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Thread: Weird reaction to Clen (Female first cycle Clen + Var)

  1. #1
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    Weird reaction to Clen (Female first cycle Clen + Var)

    I posted this before but can't find the post :/ Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Anyways, I had a strange reaction to Clen a couple days ago. I'm stacking it with Var. Started on Var first for two weeks. First week was 5mg, second week went up to 10mg and am keeping it there for 8 weeks. Started Clen the third week at 20mcg and upped every day 20mcg. On day 4 at 80mcg I got a HORRIBLE migraine a little while after taking the Clen. It made me throw up multiple times. Threw up 6 or more times in a short amount of time. The migraine persisted for 10 hours. It was awful! Has this happened to anyone else?? The next day I felt fine and have continued my cycle but went back down to 60mcg. Kinda scared to go up more but was really hoping to get up to 120mcg before I cycle off the Clen.... Is this typical for a first timer? I haven't read about this as a side and I've been reading about it for a long time before deciding to try it.... thank you to anyone who responds lol

  2. #2
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    Personally hate clenbuterol, dont know how you guys can manage all the jittery, and trembling. Maybe if you are used to a lot of caffeine and other stimulants its easier to withstand...

    My advice is if you are not using it for a contest prep just drop it. Clen will activate your beta 2 adrenoceptors making your body spend more energy, if your objective is to build muscle it is not advised. All it does is help burn fat. I would concentrate on the anavar and build muscle. Of course if you are prepping its a complete different scenario....

  3. #3
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    Why are you tapering up 20mcg every day? The standard protocol is to up by 20mcg every week.

    Ive never heard of that happening tho and I know multiple people who jumped on 100mcg right off the bat.

  4. #4
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    I am not a fan of Clen due to the shakes and accelerated heart rate. It's over rated IMO.

    It's best for final contest prep!

    You may have gotten a bug but if you think it was the Clen, suggest taper off.

    eat clean! train hard! Stay hydrated!

  5. #5
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    I've never gotten migraines from clen.

    I've only had 3 migraines (after car accident). I threw up each time. They are that awful!

  6. #6
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    it maybe because of high blood pressure, dont take clen, just lower your cortisol level and you will be more than pleased

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Personally hate clenbuterol, dont know how you guys can manage all the jittery, and trembling. Maybe if you are used to a lot of caffeine and other stimulants its easier to withstand...

    My advice is if you are not using it for a contest prep just drop it. Clen will activate your beta 2 adrenoceptors making your body spend more energy, if your objective is to build muscle it is not advised. All it does is help burn fat. I would concentrate on the anavar and build muscle. Of course if you are prepping its a complete different scenario....
    Strangely, I haven't experienced much jitteriness that I was expecting from reading so much about it. I once tried a thermogenic that made it almost impossible to put my fake lashes on because my hands were shaking so bad hahaha but I just sweat a shit ton on Clen and my heart races off and on throughout the day. Only taking it to try to burn off the stubborn fat -___-

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    Why are you tapering up 20mcg every day? The standard protocol is to up by 20mcg every week.

    Ive never heard of that happening tho and I know multiple people who jumped on 100mcg right off the bat.
    I read a few cycles where it was recommended to up 20mcg every day and max out at 120mcg for two weeks and then go off for two weeks. I haven't raised it above 60mcg since I'm scared because it was so awful! :/

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    I've never gotten migraines from clen.

    I've only had 3 migraines (after car accident). I threw up each time. They are that awful!

    Migraines are the WORST!!! I get them really bad every couple months but this was the first time I threw up so much which is why i think it was the Clen but I don't know for sure what the hell made my body react the way it did that day. Bleh! Glad it hasn't happened again!!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by yesidont View Post
    it maybe because of high blood pressure, dont take clen, just lower your cortisol level and you will be more than pleased

    How do I do that? Sorry if that's a dumb question haha but I haven't read anything about how to lower cortisol levels... I'm still such a newbie

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post

    How do I do that? Sorry if that's a dumb question haha but I haven't read anything about how to lower cortisol levels... I'm still such a newbie
    Are you getting your 2 gallons a day of water? Are you getting 4g (4000 mg) of taurine daily? Are you replenishing electrolytes 2x as much as you did before clen?

    If you answer no to any one of these, fix them so you answer yes to all.

    Also 20mcg up daily is a cycle I've never heard.

    20mcg every 3 days and hold dose at2 weeks then off for 2 weeks

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    I've never gotten migraines from clen.

    I've only had 3 migraines (after car accident). I threw up each time. They are that awful!
    I get migraines with an Auora and its incredibly painful and debilitating at the same time.
    Something luckily I have never experienced with CLENBUTEROL. Mine seem to be more stress related.

  13. #13
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    I've never had a problem with water intake so that's not it and I started taking taurine before the Clen since I read up on it and I'm not sure about the electrolytes! I will need to track that!! Thank you!!!! I'll try to find the screenshot I took for the cycle I was trying to mimic. It was posted by a female either on this forum or another one. I've been creeping these forums for awhile haha
    Anyways, thanks again for the info!! I greatly appreciate any information/advice I can get!!

  14. #14
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    Clen is Satan's piss. I hate it worse than about anything. I'm thinking upping the dose daily is the main culprit, but you, like many of us, might just not be cut out for clen. I hate the half life on that garbage. Plus, there are many better thermogenics out there that is much better with less sides/risks. Yes, i do think there is great risk with clen.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    Clen is Satan's piss. I hate it worse than about anything. I'm thinking upping the dose daily is the main culprit, but you, like many of us, might just not be cut out for clen. I hate the half life on that garbage. Plus, there are many better thermogenics out there that is much better with less sides/risks. Yes, i do think there is great risk with clen.
    Fwiw, clen didn't do jack shit for me.

    I am much happier with the bronkaid Eva stack and 5mg cialis

    2 bronkaid (25 mg each of ephedrine) a d a 325 mg aspirin and a blueberry rockstar in the am, 5mg cialis at 4pm

    Great pumps and nice thermos effect energy and such.

    Only thing good about clen? I forced myself to stop smoking before I cycled it. So it stopped a 17 year $9 a day habit.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Fwiw, clen didn't do jack shit for me.

    I am much happier with the bronkaid Eva stack and 5mg cialis

    2 bronkaid (25 mg each of ephedrine) a d a 325 mg aspirin and a blueberry rockstar in the am, 5mg cialis at 4pm

    Great pumps and nice thermos effect energy and such.

    Only thing good about clen? I forced myself to stop smoking before I cycled it. So it stopped a 17 year $9 a day habit.
    I agree and the ECA is, in my opinion, much better. Still unsure of the safety in comparison to clen, but I don't think it's worse. I know albut is safer based on the half life alone. And it doesn't give the Parkinson's shakes. I'm allergic to it though, and its the only allergy I have! T3 is the superior of all thermogenics in my opinion and side effects are almost non-existent.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post

    I agree and the ECA is, in my opinion, much better. Still unsure of the safety in comparison to clen, but I don't think it's worse. I know albut is safer based on the half life alone. And it doesn't give the Parkinson's shakes. I'm allergic to it though, and its the only allergy I have! T3 is the superior of all thermogenics in my opinion and side effects are almost non-existent.
    But can't you fuck your thyroid up by taking T3

    What is the half life of clenbuterol and what is the half life of Albuterol could you please tell me more about this T3

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post
    Clen is Satan's piss. I hate it worse than about anything. I'm thinking upping the dose daily is the main culprit, but you, like many of us, might just not be cut out for clen. I hate the half life on that garbage. Plus, there are many better thermogenics out there that is much better with less sides/risks. Yes, i do think there is great risk with clen.
    I'm really debating getting off it since it doesn't seems to agree with me. Nausea and sleepiness are the worst and the slight headaches. Thankfully no more migraines but I'm so drained on it. No shakes thank goodness but I feel like I almost fall asleep while driving [emoji51] definitely going to try something else next time or soon!!

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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post
    I'm really debating getting off it since it doesn't seems to agree with me. Nausea and sleepiness are the worst and the slight headaches. Thankfully no more migraines but I'm so drained on it. No shakes thank goodness but I feel like I almost fall asleep while driving [emoji51] definitely going to try something else next time or soon!!

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    Just make sure you are looking out for you and your health first and foremost. If you feel you should come off, do so. We can recommend other options that at equally effective, if not moreso.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    But can't you fuck your thyroid up by taking T3

    What is the half life of clenbuterol and what is the half life of Albuterol could you please tell me more about this T3
    Absolutely not! It's a misconception for sure. While sure, there is some risk, I've got a true study showing that a patient was misdiagnosed and put on thyroid meds for over 30 years. When taken off, the thyroid bounced back unphased in weeks! It's one of the most resilient organs in our whole body.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    But can't you fuck your thyroid up by taking T3

    What is the half life of clenbuterol and what is the half life of Albuterol could you please tell me more about this T3
    Sorry couch. I missed the questions. The half life of albut is 4 hours I do believe. I'll check for sure. The half life on clen is 18 hours I think. I know the active life on clen is 32-36 hours, which is so long! So half of that.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post

    Also 20mcg up daily is a cycle I've never heard.

    20mcg every 3 days and hold dose at2 weeks then off for 2 weeks
    I've seen her protocol. Gradually tapper up week one. Max out at 100 -120 then tapper down week 3. 2 weeks off. Repeat.

  23. #23
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    OP. What's your stats? Height weight BF estimate? What's your goals?

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post
    I posted this before but can't find the post :/ Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Anyways, I had a strange reaction to Clen a couple days ago. I'm stacking it with Var. Started on Var first for two weeks. First week was 5mg, second week went up to 10mg and am keeping it there for 8 weeks. Started Clen the third week at 20mcg and upped every day 20mcg. On day 4 at 80mcg I got a HORRIBLE migraine a little while after taking the Clen. It made me throw up multiple times. Threw up 6 or more times in a short amount of time. The migraine persisted for 10 hours. It was awful! Has this happened to anyone else?? The next day I felt fine and have continued my cycle but went back down to 60mcg. Kinda scared to go up more but was really hoping to get up to 120mcg before I cycle off the Clen.... Is this typical for a first timer? I haven't read about this as a side and I've been reading about it for a long time before deciding to try it.... thank you to anyone who responds lol
    I have a love/hate relationship with Clen. Ran it many times and it's worked awesome. I no longer ramp up to 100mg+/ed and hold for two weeks and off for 2 weeks. I couldn't handle the shaking, sweating, insomnia, cramping, and general "I hate my life" feeling. What seems to work for me is to take 40mcg/ed in the AM and Keto in to PM before bed. Then I do moderate cardio three to four times a week. I said moderate, I don't mean go in a spin class and burn 1200 calories in an hour. I mean sit on a recumbent stationary bike and maintain your 80% of training heartrate for 20 minutes to 30 minutes. What you're trying to do is to increase your body metabolism just high enough to burn above and beyond your TDEE. Continue to hydrate during your workout. I maintain this routing for about 6 to 8 weeks. It takes longer to cut the fat but it's a lot less stressful to my body and my mind. I normally give myself 12 weeks to cut before a show. Rushing to lose fat is too uncomfortable. Good luck

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I have a love/hate relationship with Clen. Ran it many times and it's worked awesome. I no longer ramp up to 100mg+/ed and hold for two weeks and off for 2 weeks. I couldn't handle the shaking, sweating, insomnia, cramping, and general "I hate my life" feeling. What seems to work for me is to take 40mcg/ed in the AM and Keto in to PM before bed. Then I do moderate cardio three to four times a week. I said moderate, I don't mean go in a spin class and burn 1200 calories in an hour. I mean sit on a recumbent stationary bike and maintain your 80% of training heartrate for 20 minutes to 30 minutes. What you're trying to do is to increase your body metabolism just high enough to burn above and beyond your TDEE. Continue to hydrate during your workout. I maintain this routing for about 6 to 8 weeks. It takes longer to cut the fat but it's a lot less stressful to my body and my mind. I normally give myself 12 weeks to cut before a show. Rushing to lose fat is too uncomfortable. Good luck
    The only negative sides I'm experiencing from the clen is headaches, sweating like crazy and raised heart rate. I was terrified of the shakes and cramping I've read so much about but haven't had them, not even in the slightest. So strange! But I read taurine and bananas help with the cramping and shakes and I started eating a banana a day and using taurine 2 weeks before the clen. Not sure if that's why it's not happening for me or what's going on but it's sooooo weird to me nonetheless!

    Anyways, thank you so much for the info!!!!!!!

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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    OP. What's your stats? Height weight BF estimate? What's your goals?
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 130lbs
    Bf estimate is somewhere around 23-25% I guess based solely on picture of women's body fat percentages I found online lol

    My goal is to drop down to somewhere around 15% bf with a lot of strength and visible muscle. This probably sounds dumb but I can't wait til I can bench 135. I want to bench 225 ultimately but I know it's baby steps to get there!

    My biggest inspirations:

    CASS MARTIN [emoji7]

    Lauren Findley

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  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 130lbs
    Bf estimate is somewhere around 23-25% I guess based solely on picture of women's body fat percentages I found online lol

    My goal is to drop down to somewhere around 15% bf with a lot of strength and visible muscle. This probably sounds dumb but I can't wait til I can bench 135. I want to bench 225 ultimately but I know it's baby steps to get there!

    My biggest inspirations:

    CASS MARTIN [emoji7]

    Lauren Findley

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    Love goals!!!

    If you are truly at 25% bf, I'm interested in your diet / daily macros. Post up a sample day please. Thx.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Love goals!!!

    If you are truly at 25% bf, I'm interested in your diet / daily macros. Post up a sample day please. Thx.
    I'll have to log my stuff in MFP and see what the macros are. I basically eat the same thing everyday and sometimes play with seasonings. I used to strictly track my macros but haven't in awhile since I have such a routine with what I prep every week.

    Here is a typical day:

    7.5mg Var
    60mcg clen
    Milk thistle + creatine (capsules)
    Aminos + glutamine + taurine
    Quest bar
    Double scoop protein

    1/4 cup rice or 1/4 cup potatoes
    6-8 oz chicken
    1 - 1 1/2 cups broccoli or a mix of broccoli, carrots and cauliflower or zucchini and yellow squash

    7.5mg Var
    Pre workout + aminos
    4-5 eggs, 1/4 cup potatoes, hot sauce or salsa and sometimes avocado
    1 scoop protein

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  29. #29
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    Switch out Milk Thistle to NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) 1200mg/day while on cycle.

    Could you specify Aminos?


  30. #30
    Can you stear me in the right direct to buy Anavar? I am in the USA and finding a legitimate place here is crazy.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitmomveteran View Post
    Can you stear me in the right direct to buy Anavar? I am in the USA and finding a legitimate place here is crazy.
    I get mine from a local source and I don't think my friends source ships :/ sorry I couldn't be more help!

  32. #32
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    The Aminos I'm taking are Nutrithority Caramel Apple
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Amino-Factor-Caramel-Apple-Supplement-Facts.jpg 
Views:	708 
Size:	150.3 KB 
ID:	169419Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Caramel-Apple-Amino-Factor_500x500.jpg 
Views:	182 
Size:	47.0 KB 
ID:	169420

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post
    The Aminos I'm taking are Nutrithority Caramel Apple
    <img src=""/><img src=""/>
    I'd drop the splenda, and acesulfame potassium

    Terrible for the body and systems

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I'd drop the splenda, and acesulfame potassium

    Terrible for the body and systems
    Which aminos would you recommend?

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  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post

    Which aminos would you recommend?

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    Muscle feast makes a amino blend unflavored

    Muscle feast "anabolic competition"

    Or myprotien "321 bcaav

    Just I would avoid them artificial sweeteners if you really wanna lean out

    That shit causes insulin response, bloat, and sugar cravings.not to mention brain damage

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Muscle feast makes a amino blend unflavored

    Muscle feast "anabolic competition"

    Or myprotien "321 bcaav

    Just I would avoid them artificial sweeteners if you really wanna lean out

    That shit causes insulin response, bloat, and sugar cravings.not to mention brain damage
    Thank you so much! I'm about out of my aminos so I'll switch it to a new one soon!!

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  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post
    I'm really debating getting off it since it doesn't seems to agree with me. Nausea and sleepiness are the worst and the slight headaches. Thankfully no more migraines but I'm so drained on it. No shakes thank goodness but I feel like I almost fall asleep while driving [emoji51] definitely going to try something else next time or soon!!

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    I recommend u get off.

    For most ppl, it is a stimulant but for a very some percentage, it can cause the opposite effect. Lucky you NOT!

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    I recommend u get off.

    For most ppl, it is a stimulant but for a very some percentage, it can cause the opposite effect. Lucky you NOT!
    Ugh! I've been debating so much about it. I'd hate to waste it but at the same time, my training, sleep and over all metal well being is so off on it. Starting the knock off ECA stack tomorrow (primatene + caffeine) so I'm hoping to really be buzzing like a bee hahaha

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  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by KJ419 View Post
    Ugh! I've been debating so much about it. I'd hate to waste it but at the same time, my training, sleep and over all metal well being is so off on it. Starting the knock off ECA stack tomorrow (primatene + caffeine) so I'm hoping to really be buzzing like a bee hahaha

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    Highly suggest you not run ECA and clen. Actually I rather insist you not do both!!!!!

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Highly suggest you not run ECA and clen. Actually I rather insist you not do both!!!!!
    I'm off clen right now. Last dose was Sunday morning. I've read that some people run ECA the off weeks of clen or another fat burner and that ECA has less sides and is an appetite suppressant. Clen gave me the worst cravings. Almost worse than pregnancy cravings!!

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