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  1. #1
    keeef is offline New Member
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    Feb 2014

    3rd Cycle Advice

    I'm sitting here planning my third cycle (first was a mistake doing an oral only, second was basic test E 500mg/week for 10 weeks). Stats are 6'2 200lbs (unsure of bf % atm). I've been doing some research on the idea of short burst cycles, and I would love to get some feedback on one from anyone thats done them before. Currently thinking this:

    Test P 75mg/ED for 4 weeks
    Dbol 30mg/ED for 4 weeks
    And possibly a third compound consisting of either another oral, or perhaps Tren or NPP
    AI arimidex as needed, likely 1mg/day

    PCT would be same dosage of Nolva/Clomid but just for 2 weeks instead of 4.

    I like the idea of the short bursts due to the lesser impact on HPTA, and the fact that you seem to make the most quality gains during the middle end of your cycle, and then they drop off (thats what happened to me during my test E cycle).

    Looking forward to hearing any advice you guys got!

  2. #2
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by keeef
    I'm sitting here planning my third cycle (first was a mistake doing an oral only, second was basic test E 500mg/week for 10 weeks). Stats are 6'2 200lbs (unsure of bf % atm). I've been doing some research on the idea of short burst cycles, and I would love to get some feedback on one from anyone thats done them before. Currently thinking this: Test P 75mg/ED for 4 weeks Dbol 30mg/ED for 4 weeks And possibly a third compound consisting of either another oral, or perhaps Tren or NPP AI arimidex as needed, likely 1mg/day PCT would be same dosage of Nolva/Clomid but just for 2 weeks instead of 4. I like the idea of the short bursts due to the lesser impact on HPTA, and the fact that you seem to make the most quality gains during the middle end of your cycle, and then they drop off (thats what happened to me during my test E cycle). Looking forward to hearing any advice you guys got!
    You are only 19. Your HPTA is maturing and you are shutting it down by taking AAS. You are at your prime for natural test production. Please take the advice and wait.

    If you are going to cycle, which I highly disagree with, I will at least make some comments. You only want to add one compound ata time so that you know the sides that are associated with you and the compound. Adding 2 at the same time leads to the unknown. I recommend an AI of .25 EOD of arimidex .

  3. #3
    keeef is offline New Member
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    Feb 2014
    Hey Charger, not that it makes too much difference, I'm 22 years old. I have been thinking about waiting until 23, which is only a few months away, but I would still like to plan nonetheless.

    You think simply Test P and adding in Dbol would be better than adding in any other injectables?

  4. #4
    Mike A's Avatar
    Mike A is offline New Member
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    May 2017
    Why not wait until you are 25 or older? Can you maybe send a picture here, so we can see what your physique looks like. Maybe you should try to get more muscle mass and the think about cycling..

  5. #5
    keeef is offline New Member
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    Feb 2014
    Hey Mike, I guess the difficulty is that once you open the floodgates and you see the results it skews your vision a bit into thinking that its the best (or only way forward).

    I'll upload a photo in a minute so I can show you. I'm hoping to get to somewhere around 240, as I think that would be good for my height. Originally I thought 200lbs would be the point where I no longer look thin, but it doesn't seem to be the case!

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