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Thread: High levels of aggression

  1. #1
    NuthnButTest is offline New Member
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    High levels of aggression

    I wasn't going to talk about this or mention it but might want to get this off my chest. How do you deal with high aggression levels while on cycle. I don't want to make this sound like I have an issue or something but lets say if someone pushes you into a corner and you are ready to give them hell right there and there without thinking about your action. You normally wouldn't do that, but with higher level of aggression your tolerance for people just doesn't work anymore

  2. #2
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Asia but not Asian.
    Blood Pressure Check.
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    Quote Originally Posted by NuthnButTest View Post
    I wasn't going to talk about this or mention it but might want to get this off my chest. How do you deal with high aggression levels while on cycle. I don't want to make this sound like I have an issue or something but lets say if someone pushes you into a corner and you are ready to give them hell right there and there without thinking about your action. You normally wouldn't do that, but with higher level of aggression your tolerance for people just doesn't work anymore

    I really dont know of any aggression added on test.
    I also dont know what its like to be backed into a corner annd not unleash hell. At times I have had to chant to myself that I am to keep my hands to myself. Sometimes trenbolone can really speak to me and make me long for a reason to get pissed and let the dog walk. I just tell myself thats the tren talking, dont make an ass of yourself.
    I ripped a mans ass on tren who I later found out was in stage four cancer. He was dead a couple of months later. How would I or anyone feel knowing this? Hopefully that man didn't think about me as he lay dying.
    I learn by mistake mostly. I was an mean and angry before roids if anything they have calmed me down. We all can take past experiences and shame ourselves enough to think clearly under a rush.
    If someone screws up bad enough, they can either come away a better person or continue the same destructive path.
    Anger is a good thing when used properly. Convert emotion to will power and not violence unless violence is called for.

  4. #4
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    It's all in your head. And don't drink on cycle and run an AI.
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    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
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    I agree with MS and remember putting your hands on someone is a fast track to jail.Once you see something starting LEAVE!

  6. #6
    NuthnButTest is offline New Member
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    Lot of good thoughts on this topic

    Just want to say thanks, I let something come out of me today and now I'm sitting here trying to move on but I have been pushed into a corner and I feel that's what they wanted, some people want to keep poking you to see who you really are, sadly I couldn't control myself anymore and let my anger get the better of me. (nobody know I run gear, so they're poking the wrong person btw)

    Also, I don't drink at all and have no interest, but today the feels were a bit rough and I did think about buying something to drink to numb the pain, but good news is tomorrow is another day just need to work on myself and figure this out.

  7. #7
    guitarzan's Avatar
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    Tren really effects me this way. Generally it's easier to control after your first episode. Guess it takes that to sink in that you have the problem. I constantly tell myself, when I'm bout to be in a situation, keep your cool, don't wanna have to stop my cycle early!

  8. #8
    charger69's Avatar
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    As long as you are aware of it, you can control it. Tren is probably the worst. I have had people get aggressive with me and verbally offend me while on tren, and I just clammed up, didn't make any response, and moved away from the situation. Inside, I was tearing myself up because I wanted to respond.
    Felt pissed at myself because I just walked away at first, but it was probably the smartest thing that I have done. I wasnt going to accomplish anything from responding. The same week had someone get pissed at me driving and they started to follow me. Initial reaction was to stop and confront him, but I once again realized that Imwould not accomplish anything I let reason take over my judgement.
    I was actually proud of myself, because I refrained and could control my anger.
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  9. #9
    NuthnButTest is offline New Member
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    I think I understand why the high level of aggression and being pushed into a corner
    I haven't hit the gym in 3-4 days so my guess is that might have contributed
    I'm getting in a workout today anyway, so hoping I actually go to sleep this time instead of spending all night thinking abut why I did the things I did..

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    As long as you are aware of it, you can control it. Tren is probably the worst. I have had people get aggressive with me and verbally offend me while on tren, and I just clammed up, didn't make any response, and moved away from the situation. Inside, I was tearing myself up because I wanted to respond.
    Felt pissed at myself because I just walked away at first, but it was probably the smartest thing that I have done. I wasnt going to accomplish anything from responding. The same week had someone get pissed at me driving and they started to follow me. Initial reaction was to stop and confront him, but I once again realized that Imwould not accomplish anything I let reason take over my judgement.
    I was actually proud of myself, because I refrained and could control my anger.
    Yeah good job! Follow me driving and I wont let you get away. Good lord I have a problem I guess. Not that anyone would follow me. Just the way my vehicle and I come off, they would be sçared of waking up in my closet.
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  11. #11
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    First of all if ur on gear u should be big enough to where no one will fuck with u.. just sayin. But i have this problem on tren with my girl cuz she knows i can't really do anything so she will push my buttons and piss me the fuck off so I just get away till i calm down. Thats the best advice, if u find urself thinking u want to snap u need to leave asap just like everyone else says.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    First of all if ur on gear u should be big enough to where no one will fuck with u.. just sayin. But i have this problem on tren with my girl cuz she knows i can't really do anything so she will push my buttons and piss me the fuck off so I just get away till i calm down. Thats the best advice, if u find urself thinking u want to snap u need to leave asap just like everyone else says.
    This is situational dependant. I dont know how it is in the city but in the country the bigger you are at a bar the more likely you will get in a fight with a mouth that has liquid courage in his gut.
    Traffic is another place you never know who is gonna fuck with you because they cant always see you.
    Being bigger is not always an advantage in a fight. I have seen some very large individuals get chewed up by 200 lb guys that had the right mindset.

    Totally agree with the gtfo theory. Always best to leave. Jail sucks.
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  13. #13
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    Yea I forgot about the bar.. dudes always try to start shit when I used to drink lol and I have definitely seen big dudes get dropped by normal guys who can fight. I guess what I meant was In the General pubic most of the time if ur a big ass dude ppl don't fuck with u. That's the case for me anyway.
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  14. #14
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    And to OP I've been to jail a couple times bro and it sucks more than anything there is. Take away ur freedom and u lose everything. Including ur hard earned gains bro they feed u 1600 cals a day u get breakfast and dinner that's it. I lost basically ALL my gains in jail bro in like 5 weeks I lost 60lbs. It's not worth fighting some Jackass who's probably jelouse of u anywua.
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  15. #15
    JoeyToronto is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    And to OP I've been to jail a couple times bro and it sucks more than anything there is. Take away ur freedom and u lose everything. Including ur hard earned gains bro they feed u 1600 cals a day u get breakfast and dinner that's it. I lost basically ALL my gains in jail bro in like 5 weeks I lost 60lbs. It's not worth fighting some Jackass who's probably jelouse of u anywua.
    Well, simple logic is that if Tren or whatever makes you aggressive than stop taking it, is it worth getting into fights and taking something to grow muscles? Getting into trouble is not worth it, no one wins. Stay off the shit and take something that doesn't make you angry. Having a criminal record ruins your life, you can't travel to certain countries and you can't get a decent job. And you know what, smart people walk away from a situations of conflict, that is more admirable and manly than someone punching someone out, it shows you're a true man walking way from a conflict. It makes you look better and smarter than the person you're in conflict with. I've never been into fights, I either ignore assholes or just let them be a fuckhead and walk away, let them be that little tiny juvenile twit. Believe it or not. Fighting doesn't prove anything and it's red neck stupid behaviour.

    People think if you ignore, it makes you look like a sissy, it's the opposite. Stand tall, WALK AWAY. Because losers want you to fight, they want your reaction.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm blunt at times and do tell people off, but never into fist fights.
    Last edited by JoeyToronto; 07-15-2017 at 07:05 PM.

  16. #16
    geezuschrist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    This is situational dependant. I dont know how it is in the city but in the country the bigger you are at a bar the more likely you will get in a fight with a mouth that has liquid courage in his gut.
    Traffic is another place you never know who is gonna fuck with you because they cant always see you.
    Being bigger is not always an advantage in a fight. I have seen some very large individuals get chewed up by 200 lb guys that had the right mindset.

    Totally agree with the gtfo theory. Always best to leave. Jail sucks.
    This.. in the country it's like these damn people just want to fight the biggest guy. Saw my buddy who's 6'6" 290 beat the hell out of 3 guys trying to start a fight with him. They learned pretty quick they made the wrong choice.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    Blood Pressure Check.
    nusalt, potassium helps balance BP, i started using a small amount and my BP has returned to normal levels from being prehypertensive even before AAS. awesome stuff i can feel the difference.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeyToronto View Post
    Well, simple logic is that if Tren or whatever makes you aggressive than stop taking it, is it worth getting into fights and taking something to grow muscles? Getting into trouble is not worth it, no one wins. Stay off the shit and take something that doesn't make you angry. Having a criminal record ruins your life, you can't travel to certain countries and you can't get a decent job. And you know what, smart people walk away from a situations of conflict, that is more admirable and manly than someone punching someone out, it shows you're a true man walking way from a conflict. It makes you look better and smarter than the person you're in conflict with. I've never been into fights, I either ignore assholes or just let them be a fuckhead and walk away, let them be that little tiny juvenile twit. Believe it or not. Fighting doesn't prove anything and it's red neck stupid behaviour.

    People think if you ignore, it makes you look like a sissy, it's the opposite. Stand tall, WALK AWAY. Because losers want you to fight, they want your reaction.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm blunt at times and do tell people off, but never into fist fights.
    Dude it's the 18-19 yr old punks who think they're a fucking man already and have never had their ass kicked and they have all there pussy buddies with them that piss me off. They have a false sense of security cux theyve never had their ass beat. So this guy decided he was gunna stop his car when I was walking and I was pissed that day to beggijb with and he said u don't want any trouble homie, car full of his friends and his girl in the front seat and his kid in the back seat. I punched him thru the window it was open open knocked him ou cold. Got charged with battery and dc and endangering a child cuz the car start ed rolling into the rd. Fucking dude was such a punk
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  19. #19
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    Dude it's the 18-19 yr old punks who think they're a fucking man already and have never had their ass kicked and they have all there pussy buddies with them that piss me off. They have a false sense of security cux theyve never had their ass beat. So this guy decided he was gunna stop his car when I was walking and I was pissed that day to beggijb with and he said u don't want any trouble homie, car full of his friends and his girl in the front seat and his kid in the back seat. I punched him thru the window it was open open knocked him ou cold. Got charged with battery and dc and endangering a child cuz the car start ed rolling into the rd. Fucking dude was such a punk

    Maybe you shouldnt have hit the driver of a vehicle full of passengers, one being a child, and endagering them all.
    Some people are rude and immature, move on.

    The mature thing to do would have to say, 'you're absolutely right' and walk away.

    Nobody gets hurt. Nobody gets jailed. Swallow your pride

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    Maybe you shouldnt have hit the driver of a vehicle full of passengers, one being a child, and endagering them all.
    Some people are rude and immature, move on.

    The mature thing to do would have to say, 'you're absolutely right' and walk away.

    Nobody gets hurt. Nobody gets jailed. Swallow your pride
    Disagree, fully.
    Catch the fucker alone and teach him manners.
    At least out here in the sticks most men still have enough spine that if they run their mouth and you beat their ass they wont call the police or seek prosecution.
    If a man can talk big and bad, he can live up to it and not run to a prosector like a bitch when he finally gets what he asked for.
    Its sooo gd baby like to talk like a badass and get beat, then the poor guy that finally delivers the inevitable is charged with a felony simply for winning.
    15 years ago in my hometown you would get a $150 fine for fighting in the city limits and more than likely the prosecutor didn't really give a shit to pursue it unless one was a druggie.

    People have become vaginas with no character, dignity, or honor.
    I have had my ass beat by five men for dancing with the wrong girl, I would not wish prison on a single one of them. I had my chance to leave and I stood my ground and lost. Just part of life. At least when I lay down at night I dont have to question my manhood.

    All just my opinion and it is old school.
    This opinion was the majority not so long ago, don't know what happened to all the men.
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by GRexMoore View Post
    This.. in the country it's like these damn people just want to fight the biggest guy. Saw my buddy who's 6'6" 290 beat the hell out of 3 guys trying to start a fight with him. They learned pretty quick they made the wrong choice.
    I'll be honest, when I was younger and looking for a fight. I wasn't looking for the smallest bastard out there. I was looking for the big bastard for two reasons. 1. Most big dudes really never been in a fight in their lives because they are big. My thought was, as long as he doesn't get hands on me and I can go more than 30-60 seconds with him. He will gas then the ass whopping is on.

    2. You beat up a big bastard, as opposed to some dude your size, you because a two county legend. Off course sometimes the big bastard actually can handle himself and you picked the wrong fight. But again, you don't look like a bitch even if you get your ass whooped
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    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

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  22. #22
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    This subject of fighting irritates me.
    It does not take more of a man to walk away.

    It takes more of a man to settle his differences eyeball to eyeball and fist to fist. It used to taught to every boy coming of age, the rules of engagement for proper scrapping, without cheap shots or kicking a man while he is down and when you've won you have won.
    Feminized society turned that into, "if they swing first..." then it became what it is today, "violence is unnecessary!" "Just walk away!" "Bigger man, be him!"
    Nay, I have more respect for a man who can look me in the eye and win or lose and still look me in the eye afterward!
    I have made good friends this way!

    I walk away now because of priors but given the chance where it is my word against theirs, I will beat their ass and teach them the respect their father never did.
    Watch the movie "Mud" with matthew maconaghey.
    My redneck origins were very similar to the boys in that movie. We may not be the most evolved but we have honor to death.
    What kind of a man has never been in a fight?
    How can you know what kind of man you are without having been in a fight?
    Done now. Just had to spill it.
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  23. #23
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    I respect your point however, I didnt say violence is unnecessary. In a fighting situation, you best be a good fighter. Whether it is to protect the mrs, kids or anyone else. I would kill to protect some people.

    A little punk ass giving a some lip doesnt merrit a fight. We dont live in that world anymore.

    I was at a bbq last night wherr there was 2 guys taking the piss out of me because i was bigger than them. 'Fuck look at this dick, hes MASSIVEEE'.
    'Do you drive x car? Thats a fuckboi car. Are you a fuckboi?'

    I could have torn the spine from these little shits bodies. Why didnt i? Because its 'kids' being immature assholes and i wasnt particularly offended.
    Apparantly snowflakes feel the need to beat someones ass for saying you dont want no trouble homie.

    Walk away. Fight for protection only.

    Theres so many wastes of oxygen where i live. Id love to absolutley murder them. Save taxpayers money for when they get put in jail for stabbing and shooting each other.

    Theres no right or wrong answer. But we will be judged on our actions at the end of the tunnel. Stomping some kids ass for showing off in front of his friends isnt a gold star in my book.
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  24. #24
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    I agree with obs, at least in a small town like I'm from. You go around coward downing from jerks and it'll never end. Stomp there ass in the ground and never here from them again
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  25. #25
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    So do i somewhat. Theres a difference between preventing further conflict and initiating a fight to prove your mascunity to your burd
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    I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it.- Captian Woodrow Call

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    Halloween stop being a pussy u would've done the same thing dude the guy almost hit me in a McDonalds parking lot so I yelled fuck head and he decides bes gunna stop as he's about to pull out and roll the window down and say u Don want trouble? Hell no

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by NuthnButTest View Post
    I wasn't going to talk about this or mention it but might want to get this off my chest. How do you deal with high aggression levels while on cycle. I don't want to make this sound like I have an issue or something but lets say if someone pushes you into a corner and you are ready to give them hell right there and there without thinking about your action. You normally wouldn't do that, but with higher level of aggression your tolerance for people just doesn't work anymore

    Everything is a choice .Common sense is worth its weight in gold ten fold .
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    Keep obspowerstroke away from tren ! LOL

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  30. #30
    JoeyToronto is offline Junior Member
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    I have never got into a fight ONCE in my life, why? Because I don't bother with people, I keep to myself and do my thing. When I see two people fist fighting, I see to low life losers who have nothing better to do then prove who's stronger, when they're both idiots. Violence proves NOTHING. And YES, walking away from an idiot makes you look more of man, why? BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT STOOPING TO HIS LOW LEVEL. When someone goes low you go high.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Keep obspowerstroke away from tren ! LOL

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    I keep myself in a meditative state on tren. I also walk away.
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  32. #32
    JoeyToronto is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    This subject of fighting irritates me.
    It does not take more of a man to walk away.

    It takes more of a man to settle his differences eyeball to eyeball and fist to fist. It used to taught to every boy coming of age, the rules of engagement for proper scrapping, without cheap shots or kicking a man while he is down and when you've won you have won.
    Feminized society turned that into, "if they swing first..." then it became what it is today, "violence is unnecessary!" "Just walk away!" "Bigger man, be him!"
    Nay, I have more respect for a man who can look me in the eye and win or lose and still look me in the eye afterward!
    I have made good friends this way!

    I walk away now because of priors but given the chance where it is my word against theirs, I will beat their ass and teach them the respect their father never did.
    Watch the movie "Mud" with matthew maconaghey.
    My redneck origins were very similar to the boys in that movie. We may not be the most evolved but we have honor to death.
    What kind of a man has never been in a fight?
    How can you know what kind of man you are without having been in a fight?
    Done now. Just had to spill it.
    And when you do that, who's the loser here? YOU, because your sorry ass ends up in jail. And I'm sure when your sitting in that 3x5 shoebox of a cell you wish you never got yourself in trouble, unless jail is your thing.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeyToronto View Post
    And when you do that, who's the loser here? YOU, because your sorry ass ends up in jail. And I'm sure when your sitting in that 3x5 shoebox of a cell you wish you never got yourself in trouble, unless jail is your thing.
    Actually its not like that here. I try to never get in a fight. There are many less mouthy people in the country than city and like I said the majority of men here have enough honor that if they run their mouth and get their ass beat they wouldn't be able to hold their head high ever again if they sought prosecution.
    I have a brother that has turned more mouthy individuals into unconcious individuals than we have fingers and toes and never got a single assault charge. I walk away but dont want to. Given isolated circumstances I would never walk away.

    We disagree on this issue but I hold true to the way I was raised. I can smart ass a smart ass but once he gets all fluffed up like billy badass the talking is done.
    No person alive is unbeatable, I dont like big talkers.
    Walking away does not immediately make you the bigger person. In fact temperance can be a convinient guise for fear.
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    The gatlin' boys just laughed at him when he walked into the barroom
    One of them got up and met him halfway 'cross the floor
    When Tommy turned around they said, "Hey look, ol' yellow's leavin'"
    You coulda heard a pin drop when Tommy stopped and locked the door

    Twenty years of crawlin' was bottled up inside him
    He wasn't holdin' nothin' back, he let 'em have it all
    When Tommy left the barroom not a gatlin' boy was standin'
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  35. #35
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    He should've whooped their ass twenty years ago!
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  37. #37
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    I must admit that I've been a dick at times. Mostly when I was on Tren . I was just so uncomfortable with the sides, I seemed to irritate easily. Now that I look back, I just thank the people who just gave me room and was more of a man than me.
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  38. #38
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    Just for the record. I grew up years ago, now I keep my mouth shut and my options open. No sense in getting into the mix with anyone anymore. Actually there never was, very few times was it necessary to actually do more than just walk away.
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    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

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  39. #39
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    Where I'm from it's relatively easy to get stabbed or even shot. Too many ppl still believe they can rule the streets, but they end up in prison nonetheless.

    I'm won't be the one making them go to jail lol.
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  40. #40
    JoeyToronto is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Actually its not like that here. I try to never get in a fight. There are many less mouthy people in the country than city and like I said the majority of men here have enough honor that if they run their mouth and get their ass beat they wouldn't be able to hold their head high ever again if they sought prosecution.
    I have a brother that has turned more mouthy individuals into unconcious individuals than we have fingers and toes and never got a single assault charge. I walk away but dont want to. Given isolated circumstances I would never walk away.

    We disagree on this issue but I hold true to the way I was raised. I can smart ass a smart ass but once he gets all fluffed up like billy badass the talking is done.
    No person alive is unbeatable, I dont like big talkers.
    Walking away does not immediately make you the bigger person. In fact temperance can be a convinient guise for fear.
    How much Tren do you guys take that make you so angry? I replaced NPP with Tren 75mg EOD with Test Enth was at 500mg but I read it should be lowered because both compete for the same receptors, so nowI will just take 300mg Test Enth/week. Anyway, and not once of anger or rage taking Tren.

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