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Thread: what's going on

  1. #1
    3bigpipes is offline New Member
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    Dec 2002

    what's going on

    I'm approaching my 4th week of gh, and I allready see wicked results. I'm really thick all around, and I'm getting really cut. but nowadays when I wake up, my jaw is always soar, like if I was flexing it all night. and it happens during the day too

  2. #2
    FRANK WHITE's Avatar
    FRANK WHITE is offline Senior Member
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    On a beach in California

    How much are you taking? I just posted this on another thread about your weight determining how much you should take. I'm around 230 and needed to take 5I.U.'s per day according to the Lilly Humatrope chart. Also, what brand of GH are you on? I had no such occurances while I was on for two months.

  3. #3
    3bigpipes is offline New Member
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    Dec 2002
    I'm taking 4 iu's a day of serostim. I swear I allready see results. I'm alot thicker, and I do mean alot more. cause I do alot of cardio and it's almost impossible for me to put on weight cause I burn so many calories, but I've put on 15 pounds since I started, and I know its all musclew cause I'm alot stronger than I originally was. the only draw back is that I'[m losing my v shape as my obliques are getting too big on their own. asides from that, everything is good. actually its awesome. i love this stuff.

    except for the jaw thing. its always soar and I don't know why. and I don't want it to change the shape of my face...what to do?

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