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Thread: Starting my cycle, what to expect, HCG

  1. #1
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2015

    Starting my cycle, what to expect, HCG

    Hello all,

    Reading and understanding the technicalities of a successful cycle won't explain, as much as first hand experience, what changes would be felt/expected. I've spent the last year or so researching it and planning it and reading up as much as I can on these forums and participating in others' questions, but I have a fear of the unknown settling here and I'd just like to know what I'm getting into before actually doing it. How do you guys feel? Physically and psychologically?

    What changes do you see happening in front of you in your day to day "cycle life"?

    As much as I can read and research it, I have no firsthand experience and therefore, technically, don't really know shit !

    Eh, the cycle will be 12 weeks Test E at 500-600 mg per week with the standard AI, HCG , then PCT protocols.

    A side question if you've read this far, I'm seeing mixed responses for HCG. some say to stay away , others say it is a necessity. What's the golden rule on this?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Ill give you these three...

    Good chance over the first three weeks you will feel under the weather. It is common and normal.

    After injecting and a big carb meal you will see some awesome muscle fullness that leads to positive feelings.

    Mentally two things...GET YOUR PIN DONE ON SCHEDULE and it is bettert to eat too much than eat too little. Don't get all hung up on the small shit. Pin and eat. That allows the lifting to improve you. People get so scatter brained and start worring if they drank 4.2 or 4.4L water that day.

    Pin, Eat, Lift

    Lifters did just fine for many years without HCG . You won't be missing out on the "pie in the sky" if you go without it. It is just another aid to help PCT recovery. Also remember PCT today is nothing like it was 15 years ago...and by the way people talk you would think everyone that cycled 15 years ago should be sterile lol.
    Last edited by Chicagotarsier; 05-01-2017 at 04:01 AM.
    MuscleScience likes this.

  3. #3
    fit_deskjocky's Avatar
    fit_deskjocky is offline Associate Member
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    Psychologically, the increase in test should provide you with increased aggression. It's useful in the gym if you can channel it. If you already experience anger issues, it will heighten them some. I found I was more impatient with the wife and kid, also reached a heightened level of I don't give a fuck and told people what I thought of them, which for the most part was well needed and overdue.

    I used HCG through the entire cycle and I feel like I would have experienced additional psychological issues if the boys kept shrinking. Mine would fluctuate down to about 80% in between injections, which scared me at times. I can't imagine how that would effect me if they didn't return to full size. I did HCG 2x a week for the entire cycle, I am unsure how they would react with the PCT blast that others do. I know a few of the guys in the gym who's junk doesn't even work anymore. No erections and their testicles atrophied. It's hard to say how many bodybuilders have the same issues. Some have kids, some don't.

  4. #4
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    That's my only worry really...physically I'm going to lead a better lifestyle...mentally I'm not so sure.

    Mentally I'm not always in the best place. I can get aggressive (although I'm not a fighter and have ever confronted a person) and stress about things due to where I'm at in life and the choices I need to make, in terms of going to graduate school, making money, girlfriend, etc. I just don't want to open up a can of worms and enhance the parts of my psyche that I'm trying to hold back. I'm at a point in my life where I'm trying very hard to enhance and showcase parts of my personality that I find favorable and really hold back the stress and occasional aggression and worrysome mindset. I get angry with myself for things and really give myself a hard time sometimes. It's nothing major but I've noticed it.

    I just want to be mentally prepared before I do anything. Do you guys think Test will make me more prone to slip up and express some of the emotions I'm trying to really hold back?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Hello all,

    Reading and understanding the technicalities of a successful cycle won't explain, as much as first hand experience, what changes would be felt/expected. I've spent the last year or so researching it and planning it and reading up as much as I can on these forums and participating in others' questions, but I have a fear of the unknown settling here and I'd just like to know what I'm getting into before actually doing it. How do you guys feel? Physically and psychologically?

    What changes do you see happening in front of you in your day to day "cycle life"?

    As much as I can read and research it, I have no firsthand experience and therefore, technically, don't really know shit !

    Eh, the cycle will be 12 weeks Test E at 500-600 mg per week with the standard AI, HCG , then PCT protocols.

    A side question if you've read this far, I'm seeing mixed responses for HCG. some say to stay away , others say it is a necessity. What's the golden rule on this?

    Thank you
    If this is your first cycle, you might experience an excess of facial and body oils secreted by the body. You will probably also experience some acne. I showered twice a day with anti-acne body wash. Neutrogena has a good anti-acne face wash and Walmart has a no name brand with the exact same ingredients. In about 4 weeks, you'll see some great gains and awesome strength gains. Have fun superman!

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