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Thread: Tren cycle

  1. #1
    csky is offline Junior Member
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    Tren cycle

    I plan on taking a tren cycle (no time soon but would like to gather information for the future)
    What supplements should I take with tren
    Test-e or test-c and anything else
    How often etc etc I want to get a thorough understanding before I begin this cycle incase so I know what I'm getting into

    Also would deca be better then tren for someone getting into powerlifting.

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  2. #2
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    At 22, your a long way from running tren . If you started cycling at 25 (the earliest you should) you would still wanna run 5 or 6 cycles first. Test only for a cycle or two. Throw in some dbol or anavar on third cycle, run deca third or fourth and so on.

    That being said, tren is powerful steroid , and has powerful sides. Test is the only aas you will need to run with it. You would also need a Ai, caber or prami, and a detox like nac. You wil probably also ending up needing Zantac, a sleeping aid, fish oil (to counter the high cholesterol) and possibly something to lower your bp.
    songdog likes this.

  3. #3
    csky is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    At 22, your a long way from running tren . If you started cycling at 25 (the earliest you should) you would still wanna run 5 or 6 cycles first. Test only for a cycle or two. Throw in some dbol or anavar on third cycle, run deca third or fourth and so on.

    That being said, tren is powerful steroid, and has powerful sides. Test is the only aas you will need to run with it. You would also need a Ai, caber or prami, and a detox like nac. You wil probably also ending up needing Zantac, a sleeping aid, fish oil (to counter the high cholesterol) and possibly something to lower your bp.
    Would rather only do it as a last resort but I want to compete and the guys there run it all so it would reduce 90% of people going natural from even placing at such an event

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  4. #4
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by csky View Post
    Would rather only do it as a last resort but I want to compete and the guys there run it all so it would reduce 90% of people going natural from even placing at such an event

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    If you want to compete you won't run tren right out of the gate. 500mg per wk of testosterone is all you need to grow as fast as your body can grow. Adding compounds will have no added benefit and when you actually could benefit from them you will have already developed a higher tolerance to them which will limit your potential.

    You start with test and when you get max potential from the 500mg wk hen the next cycle add dbol or winny maybe.
    Then the next cycle maybe bump the test up to 750mg per week with an oral. Then the next cycle add deca with the test and oral. Then the next cycle bump up the deca with test and an oral. Then the next cycle maybe think about tren.

    A human body can only gain a certain amount of muscle in a certain amount of time. Adding compounds will add problems with no benefit. You could slam tren and test and deca and anadrol and come out with the same gain as if you had only used 500mg of test only per week.

    Guys stack compounds because they have to to gain because their bodies have reached a point where they won't grow on less. You don't have that issue yet. You can gain 30 lbs of a properly executed test only cycle. The difference is you will still be able to get an erection when it is over and you wont have shrunken balls and manboobs.
    Throwing that many compounds into a virgin endocrine system will have very bad side effects that could be permanent. Cycling at all at you age is not advisable but if you do, please do test only.
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  5. #5
    csky is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    If you want to compete you won't run tren right out of the gate. 500mg per wk of testosterone is all you need to grow as fast as your body can grow. Adding compounds will have no added benefit and when you actually could benefit from them you will have already developed a higher tolerance to them which will limit your potential.

    You start with test and when you get max potential from the 500mg wk hen the next cycle add dbol or winny maybe.
    Then the next cycle maybe bump the test up to 750mg per week with an oral. Then the next cycle add deca with the test and oral. Then the next cycle bump up the deca with test and an oral. Then the next cycle maybe think about tren.

    A human body can only gain a certain amount of muscle in a certain amount of time. Adding compounds will add problems with no benefit. You could slam tren and test and deca and anadrol and come out with the same gain as if you had only used 500mg of test only per week.

    Guys stack compounds because they have to to gain because their bodies have reached a point where they won't grow on less. You don't have that issue yet. You can gain 30 lbs of a properly executed test only cycle. The difference is you will still be able to get an erection when it is over and you wont have shrunken balls and manboobs.
    Throwing that many compounds into a virgin endocrine system will have very bad side effects that could be permanent. Cycling at all at you age is not advisable but if you do, please do test only.
    This is what a friend of mine was telling me . He said stay with test cycles for a few years then maybe throw deca in there then maybe tren

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  6. #6
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by csky View Post
    This is what a friend of mine was telling me . He said stay with test cycles for a few years then maybe throw deca in there then maybe tren

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    Listen to the advice about tren. It is no joke.
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  7. #7
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by csky View Post
    This is what a friend of mine was telling me . He said stay with test cycles for a few years then maybe throw deca in there then maybe tren

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    If you are going to compete, you will need to have a bulk cycle and a cut cycle. You can take all of the AAS, but if your diet isn’t good then you will lose the gains..

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  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Read the Successful First Cycle thread at the top of this forum. If you do run the cycle follow it to the letter. Specifically get blood work as indicated as it's vitally important to establish baselines, especially for someone younger.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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