (weekly)

    Please for a second assume all stats, routine, diet, AI, PCT, HCG etc are correctly in place.

    I'm on either I go test-only and stay on it, or I drop it temporarily and go low dose test + NPP. Is this a question? If it is, just stay on Test only.

    Will 100mg test p be enough to offset shutdown? Yes
    Which cycle will yield greater lean mass gains? Both will yield lean mass gain. The lean mass gain is more predicated on your diet over the gear. Eat clean, train hard, and either cycle will put lean mass on you.
    Which cycle will yield greater strength gains? I would put my money on the Test + NPP. I've gotten stronger with that combo over straight Test.
    Which cycle would have less water retention (again, assume AI and/or caber are being used) ?
    I would think the Test only cycle would hold less water. NPP is a bulker and it does that by holding water. If you want to get bigger, you're gonna hold water. There's no way around it. The question is, how much water will you hold? This is determined by diet, training, and cardio.

  9. #9
    Cupid is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2016
    Ok, thank you guys. I'm gonna hold of on nandrolone for now.

    One more question thought. I was initially intending on running this 8 week bulk cycle in January, and if recovery goes well, an 8 week cut cycle around June which would be test p + var.
    If I were to add var for weeks 4-8 in this upcoming cycle at 40mg per day, would it have any additional benefits as far as lean mass or strength gains go? Would it have any other benefits at all? I will be +500 to 1000 calories over maintenance per day.

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