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  1. #1
    davekid1294 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2018

    First Cycle newb, may have a problem?

    Hey everybody, I started my first cycle a few weeks ago after religiously reading these forums for a few years.

    My stats before I started cycle-- 6'3'', 190 lbs 7% bf, 6 years of training

    So I'm running 500 mg test e per week, pinning Mondays & Thursdays. Two days ago did my 7th pin, so from the research I have done Im guessing things are gonna be getting awesome within the next week or two haha

    Possible issue I have right now is probably some paranoia. I noticed my nipples were bigger than they usually were, my chest has grown a lot even before starting cycle because I have been prioritizing it more within the past two months so I am nervous about gyno or maybe I just havent looked at my nipples in awhile and theyre bigger than I expected... lol

    So I guess my question is, do you think I could be getting gyno symptoms this early or am I just paranoid? No itchiness or lumps around nipples they just look a bit puffy. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Octaneforce's Avatar
    Octaneforce is offline Senior Member
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    Are you running an ai? Run a low dose of nolva daily to prevent gyno. 10mg ed is enough for most. Also dialing on your ai with adex or aromasin is vital.

  3. #3
    davekid1294 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2018
    Not currently running an ai. I know a lot of people do throughout the whole cycle but had a few experienced friends tell me to wait a few weeks in since I am just using Test E anyways. I have Aromasin 12.5mg/ml and Nolvadex 20 mg/ml both on hand

  4. #4
    SeņorSalvador is offline New Member
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    Judging by 90% of what I read. It’s important to run an AI from the beginning. That way your not just waiting for something to happen. You prevent negative side effects before hand. Now your feeling you may have side effects but haven’t ran any AI, so it’s completely possible maybe even likely. I’m running my first cycle now, 500mgs/week Test Cyp. Just took my sixth pin this morning. And running .25mg arimedex every Sunday and Wednesday. No issues so far.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    There seems to be two train of thought on running an AI on cycle. One says to wait until gyno symptoms and run nolvadex and/or arimadex or letro to combat the gyno. The second thought is to take an AI from the beginning of the cycle and prevent gyno. I subscribe to the second train of thought. Gyno is pre-cancerous and nothing to trifle with. If you have gyno, take .25mg every day and see if the gyno goes away in a few days. If not, increase the dose to .5mg every day. Why wait and freak out. Just run the Adex .25mg every other day and keep control of your E2.

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