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Thread: EQ + Gyno

  1. #1
    lcsniper is offline New Member
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    Question EQ + Gyno

    I am taking 400 mg a week of the TTokkyo Eq for 10 weeks. Is it possible to get gyno off this alone, and if so what can i do to prevent it. Thanks for any replies.

  2. #2
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    this is a search button question....yes you can get gyno, and you need some nolvadex

  3. #3
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Well, if you get gyno from EQ...I'd be VERY surprised...unless you are using close to a gram, you shouldn't worry too much. But be safe, although nolva won't do anything for progesterone gyno.

  4. #4
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    DECA vs. EQ

    Originally posted by PaPaPumP
    Well, if you get gyno from EQ...I'd be VERY surprised...unless you are using close to a gram, you shouldn't worry too much. But be safe, although nolva won't do anything for progesterone gyno.
    Do Deca and Eq work effectively the same. I have seen several posts where people prefer the use of Eq (Pureanger) vs. Deca. What is the board consensus on this??

  5. #5
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    I would take Eq of Deca anyday just because of the muscle quality you get. I have never had a problem with gyno off of Eq and I have taken in excess of 700-100mg per week

  6. #6
    hatchblack is offline Associate Member
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    Do you mean Eq over Deca . That is just suprising to me that you and some others get better quality muscle from it. I guess it is old gym folklore that ole vitamin D..E..C..and A is the shit. I know it is still good but Eq is definitely something to consider now.

  7. #7
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    God I love equipose its like mothers milk

  8. #8
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Shit, I know EQ will be incorporated somehow in my future cyc's. I don't have a fetish over it like PA , but i do like it a lot.

  9. #9
    MUSTANG_18 is offline Associate Member
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    The chances of you geting gyno from EQ are VERY small at best..It's is always good to have Nolvadex on hand just in case but I am willing to bet that you won't be needing it. There is a mod on another board that I also mod on and he has gone up to 1400mg/week of Eq with no problems. Eq will not cause progesterone gyno like Deca can. Where ever you go you will find people who prefer Deca over Eq and then you will find those who prefer Eq over Deca, it all depends on how a person reacts to a certain substance.


  10. #10
    MUSTANG_18 is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by GAINSEEKER

    Well stated bro ..... Good to see you on this board !!!
    Thanks bud! I love it here and there are some great members..I think I'll stay a while as long as I am welcome


  11. #11
    CYCLEON Guest
    well - M18 is certainly correct as to different peoples preferences - one thing I can say is that with EQ, especially if you are stacking with test - any gyno possibilities can be eliminated via nolva or liquidex/arimdex. A plus for EQ also is that it will make you quite hungry.

  12. #12
    RUSSIANBEAR is offline Member
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    Thumbs up

    A few articles a came across mentioned that EQ converts into estrogen at a high rate however i think thats bullshit. Since its mild androgenig steriod you should not have a problem. By the way i am on my 7 week at 500mg/week no problems so far.

  13. #13
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    What if you're stacking the EQ with Deca ?

    I have a cycle planned for Feb.

    wks 1-10 Deca at 400mg/wk
    EQ at 500mg/wk
    wks 5-10Winny at 50mgs/day
    clomid at the end.....But wasn't planning on getting Nolva....should I reconsider having some on hand?


  14. #14
    RUSSIANBEAR is offline Member
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    From what i've learned on this board and other articles in the past EQ and Deca hit the same receptors. So run Deca and Winny together if you want to eliminate progesterone sides. Just make sure you start winny before deca even thoughwith the amonut of Deca you are taking is kinda low. Run deca around 500-600/week with 50 mg of winny every other day.

  15. #15
    RUSSIANBEAR is offline Member
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    Save EQ and run it with some test or d-ball "winny" for a cutting cycle. With EQ at 500 i think youll be fine but if you stack it just have some nolvadex incase something was to happen. If you are still considering running the cycle you posted get some Nolva.

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