Hi guys,

Without being prone to acne i discovered quickly that I was going to have some in this game.
This is my protocol to reduce acne by 95% and you need to start using it before you have your outbreak. Preferably 1 week into your cycle, presuming you use enanthate esters.

The products:
Any acne cream containing 5% or 10% benzylperoxide

What I did:
Shower every morning, apply both soaps(not at the same time) to your typical acne risk areas, in my case, shoulders and lower back.
After showering, apply the benzylperoxide cream and avoid direct sunlight and tanning.
Shower directly after training, or if it's your off day, shower before bed, and repeat the process.

The key here is consistency, two showers every day, just missing one day is enough to give you a significant setback, and starting the protocol before you have your outbreak is key. If your skin is prone to drying you might wanna prepare for that.

Hope this helps