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  1. #1
    Cleaner13's Avatar
    Cleaner13 is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2003

    is being too horny normal? and does it effect working out?

    ok I know this is going to sound like a stupid question
    but is there something wrong with my body physically that I am soo horny all the time? Ive never even started a cycle of roids yet, I am planning on startin one with sustanon 250 and primo depot (when I get the money)

    but I always see these questions on being so horny while on the juice etc, Im hornier then most human beings without that stuff

    heres basically my stats maybe someone can explain or maybe its my age or something


    20 years
    play lots of sports with friends and not organized
    my metabilism is rediculously fast, dont put on any fat regardless of how much I eat and I eat a ton
    I always have energy regardless of what time it is and I cant ever sleep because I am always wide awake
    not sure if any of this helps but its all I can offer at this time
    but my blood pressure is 90/60
    my sitting pulse is 46
    cholesterol was I think 125
    and as stated above Im always horny all the time, now i know alot of you are saying well "Im horny all the time too and what not" heres something to compare with, every girlfried Ive had we've had sex 5 times a day at the minimum and all the way up to 9 a day when we have time(and no I dont have that premature ejaculation and thats why I can do it so often but normally it takes atleast an hour each time)

    can anyone explain any of this? is it normal will it effect my workout on steroids , should I not have sex or something or what?

    thanks guys


  2. #2
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro, your YOUNG!!!! GOD, how I wish to be that young again. When I was your age, Shit, I was so horny, I'd be fucking anything that moved. (animals not included) What this is telling you is your still to young to do AS. Your body is on a rampage with your own TEST, why ruin a good thing? What is your diet like?

  3. #3
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Bro...... I'm 33 and I'm horned up all the time. The only time it will be a problem is if you couldn't finish your workout because you keep whacking off.

    Listen to buylongterm I would wait a little while before starting AS.

  4. #4
    TANK01's Avatar
    TANK01 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey wots the problem with being horny all the time ? It's one of the best features of Test !!!!!

  5. #5
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I'm soooo horney i have to tape "it" to my leg before working out.

  6. #6
    lilbull's Avatar
    lilbull is offline Associate Member
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    yeah, you're just young, and your natural test levels are high, I wouldn't start AS if I were you. Just Eat a lot of protein (for you about 2g/ lb of body weight) and lots of carbs (about 3-4g / lb of body weight). With the test that's in your body right now, that should be plenty.

  7. #7
    Cleaner13's Avatar
    Cleaner13 is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2003
    hey guys

    thanks alot

    you really think my own Test level is good for me now?

    a few other stupid questions
    how do I find out exactly what my test level is?
    and also I am not sure I would be able to find a source in a few years(just happen to find one this time) but say I bought the roids now, about how long can you keep them without them going bad?
    Im assuming it depends on what you get but a general consensus?



  8. #8
    topcat50 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2004
    Cleaner, Don't buy anything now . It will just make it more tempting for you to get started knowing you've got your cycle sitting there right in front of you .Save your money , the drugs will always be obtainable . Take the others suggestions and don't jump the gun .Eat like hell , get plenty of rest and train your ass off at the gym and you will see dramatic reults .

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